192 – The Guide’s Guide – Longer Messages

Longer Messages

This series of blogs, The Guide’s Guide, is intended to help and educate people about spirit guides. I work to answer the most common questions and give tips on what to do, and not do. In these blogs, I will also discuss many personal experiences in the hope that you may be able to connect with them. In this entry, we’ll discuss longer type messages that are still short, but not on a tape loop type scenario, as discussed in the previous entry.

Longer messages are a little different to the short ones that appear to be on a tape loop.

Sometimes, along with the short ones, you may get another type of short or even longer message.

The difference here is that they aren’t on repeat.

They may come across as someone giving a warning or a word of advice. It may also be encouragement or moral support. Sometimes it could be a comment on the current situation.

The difference between messages on a loop and these longer ones are that it will feel like a friend, acquaintance, or even a stranger, making a comment while looking in on you.

You’re Almost There

Personally, I would get such messages during times of great trauma, stress, or loneliness.

During the early to mid 1990s, I would often get these types of messages.

In those years, I felt as though I was just marking time. Every day felt much the same, and I experienced this profound sense of being alone.

Quite frequently, I would hear in my thoughts the words: “You’re almost there,” and “Soon!”

What they meant was not clarified. Part of me wondered if I was making it up in my thoughts.

As far as I was aware, I wasn’t on any specific path. I was always working to increase my knowledge and at that point of time, I was studying Taoism and trying to memorize all the wisdom that was contained within.

I had a vague notion that, by the year 2000, I would have reached some spiritual epiphany, and somehow, my powers would have grown to a point where my life would be different.

That seemed a long way off, though.

Dark Night of the Soul

My fear was that nothing would change. That I would be alone and feel lonely for my entire life. I was in my late 20s and it bothered me that I had not entered into any relationships at all. Something felt off and I agonized about it every day.

The words “You’re almost there,” along with “Soon,” did have a sense of reassurance.

It was a promise that something would change. That it would not be forever (though, as a friend pointed out many years later, “Soon” could mean years to a Guide).

For me, it was years. Things did not begin to shift till 1994. I went through a Dark Night of the Soul. A process where I had to let go of what I thought I wanted and embrace a new belief system that suited me better.

I would also get the messages: We’ve been watching you and we know who you are. We know your pain.

This would occur every so often. Normally, when I was out shopping and feeling melancholy.

Not So Reassuring

Even though I stated that these messages did have a sense of being reassuring, I should point out that this was only on an energetic / psychic level. In real life, even though they were meant to be reassuring to me, they really were not.

This was because I did not believe that I had Guides. Nor did I believe that I was on any amazing journey or path (save for the ones in my mind travels).

It was fantasy versus reality. The real world versus my desired world.

Even though I had studied much on the esoteric and on different philosophies, I was never convinced that any of it was true.

Also, those messages never indicated what was “nearly there.”


In relative terms, a few years isn’t all that long. From my Guides’ perspective, it was “soon.” From mine, it just seemed to take forever.

When I did get to that point (which I called my period of transformation), it all came like a tsunami. One that has continued, on and off, to this day.

If I had known then what I now know, all my emotions and fears would have vanished. At the same time, it would have made what I was out to achieve (winning the deal I had made) invalid.

My guides could only give me so much information and evidence. I should point out that, even with everything that eventually happened, it took me a long time to accept it as real.

At that time, I was sceptical and I also did not wish to put my faith in something, only to not have it come true, and be disappointed.

I had a basic understanding on how things worked. I just didn’t believe any of it. The messages, though well intended, were not helpful at the time.

The Fine

Another example of a longer message occurred in 2018. 

I had agreed to meet up with a friend and give her a healing session. I parked in a supermarket carpark where the space had a one hour limit.

 The session took around two hours. When I returned, I found a parking ticket on my windscreen.

Personally, I found this ridiculous. There were plenty of spaces around and it was not street parking. Did this area not want my business?

Also, I couldn’t sure if it wasn’t a scam. There had been reports of such things.

I decided to wait and see if I got an official notice.

I did. It also had an additional penalty for not paying in time. The fine was around one hundred dollars.

I was annoyed. I knew I could choose to fight this but was in two minds whether I should or not.

Just Pay It

My Guides then interjected into my mind and said I should just pay it.

After all, I knew that there was a one-hour parking limit, and I knew I had gone over it. Even if I wasn’t expecting the fines to be enforced in an off-street parking area, I had made an agreement by parking where I parked. They also said that they would make sure I got the money back.

I couldn’t argue with their logic. I immediately paid the fine and just trusted it would be taken care of.

The next day, I was with a family member, and for no apparent reason, he said: “Here, have an extra one hundred dollars.”

I had to say, I was impressed. Not surprised. Just impressed.

In Conclusion

I can’t speak for other people’s Guides, but in my own experience, I cannot recall an incident where I was given information that would be considered harmful to me.

It’s true that I was given knowledge that, according to my understanding of things at the time, was layered and incomplete, but in context, it still made sense.

Generally, my Guides appear to have my best interest at heart and will often stop me from doing something against my interest by saying: “But where’s the gain?” 

If you can receive such messages, it’s worth taking note of them.

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