Glossary of Terms

Glossary Of Terms

The following is a brief description of terms you may have come across in this blog but are unfamiliar with.

3D – The Third Dimension. Generally, what we call the physical reality.

4D – The Forth Dimension. Generally known as time. It’s what one passes through to get from the “Eternal Now” to the illusion of sequential time.

5D – The fifth dimension. Rules of physics are different there and Lightbodies / Souls, are the norm.


Akashic Records – A place in the Astral Levels where records are kept of all that has occurred.

Aliens – Beings from another star system. They exist on the astral planes. Technically, all Starseeds would be considered aliens. Contrary to popular belief, they do not travel in the 3D. They do their travelling in the Astral Levels and move to the 3D levels when they need to.

Angelics – See Angels

Angels – Helpers that work for Source. (What many would call God.)

Angels (Fallen) – Angels that have chosen Free Will. Many Fallen may be classed as demonic, despite their radiant light.

Apep – Known as the god of Chaos and enemy of the god RA. Seems to be able to shift between dragon, serpent and humanoid form. I speculate he may be the Angelic, Lucifer.

Astral – Anything that is on a different vibrational level and is not physical or measurable.

Astral Assassins – Astral hit men who are hired to take out Lightbodies on the Astral Levels.

Astral Corridors – A hidden part of the Astral that Beings can hide in and observe.

Astral Parasites – Leech or spider like beings that feed off the energy of Lightbodies.

Astral Spiders – Spider like beings that tend to seed eggs in a Lightbody, in order to breed. Similar to an Astral Parasite.

Astral Travel – The ability to lead your body and travel into the Astral Realm. This comes much easier for Walk-Ins than fully incarnated beings.

Atlantis – A place that was built on the ley-lines of The Earth. Crystals and Sacred Geometry were some of the main tools that were used there.

Attunement – The Process of adjusting to something so you can either use it, or become part of it.

Avatar – An aspect of the Soul’s Higher-Self. There can be more than one for the same being, at the same time.


Bach Flower Remedies – A healing system, created by Doctor Edward Bach, that works on a vibrational level. Very effective if you know what you are doing. Otherwise, they may not produce any results.

Balance – The harmony between dark and light, good and evil. It is the flow, rather than all things in equal measure.

Beings – Generic name for entities, demonics, spirits, Souls, Lightbodies, etc.

Belief System – A collection of beliefs about yourself, and how the world relates to you.

Binds – Energetic ropelike strands that are designed to enslave or control beings on a soul or Astral Level.

Book of Revelations – The last book of The Bible. Said to describe the events of The End of Days / End Times.

Bounty (Astral Levels) – The price on the head of a Being that one will be paid if they should manage to capture or kill it. 

Brokers –  Someone who acts as a go-between for two parties.

Buddha – (Also known as Siddhattha Gotama or Siddhārtha Gautamaor Buddha Shakyamuni.) The founder of Buddhism.


Centraa – See Centraal

Centraal –  A place that exists outside of time and dimension. It connects to all Realms.

Central Bounty Authority – A central body where bounties can be submitted.

Chakras – Energy Centers that are gateways. They regulate how much energy flows through to certain parts of our Lightbody.

Chaos – One of the elemental forces of reality. It is an agent of change and growth.

Chaos Energy – See Chaos

Chaos Stone – A silvery marble that contains pure Chaos Energy.

Collective Consciousness – The energy that all Beings connect to in a shared experience.

Corruption – A black, wispy, tendril like force that corrupts what it touches.

Councils – A collective of beings who oversee and pass judgement on their mandated area.

Creator – One that creates something. In the Astral Levels, the Being who creates an artefact, is known as a Creator.

Curse – An intentional spell or energy that is directed to harm someone.


Dakini – Known as spirit-dancers. They make excellent guides due to their ability to plan, long-term, and protect.

Dark Night Of The Soul – A painful, emotional state of being, where one is holding onto beliefs that no longer serves them.

Demonics – A generic term to cover anything that is negative in nature.

Demons – Agents of Chaos and change. Considered to be evil, but they tend to be more like assholes.

Destiny – A path that you have chosen to experience. Where the lines of Fate have been created to ensure the outcome.

Double Speak – A way of lying. It’s saying one thing while meaning another.

Dragons – Serpent like beings that have wings and legs.

Dream Eaters – Astral Beings who claim to be able to eat the dreams of people.

Dream Walkers – Beings who can leave their bodies and enter another’s dream.


Ecclasia – The Mother of Angels

Elementals – Another name for “Thought Form.” (See Thought Forms.)

Empath – Someone who feels the emotions of others.

End of Days – The Cycle of Soul Harvesting and ascension.

End Times – See End of Days


Fae – Considered to be nature spirits, but they did not originate on earth. They came many thousand of years ago to experience what life on the 3D had to offer. They are different to fairies, gnomes, sprites, who are a part of The Gaia’s Energy Matrix.

Fate – See Destiny

Fenrir – (Also called Fenrisúlfr) – A large and powerful wolf, generally connected to the Norse gods.

Free Will – The gift that allows us to manifest any experience we choose.


Gaia – The soul of this world. Also known as Mother Nature.

Gateway of Judgement – A gateway, that exists in the Astral Levels, where one passes through to be judged.

Geb – Known as god of the Earth and part of the Ennead (group of nine gods) of Heliopolis.

Goddess of the Sky – The Title of the goddess NUT. (Pronounced “noot” and not “nut”.)

gods – (lower “g” intentional). Originally a job title, but a few abused their position and believed they should rule and be worshiped.

Guides – Beings that give guidance during our life. Most work from the Astral Levels, though some do incarnate into human bodies.


Hanging Rock – A very large rock near the town of Woodend, Victoria, Australia. It has strange energy.

Heaven – A place in the Astral Levels were Angelics are said to reside. Despite popular belief, it’s not a place humans would want to end up in.

Hell – Areas in the Lower Astral Planes, were demonics reside, and Souls can end up trapped in for a time.

Hindu – (Hinduism) Now, connected to Indian religion and dharma, the Hindu gods were the original helpers of this world.

Hive Mind – A consciousness that controls all the avatars under its control. Avatars have no Free Will.

Horus – An avatar of the god Geb. Mostly connected to the Egyptian Pantheon.

Host – The human body that may have a Soul attached. Normally referred to, as such, by those trying to possess the body.


Illuminati – Claimed to be a secret organization. Most likely a chapter of The Triquerta.

Illusion – Something that is not real, but for the purposes of experiencing ourselves, is. Everything in the Realm of the Relative is an illusion, but the illusion is complete.

Incarnation – A specific life of a Soul.

Interdimensional Beings – See Aliens

Intuition – The feelings we receive when making decisions about something.

ISIS – Mostly associated with the Egyptian gods, she was the daughter of the goddess NUT and god RA. (Not Geb, as mythology claims.)


Justice – A manmade concept where one is made to pay for crimes and wrong doings.


Karma – The process of our intentions manifesting as thoughts, then returning to us, and producing the results, based on the energy that created them.

Karmic Soul Ties – Energy ties that bind and draw Souls to each other.


Legion – A hive mind of demonics and / or fallen Angelics.

Lemuria – Based on a water planet called Lemuria, the Merfolk created it, after they left Atlantis and wanted a place of their own.

Lightbodies – See Lightbody

Lightbody – The form we take in the 5D. Generally a representation of one’s soul.

Lightworkers – People who claim to help others. Normally they consider the dark a threat. (Which is like stating day is good and night is bad.)

Lilith – Known as the Mother of all Succubi. She was said to be the first wife of Adam, in the Garden of Eden.

Lucifer – A Fallen Angel. Said to be The Devil.

Lyran – Cat Souls who have taken on human form.


Mandela Effect (The) – The name given to a phenomenon where our memories don’t match the history of the current timeline.

Manifesting – The ability to create something from energy.

Marks – Energetic marks that are based on sacred geometry. Generally used to keep track of beings, or to send a message that the markers have been around. (Famous example is The Mark of The Beast.)

Mars – Known as the god of War. Generally associated with the Roman gods.

Master You – The main You, where your focus is, and experiences go to.

Merfolks – Beings from a water planet named Lemuria. They exists on the Higher Astral Levels, though often take human form. (Sans the fish tail.)

Mind Travel – The ability to send an avatar of oneself to the astral, and interact with it, as though it is acting on your behalf. Often dismissed as fantasy or an active imagination.

Mind’s Eye – The ability to see and feel images through your Third Eye.

Mother Nature – See Gaia


Nature Spirits – Beings that are part of the matrix that look after nature. They interact mostly in the Astral Levels. They are children of The Gaia. This would cover terms such as fairies, gnomes, leprechauns, and so on.

Nephthys – Known as the goddess of The Air. Daughter of the god Geb and goddess NUT.

Neptune (also known as Poseidon) – Known as a god of the sea. Was said to be one of those in charge of Atlantis, and later, Lemuria.

Nicole (Not her real name.)– A spirit that was bound to earth for many thousands of years. She appears to have associations with Lilith and is a goddess in her own right. She uses her incarnated soul mate to talk to people.

Nobodies – Hooded and cloaked Beings that have no body. Also known as the Shapeless.

Nut – Known as The goddess of The Sky. Twin Soul to the god Geb and his ex-wife.


Oath – A promise to fulfil a service or objective. 

OBE – (Out of Body Experiences) See Astral Travel

Omen – The name a demonic chose to call himself. He was bound to bodies for many thousands of years.

Osiris – Known as god of The Underworld. Son of the god Geb and goddess NUT.

Otherkin – A non-human soul in a human body.

Out of Body Experiences – See OBE and Astral Travel.


Pact – A promise between two or more Beings where each swears to fulfil a set of conditions.

Past Lives – The previous lives that a Soul experienced in another body.

Phoenix – A Being made of fire. Said to build a pyre when it senses death approaching. Fire will consume it, and from the ashes, it will arise anew, more powerful and beautiful than before.  Often used as a symbol for resurrection.

Phoenix Energy – The energy of life and rebirth. The Christ Energy is a manifestation of Phoenix Energy.

Phoenix Source – The Source of all things Phoenix.

Portals – Gateways that allow travel from one dimension to another. They can allow entry from the Astral Levels to the 3D Levels.

Poseidon – See Neptune.

Prayers – The process of sending out thoughts, with intention, to receive something in return.

Promises – An agreement made from one Being to another to fulfil an objective at some point.

Psychic Attack – A spiritual type of attack that targets our weakest links. This is opposed to a physical attack. Psychic Attacks can come from a human or from the Astral Levels. Very common tool for blocking or removing those deemed undesirable.

Psychic Energy – The resource that we use when using psychic abilities.


Realm of the Absolute – A place where The Source of all that is, resides. All is one and love is all there is. It’s what many would call “God”.

Realm of the Relative – A place where everything exists in a relative form. Everything will have its polar opposites. This allows us to experience who we are by choosing and manifesting whatever we desire.

Rebirth – See Resurrection.

Reincarnation – The process of a Soul being born to a body after their first life.

Resurrection – The healing of a Lightbody that may have been damaged during it’s time in the 3D and 5D.


Sacred Geometry – A mathematically precise method of creating artefacts of power.

Seals – Energy Symbols that are used to regulate the amount of power something is allowed to have. They can also be used to keep something shut or contained.

Sekhmet – Part of the triple goddess Bast / Hathor / Sekhmet. (Known to us as the Lion goddess betrayer.)

Set – The name that Seth was known as after his rebirth.

Seth – Known as the god of Chaos (among other Titles). Was a Being that was rebirthed by the god Geb.

Skeins – What are called the lines of Fate.

Soul Bond – When two or more Souls create an energy tie between them. This keeps them coming back to each other until it is dissolved.

Soul Bound – When creating an object or artefact in the Astral Levels, the Creator imparts some of its energy into it. The object becomes Soul Bound to the Creator and cannot be stolen or taken without permission.

Soul Calls – A call for help from one soul to another. The answering Being is qualified to help.

Soul Child – The Soul of one that wishes to be born to someone.

Soul Children – The children of a Soul.  (e.g.: Nephthys, Seth, Horus and Osiris are the soul children of Geb.)

Soul Contracts – Contracts that are made on an energetic and soul level. They are generally unbreakable, but do have strict rules to them.

Soul Deals – A more informal agreement between two or more parties of Souls. Can be enforced but is not as binding if you find loopholes.

Soul Group – A group of Souls that belong to a common energy.

Soul Locked – The method of using one’s energy to prevent something from being unlocked or removed. 

Soul Tags – A method of laying claim to something, and making it Soul Bound to the claimer.

Soulless – A human body that does not have a soul. It becomes part of a hive mind. You can tell a Soulless by its empty looking eyes.

Souls – Aspects and Avatars of Source. There is only one Soul. It’s just split into countless aspects.

Source – All that was, is, and ever will be. What some term as God.

Sources – Archetype Avatars of energies that are borne from Source Itself.

Spirit Guides – See Guides

Starseed – A being from another star system that has come to earth and incarnated into a human body.

Synchronicity – The process of “coincidences” that move one forward on their chosen path or mission.


The 12 – See The Twelve.

The Annunaki – Fallen Angels who have chosen to enslave, dominate or destroy in the name of their “God”. The Annunaki see everyone who is not angelic as inferior to them.

The Dark Council – A Collective of Beings whose purpose was to fulfill any desire or wish, but at a great price of soul servitude.

The Fates – The Triple goddess. The Maiden, Mother and Crone. They weave the lines of Fate. (See The Triquerta.)

The Galactic Federation – The Body of Beings that keep order in other Star Systems such as Orion.

The Great Experiment – The genetic modification on human bodies for the purpose of seeing how they would respond.

The Grid – An energy matrix that surrounds the planet and houses The Collective Consciousness.

The Nortia – Said to be the leader of The Triquerta.

The Phoenix Archives – The private hall of records that belong to The Phoenix Source. Similar to The Akashic Records.

The Shapeless – See Nobodies.

The Soul Trade – A trade where Souls are collected and traded between parties. Those who make Soul Deals with demonics, gods, or the like, generally end up as a commodity. Best avoided.

The Third Eye – Said to be activated by the Pineal Gland. The Third Eye Chakra is what tends to control its flow.

The Triquerta – The Triple goddesses of Fate. It’s really a complicated mass of deals and agreements with many other parties. The Fates have the power to sway things in their favor, which is why they became so powerful for a while.

The Twelve – A collection of gods, goddesses and Demon Lords who consider themselves the elite.

Thoth – Known as the god of Wisdom. To the gods, he is known as the mad scientist of the family.

Thought Form – A collection of thoughts that have taken on a sentience of their own.

Timelines – All things are happening “now”, but are separated into countless different timelines. The history of what happened depends on which Timelines you are attuned to and are currently in.

Title – Similar to a job. Title holders have certain responsibilities and often perks, and powers come along with them.

Toxic Energy – Psychic energy that is poisonous by nature. Too much of it can destroy the energy matrix.

Tri – A shorthand name for The Triquerta.

Triple Speak – A way of telling the truth without the truth being revealed. The listener will put their own interpretation on what is said, rather than understand they have been told the literal truth.


Underworld – The umbrella name for all the lower levels of the astral. Covers places such as Hell and Hades.


WalkIns – Souls that are not born into a body. They have chosen to circumvent the process of birth and will jump in and out of a body, as needed. Many Beings see this as a ‘cheat’.