196 – The Guide’s Guide – Hints and Tips.

Hints and Tips

This series of blogs, The Guide’s Guide, is intended to help and educate people about Spirit Guides. I work to answer the most common questions and give tips in what to do, and not do. In these blogs, I will also discuss many personal experiences in the hope that you may be able to connect with them. This entry will focus on hints and tips for dealing with your guides.

Not All Knowing

Having Guides is always of great benefit to us. But there are a few pitfalls and traps that may cause trouble for the unwary.

One of them being that Guides may not be all knowing or have the answers to everything.

There’s a perception that Spirits and Guides must know all. It doesn’t work like that. Not all information is accessible in this realm and certain beings may not like others poking around in what they consider to be sensitive information.

Spirit Guides must do their research in order to find answers and discover what is going on. They also might have to enter dangerous places or situations. Not all realms are safe and not all knowledge can be accessed.

Even for that information that is freely available, you will still need to know where to look and how to access it.

There have been many occasions where my Guides take quite a while to get back to me on information I’m seeking.


As with anything to do with the Astral levels and psychic work, there is always a real risk of a negative being or entity hi-jacking your connection.

Do not assume that if someone or something is talking to you, that they are friendly or have your best interest at heart.

I’ve seen many people get possessed that way.

A typical red flag is when they start with “Dearly beloved” or some similar type of fluff. The stuff those type of entities bleat on about, seem to ignore vital information on what is really happening. They can mislead people into a false sense of security.

Hi-jackers, unfortunately, are far too common.

Often, they will start off by giving good advice, or take on the form of someone who you would automatically trust. Children and loved ones are a typical example. Others pretend to be from organizations like The Galactic Federation. (I can tell you that many are certainly not.)

Eventually, they will gain your trust and before you know what is happening, they will get their hooks into your energies.

Never give them permission to use your body and never trust something that uses a Ouija Board.

Always Check Your Feelings

Always check your feelings and see if things resonate. If something feels off, it is off.

I repeat this advice ad-nauseum. I do this because it’s good advice. It is given by anyone who knows what they are doing. Entities will play on the ego and make them seem like they are special and the only source of information.

Good Guides will always tell you to not trust them, but to trust what you feel.

There are certainly many beings out there that love to mess with humans. They may also feed off their trauma or even create it.

They can be fiendishly difficult to remove once they get a stranglehold on the host.

So, I repeat. Check your feelings and trust when something doesn’t feel right.


Always set the intention that only those Spirits, which are for your highest good, may come through for you.

Create a shield of love, light and joy around you.

Do not use “white light.” White light is empty light. You may as well turn on the kitchen light for the same token.

The key is always filling light with colors that feel good to you and energies that bring comfort and harmony for you.

With practice, you can also start to sense which Guide is which. They will feel different. Their vibrations, tone of thought, and energy will become distinct.

Practice this. It will allow you to also detect fake Guides much easier.


I’ve seen many recommend using drugs of some type to increase psychic experiences.

I highly recommend against using any drugs, especially with the intent to connect to your Guides. I have observed so many being taken advantage of, by demonics, when doing this.

I’ve heard so many recommend such things as PeyoteMarijuana and the like, to enhance their psychic abilities, but I can promise you that this is only a crutch. It may work, but it will open your Soul up to horrible energies.

I know that many do not like to hear this.

I’m not saying do or do not take them. (If medical cannabis helps your pain, then who am I to judge.)

I am saying: Do not use drugs to access psychic abilities or the Astral realms.

This goes double for trying to access your Spirit Guides. It just makes it easier for something to hi-jack the connection.

It is better to develop those abilities over time with your own efforts. Eventually, you will be able to access them as needed, at will, and not compromise yourself when doing so.

Close The Connection

If you are channeling Guides or connecting to them, you might open a psychic channel to do so. This is normally through your Third Eye.

If you do this, for whatever reason, even with or without drugs, don’t forget to close it. Don’t leave the energy lines, portal, or whatever you have used, open.

Do not fall asleep either. You may wake up feeling ungrounded and horrible. You may also open yourself up to attacks on the Astral levels.

Always remember to close the session after you are done.

This entry on the Third Eye gives some details on how to do this.

Human Guides

Spirit Guides can also take on human form. I’ve had several, in my life, who have done that.

However, I’ve found that they don’t handle the 3D levels all that well. This is a hard place for their energies.

Should they be able to handle being here, you will find what they have to say well worth listening to.

Generally, though, Spirit Guides will just possess a soulless body when needed, if they need to deal with you directly. You may never know it, though.

Just Ask For A Sign

Spirit Guides can be extremely useful. If you get good ones, they can ensure that your life goes very smoothly.

Even though you might not hear them, odds are that you will most certainly have one.

They will make themselves known in other ways.

Just ask for a sign. You will usually get it pretty quickly.

Make the most of your Spirit Guides and so-called Guardian Angels. They can really help you through this quagmire we call life.

Next: Can you block your Spirit Guides from talking to you?

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