The Deal
As someone who is generally recognized as an incarnated god (for want of a better word), being human is not something I’m all that good at. This entry, I look at The Deal that allowed me to incarnate safely.
Not Well Liked
Humans, as a species, aren’t very well liked by other races.
I’ve lost count of the amount of times someone has told me how much they hate or detest them. Be it a ranting demonic that happens to come across my path, or a fallen angelic or what have you. There is a long list of beings who just don’t care much for Humanity.
Long time readers of this blog will know that there are humans and then there are otherkin. (Non-human souls in a human body.)
Generally, it is considered that they are no better than slaves or livestock. (Though to be fair, to Fallen, such as The Annunaki, all other beings are looked upon in that way.)
To me, humans are a frustrating species that refuses to look beyond themselves.
They appear to have a limited capacity for spiritual abilities.
They act as though they are alone in this reality when it comes to races that match or surpass them.
There is this bizarre perception that they own this World and its land, as though they created it.
They judge harshly, often based on the color of one’s skin, culture, or by how much money one has.
Humans believe they are at the top of the food chain, and that they are lord and master of all they survey.
They are not the only ones who do this, of course, as there are certainly other contenders for this type of thinking. (Such as The Annunaki, The Triquerta, and the gods.)
What makes humans a special kind of ignorant is that they appear to be incapable of acknowledging that any race outside of them exists, unlike the former mentioned parties, who know full well who is who.
Show a human this blog, and they will most likely laugh at it, dismiss it, or spend time ridiculing it on whatever platforms they enjoy using.
There aren’t a lot of parties that care for humans, or don’t look upon them as a parasite that should be harvested or eliminated.
Twisting Facts
I’m one of those who have long championed humans. Though, to be truthful, I’m not exactly sure why.
They have a talent for twisting words, rewriting history, and using knowledge in the exact wrong way it was intended for.
They also tend to turn on you, no matter what you’ve done to try helping them.
I’m not a great fan of this race, I have to say. Their inability to sort fact from fiction, myth from reality and their tendency to exploit in the name of freedom is just mind boggling to me.
Though I can’t substantiate the numbers, I estimate about one third the planet’s population are human Souls, one-third are otherkin, and the rest are bodies that have no Soul. (Generally referred to as Soulless.)
I had a few reasons to incarnate as human in this life.
In spite of the limitations of the body, it provides an amazing opportunity for the Soul’s growth.
By being human, I got to understand those limitations and how to overcome them.
There were a couple of other reasons why I chose to do so, though.
The human race is considered, by many, beyond redemption. Humans are seen to have little value and worth. If they are harvested or destroyed, it would not be considered much of a loss.
No more loss than how one would slaughter their livestock for food and materials at the end of their cycles. It’s just how things are and you’re not going to lose any sleep over it.
The risk of me incarnating into the human experience, with totally no memory of who I was, or any of my knowledge was too great.
It wouldn’t take much to track me down and either kill that body or worse, work out a way to trick me into a Soul Contract, trap, or bind me.
The Offer
To overcome this problem, I called various parties together to offer a deal.
I said that it was possible to overcome the limitation of being human and shift from the mindset that the body created to one of spiritual awareness and love.
Humans were considered irredeemable. It was my intention to prove otherwise.
I said that I would incarnate with no memory of who I was. All parties could throw everything they could at me and if I still managed to find my way back to myself, then not only would humans be given the chance to do the same, there would also be no interference with me helping them.
I would be allowed to guide and give them information on what would need to be done to grow and evolve.
The Potential Cost
If I lost, however, then they would basically own me. I risked enslavement on a Soul level.
There were some conditions, however, that were agreed upon.
I would not have to face financial hardships while growing up. The reasoning for this was that they didn’t want me to use that as an excuse for failing.
I would be allowed to set things up the same way humans did, including arranging my own Guides.
The other was that they could not just go kill my body. It would make the entire point of the exercise invalid.
I recount a fuller version of this story in my autobiography: I Am The Phoenix, but the intention was to prove to others that, when faced with the same issues humans faced, it was possible to evolve and become a valuable contributor to this planet. That one could stop being toxic and make a difference.
This deal, as you can imagine, was dangerous for me. My allies thought it was a dumb plan and those who were against me were certain I would lose. In fact, some parties guaranteed I would.
My foes didn’t care about me proving humans were redeemable. They just saw it as an opportunity to finally take me down.
It was mostly because of the god Seth, that I was able to come up with this plan.
His anger and contempt at me for not acting to prevent any of the current problems, and the fact he felt I had no right to give advice for humans, as I had never properly been one, gave me the perfect opportunity to fully incarnate as human.
Against The Odds
No one expected me to get very far.
Still, against all the odds, I did prevail. It wasn’t easy. In fact, it was a hard, painful, and lonely path.
It showed what could be achieved, though, and demonstrated that, no matter what, there is always a way to transcend the human condition.
It might not be in this lifetime, it might not be in the best conditions, but it can be done.
There Is Still A Choice
By winning the deal, I also won the opportunity to share what information I can, without interference.
It is true they still try to block me and hate me spoon feeding knowledge. Some things are considered sensitive information, but Soul Agreements are binding. They only harm themselves in the end by trying to do so.
Humans still have a choice. They can take responsibility for this World, their actions and the lives, and work, as a collective to make things better.
Or they can continue down this toxic path, blame everyone but themselves, and face a future that will be hellish in nature.
If you happen across this blog, this information… do take it seriously. Consider what it’s revealing. All signs point to that the End of Days cycle is now in process. I hope I’m wrong, but the evidence shows otherwise.
Just know, though, it doesn’t have to go down that way. There is still time to change our direction.
[…] The first few months of 1996 were especially intense in my life. Things were coming to a head in regard to a bet I had made. (Recounted in this entry.) […]
[…] would have vanished. At the same time, it would have made what I was out to achieve (winning the deal I had made) […]