174 – Being Human – The Deal


The Deal

As someone who is generally recognized as an incarnated god (for want of a better word), being human is not something I’m all that good at. This entry, I look at The Deal that allowed me to incarnate safely.

Not Well Liked

Humans, as a species, aren’t very well liked by other races.

I’ve lost count of the amount of times someone has told me how much they hate or detest them. Be it a ranting demonic that happens to come across my path, or a fallen angelic or what have you. There is a long list of beings who just don’t care much for Humanity.

Long time readers of this blog will know that there are humans and then there are otherkin. (Non-human souls in a human body.)

Generally, it is considered that they are no better than slaves or livestock. (Though to be fair, to Fallen, such as The Annunaki, all other beings are looked upon in that way.)

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