100 – The Universal Court


In December 2018, I was invited to join in what was referred to as a Universal Court session.

The idea was to try and negotiate for the freedom of one of the members of The Triquerta.

I met this person (I’ll call him Nate) back in 2013 and he became a reoccurring person in my life.

He had reached the point where he wanted his own freedom and the right to own his own body.

From time to time, one of the members of The Triquerta would take over the body. The being would then act belligerent, causing trouble for the family.

His partner was quite concerned about this. As one naturally would be, as it was also creating trouble for her children.

So, as a favor to Nate, myself along with a couple of others, agreed to be present to see if I could help negotiate for his freedom.

Unfortunately, I’ve not obtained permission to see if I can mention who was present for this meeting; though I did ask if I might mention the details and Nate agreed.

Accordingly, I can say that one of them was an entity who appeared to represent a collective that exists on a higher level.

We’ll call him K. He would take over the body of the one who was channeling him when he was talking.

I’ve seen channeling before, but this particular instance was complete and flawless.

To say that this meeting did not go the way I was expecting is an understatement.

I will try and summarize it very concisely, as it was around 90 minutes long.

Soul Agreements

Nate’s wife was discussing how it was affecting them. She offered to try and bring out whatever it was that would take Nate over from time to time.

Whether it was her or just the timing, it happened within a few minutes. Suddenly, another being was speaking through Nate.

K asked why the entity was messing with Nate. The being queried: Am I messing with Nate? Is that the allegation?

The being then demanded to know why he had been summoned before the Universal Court.

As it turned out, Nate had made Soul Agreements a long time ago and, as they had been fulfilled, had entered into a contract where he was obliged to accept the outcome.

As it went, it was the collective’s right to take over the body and use it as they saw fit. They also didn’t want anyone going rogue and revealing the inner working of their organization.

It quickly became more than just about Nate, though.  K stated that Earth was now in its Ascension cycle. That the time for a Soul / Energy harvest was approaching.

In the past, it appears that human Souls were taken, harvested, and then put back into the Energy Matrix.

It was the job of The Triquerta to tempt and make deals with humans.

However, The Triquerta are also trapped in a reality that they have been assigned to by other beings. Thus, they consider it their divine right to perform their current actions.

Psychic Nutrition

K said that human energy was very low in psychic nutrition, and it was not possible to feel satiated from this source.

Because of this, those in The Triquerta could never fully know their potential.

A deal was put to them for an alternate energy source. One that would be more sustaining and fulfilling.  

The Triquerta said they would consider the offer, though personally, my feelings are that they may not be interested at all.

Negotiations were entered, and Nate was appointed a Mediator for The Triquerta and the other parties.

The Resolution

Eventually, this situation was resolved when Ecclasia entered the picture and needled the Being that was possessing Nate by saying she was Angelic.

The Being went ballistic at her, stating that it hated Angels, and attacked her on the Astral Level.

What it didn’t know was that The Triquerta had a prohibition on attacking, or upsetting Ecclasia, because she was so dangerous. The last thing they wanted was for her to reset reality before they were ready, and in place.

Something that Ecclasia was fully aware of.

Once she had been attacked, there were only two options for the attacker. To either let Nate go or face harsh consequences for the attack.

They chose the former. Nate was freed.


After that, The Universal Court grinded to a halt. No one seemed to have any interest in getting involved with what was coming.

I found the entire incident fascinating. It is rare for me to get opportunities to see what I have personally experienced, and known to be so, play out in such a way.

It also highlighted and confirmed my suspicion that The End Times are here.

Most seem oblivious to it.

Even if I were to go to any who do believe it is coming, I would be ignored because what I know does not fit neatly into their presupposed ideas of how things will go.

If I can’t quote it in a Bible Verse, or tailor things to their belief, then, no matter how correct I may be, it will be dismissed.

The Problem

It presents a problem.

Seems I have a part to play. All signs point to that.

Let’s say I have the power to stop all this before it even starts?

The way I see it, there are three scenarios.

If I stop it before it begins, then humans will continue on their merry way, destroying their home, and ultimately themselves.

If I stop it once they notice what is happening, that Souls are being harvested, and consumed, then it’s likely that Religions and cults will take credit for it, and use it to not only consolidate power, but gain a stranglehold over this world.

Best Case Scenario

The way I see it, the best-case scenario is to only act once all understand what is going on.

This would require the following:

  • Acknowledge this is real, and not a conspiracy to lie and control people.
  • For humans to stop their toxic behavior, take responsibility for their own decisions and stop blaming everyone else for how things are.
  • Understand who can stop things, and not give credit to others who would claim it in the name of power and control.

That’s assuming that it is the part I am here to play. (According to Seth, it was, in the alternate timeline.)

It would appear that I’m stuck here until all the checkboxes are ticked and there has been a resolution one way or another.

Next: Your belief system

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