219 – The Soul Contracts with The Gaia.

Soul Contracts Annunaki

The Problem with Channeled Information

I’ve thought long and hard about that post that Dance Macabre wrote about Khnum and the Soul Contracts.

Channeling information can be a mixed bag. Some information can be very accurate, and some can be muddied. Both can occur with the same entity.

It all comes down to your skill, attunement level, and who you may be channeling.

While I cannot vouch that this was Khnum, I have heard this rhetoric before. That there have been intentions to wipe out humans.

This was a common theme that I would hear from The Triquerta and The Annunaki. Omen would mention occasionally, to me, that they wanted to “reset” this world, because they had lost control of humans.

Read more: 219 – The Soul Contracts with The Gaia.

The Conditions for Coming Here

Let’s put that aside for now as things have changed. The Triquerta are no more, and The Annunaki are on standby to be held accountable for their crimes against this world. They are no longer considered a factor. (Though the channel was written at a time when they still were in power.)

Even if everything else in that post was wrong, I can confirm that the contracts that were spoken of are correct.

I’ve checked to see if they exist. They are a fact.

As mentioned, they simply are:

1). Humans must take care of each other

2). Humans must take care of the Earth and its lifeforms.

Something that was insisted upon as a condition for coming here.

Any soul that chooses to incarnate on this world are obliged to sign the soul contracts.

Such soul agreements do not expire unless a limit is put upon them.

The So Called Great Experiment

For a while, these agreements worked out fine. There was a harmony, and everyone enjoyed the 3D dance and the experiences that life had to offer.

When The Annunaki came and the gods decided they should rule, things went to hell. Bloody wars broke out and many of the Gaia’s Fae were wiped out, along with other denizens of the time.

Then, around five or six thousand years ago, new human bodies were seeded. They were genetically altered to block the connection between body, soul, spirit, and Source.

From what I can tell, the first and ninth chakra (earth and spirit) were specifically deactivated. Disconnecting the human body from Source(s).

This was known by many as The Great Experiment. The plan was said to give more meaning to life, but the intention was to control those who were incarnated through fear and propaganda.

Why The Soul Contracts Were Not Enforced

Now, I can’t say this for certain, but things appeared to rapidly go downhill since that time. Once the connection was lost, and humans had to work for their spirituality, it seemed to bring out the worst in them.

Throughout history, teachers have incarnated to try and help this world remember who they are, where they should be headed, and what agreements they had.

Most of the time, it appeared that humans didn’t like what they heard, so they either twisted the teachings so they could justify their own behavior, or just killed the messenger.

And while the soul agreements are old and go back many millennia, they have not been enforced because of circumstances.

Because of interference by The Triquerta, Annunaki, The 12 and the gods, plus the fact that humans were cut off, it was hard, and potentially unfair to punish those who were not aware of such contracts while they were incarnated.

But that time is at an end. Now that those who were behind much of the troubles of this world are finally being dealt with, it also means that those souls who are incarnated, need to make a choice.

Abide by the agreements or risk being barred from this planet.

Let’s Discuss How Fair It Is

For those who consider this unfair, let me put it this way.

Supposing you build a home on a plot of land. It’s yours in every sense of the word. It’s large and it’s beautiful. Others wish to share your home and experience all it has to offer. You tell them fine, but they need to treat you, and other guests decently, and look after the area itself.

Instead of abiding by those agreements, they decide to lay claim to your land and possessions, attempt to imprison or kill you, attack your family, trash the place, and use it as a base for enslaving others.

You then remind them of the agreements they made, but they not only ignore it, but deny it ever happened.

Not exactly something anyone would be happy with, one would say.

But you do have a recourse. You can evict everyone from your land by virtue of the agreements they made. No ifs, no buts. It’s just how it is.

Perhaps you can give them another chance. You can tell them to behave. Maybe explain that this is their last warning, their final chance.

But what to do if they decide to ignore you?

On that subject, I’ve a few thoughts.

Next: A rant.

214 – The Triquerta – A Quick Summary

The Triquerta

Important Update

Those who are long time readers may recall me discussing the astral organization called The Triquerta. (An organization that was referred to by many names, including, They, Them, The Brotherhood, The Scourge, and others I have no clue about.)

Major things have happened this past year, regarding them. The next three entries will be an update. It’s an important update. For those who understand this is real, it may be the most important information they have seen in recent times as it affects everything.

From what I was able to piece together from all my sources, there were four main power structures that controlled everything.

The Groups

The Twelve – A group of gods, goddesses, and demon lords who banded together to form an elite group. Their mission was to create the ultimate Being, and control everything.

It’s worth noting that while they are named The Twelve, there have been way more than 12 members.

The Annunaki – Known as The Fallen. They are what one terms fallen angels. Beings of bright light and beauty, but little empathy. Many claim they go from planet to planet and destroy what they cannot take over or control. 

Read more: 214 – The Triquerta – A Quick Summary

The Dark Council – A collective of Beings of great power (who I believe were founded by The Twelve), that were set up to make soul deals for anyone who wanted them. The price ended up being way more than anyone would have imagined. They were disbanded in 2016, freeing many souls from bondage.

The Triquerta (Tri) – The Triple goddess known as The Fates form the basis of this organization.

What The Triquerta Are

It was explained to me, back in 2019, that The Triquerta was a massive collection of contracts rather than The Fates themselves.

While Omen was the one to bring Tri to my attention, and explain they were The Fates, it still took me a few years to put the pieces together about what had happened and how they became the dominant power in the 5D and below.

While I’m still fuzzy on some of the details (due to the spiritual amnesia one gets when incarnating), I’ve managed to piece together this much.

The origins of Tri occurred back in the times of The Hindu gods.

Back then, the gods were job titles rather than something to be worshipped.  Souls would incarnate into human bodies. While their awareness at the time would be limited, they also knew they were part of a greater whole.

If you needed something, you’d ask the relevant god to act on your behalf to get it. Worship was not needed. (That’s like worshipping your local council for getting things done!)

Among the high-ranking powers, you had The Fates. This triple goddess is made up of The Maiden, The Mother and The Crone. From what I understand, The Crone is the one who is in charge.

Fate Lines

If you wanted to experience something in your life, you could ask The Fates for a Fate Line to be put into place.

A Fate Line was able to use energy to attune one to a particular outcome. Hence, you could ensure you would achieve your desired goal or mission.

And while you could always ignore your fate, it would always try to pull you back on your path.

Not everyone would choose a fate. They were reserved for those who had important work, or an essential goal to achieve. Most preferred to just experience life and make it up as they went along. (Which can be the best way to experience a life.)

Fates were typically decided before incarnating into a body, though, it was also possible to put one in at a later point.  

As Fate Lines could practically ensure outcomes, it’s not hard to understand why they would be so dangerous in the wrong hands.

The Ultimate Power

Those who control the Fate Lines, control nearly everything.

Even making a soul deal with a god, or demonic, requires them. To ensure an outcome, they simply use a Fate Line that is preprepared and attune it to whatever outcome was needed. (Always for a price, though, and the price would always be way too high.)

I do not know whose idea it was to suggest to The Fates that they should enter a contract with certain parties, but it does seem that The Twelve and The Annunaki were both involved.

I also don’t know what words and promises that were said to seduce The Fates into agreeing with this plan but agree they did.

What I do know is that The Fates were betrayed. What they signed up for was not what they got, nor what they expected. Double and Triple Speak (which is telling a lie while presenting it as the truth) were clearly used, and The Fates became a victim of their own choices and agreements.

Personally, I know I have not seen much of The Fates at all. I once ran into them, when I was mind travelling to The Akashic Records, but that was at a time when I had no awareness of them, or even who they were.

I was barely at a stage where I knew who I was, let alone who everyone else was.

Still, even if I had known, things would not have played out any differently.

Next entry: The Fall of The Triquerta

212 – The River – A Tale Of A Vision

The River - A vision

The River

A short, but sweet one today.

I thought I’d share a vision I recorded back on the 15th of June 2010.

There are many times when I find myself under attack in my Mind Travels. Often, Soul Swords are the weapons of choice.

As usual, someone was fighting me, using their Soul Sword.

Instead of fighting back, I was dodging them. My Lightbody form can be very agile if needed.

I told them to stop and said there was no point to us fighting.

I made a motion for him to follow me.

He did and we ended up in a lush forest.

There, we came across a river.

We looked into the river and an unseen presence appeared and explained that the water represented who we were.

All the drops were like people’s Souls, and they all merged into Oneness.

To fight one another’s Soul is like the river trying to fight itself.

There is no gain.

The river cannot be destroyed.

It can only change forms.

Parts of it can separate to become ice, mist, rain, and snow.

Those parts can always return to where they came from, merging once again with the river.

The water itself cannot be hurt.

You can try and attack it, but it will just move and form around the object.

You cannot destroy water by swinging a sword through it.

When you look into the river, you may see a reflection of yourself.

The Souls we see are a reflection of who we are.

This allows us to know ourselves by contrast.

The vision then faded and I was left with a feeling of profoundness.