100 – The Universal Court



In December 2018, I was invited to join in what was referred to as a Universal Court session.

The idea was to try and negotiate for the freedom of one of the members of The Triquerta.

I met this person (I’ll call him Nate) back in 2013 and he became a reoccurring person in my life.

He had reached the point where he wanted his own freedom and the right to own his own body.

From time to time, one of the members of The Triquerta would take over the body. The being would then act belligerent, causing trouble for the family.

His partner was quite concerned about this. As one naturally would be, as it was also creating trouble for her children.

So, as a favor to Nate, myself along with a couple of others, agreed to be present to see if I could help negotiate for his freedom.

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