I’ve been asked to write an entry on Binds. As they seem to be used a lot, but so many are unaware of them, I thought it was a good idea to do so.
What are Binds?
A Bind is a tool, generally used on the astral level, to control and enslave others. They are, as a rule, used on the Soul body as opposed to the physical one.
You may be thinking that sounds like a thing of fantasy. How can such things exist? Can they be real and if so, what type of Being would use them and on who?
Which are all good questions.
Let’s start off by looking at what a Bind is.
A Bind is made up of a vibrational substance that resonates with the Being that is intended to be bound.
The material depends on who and what you are trying to bind. For instance, some binds are made from Void energy. I’ve also seen gossamer threads, that come from astral spiders, used to create them.
Astral spiders tend to reside on the Astral Levels. Yes, they do exist and this is not the entry to go into them, but it’s enough to know they can create the equivalent of webbing in the Astral.
This webbing is also said to be one of the materials that The Fates use to weave the Lines of Fate.
There are other materials, but those are the main two I’m aware of.
When active, they tend to glow, or at least the ones I’ve seen do.
Everything is made of vibrations. The frequency of the vibration tends to determine what type of material it is, and its level of solidity. The higher the vibrations, the higher the levels, and so forth.
The vibrations of a Bind will be the exact match of the Being that it is used on. That way, it will hold in place.
Golden Lasso
The Astral World is full of different energies and materials that would seem like magic to those of us in the 3D world.
On the Astral planes, the laws of physics are different, and energy is King. You can create virtually anything, as long as you have the knowledge.
Binds are just one of the countless things out there. They can also be crafted to force someone to act in a certain way or do a certain thing.
An example of this, even though this is considered fiction, is Wonder Woman’s golden lasso. When put around people, it would force them to tell the truth.
I remember seeing it in the movie and was struck by how much it looked like a Bind. And yes, there are indeed Binds that force one to tell the truth. Such a one was put on Omen.
So, while they may appear fictional, they most certainly are not. They are all too real.
They are also very similar to rituals of Summoning and Binding. A practice that is both dangerous and foolish.
Binds can be created and used by anyone, but it’s not a very wise thing to do. It will not only enslave the Being, but also the user.
By this I mean, when one binds another, their lives will always be bonded together until such times those binds are removed and dissolved.
This is not desirable as it will stop both parties from progressing spiritually and in an evolutionary manner.
The ones who I’ve seen use Binds the most are Angelics and gods. Oddly enough, I’ve not actually seen an example of demonics using them. Either I just can’t remember one or they detest them as much as I do.
I have often come across them on others. They appear either on their ankles, wrists or around the neck. For the most part, I am able to remove or dissolve them. Though they tend to return.
I’ve also had a few placed on me.
Wheel of Time
An interesting fact is that back in the early noughties, I was reading The Wheel of Time series by Robert Jordan and came across a concept where a rope or something to that regard was put around the neck of certain characters. It was used to control them. Sadly, I can’t recall the exact name and nature of this (though, hopefully someone can point it out in the comments).
I remember the feeling of great discomfort and almost panic from reading about this concept. Things rarely bother me like that, so it was unique.
Back then, I did not know anything about Binds, nor would I have believed they could even exist. Still, I could not bear the thought of such a thing existing, even in fiction. (In spite of this, I was still aware of them on an Astral level and could use them. Go figure.)
My Own Neck
Then, in 2014, when I had become thoroughly acquainted with what they were, thanks to Omen, I noticed that I felt one around my own neck.
How long it had been there, I had no clue, but I asked Omen to take a look and he confirmed it was indeed there. Omen also traced who was holding the other end of it, and found it was someone who was stalking me at the time.
He helped me pull the Bind over my head and I felt it come loose. A few days after that, I had a scab of skin fall away off my neck, which I felt was related.
I don’t believe the Bind had any power over me, but it did explain why I hate the very thought of such things.
Easy to Escape
Binds are actually pretty easy to escape. As they depend on your vibration remaining the same, all you need to do is shift your energies and they will no longer have any effect over you.
For this reason, certain Beings were experimented on and they had layers removed from their Souls. This is what was done to Omen, and when there was only “Omen” left, they were able to create Binds that he could not escape from because he could no longer shift his energies.
I cannot even begin to express my anger and disgust for this practice. It is truly abhorrent.
To restore such a Being to a point where the binds may no longer affect them, you need to restore a layer of Soul. This is possible by the process of rebirth or Soul retrieval, but it also has its own inherent risks as you never know what you will end up with.
While I don’t like using Binds, I confess to having used them in the past. When I have, I have always set the intention that they can escape them at any time, just as long as they stop their attacks on me. The vibrations are always set to one level and their intentions is the key to their freedom.
I recall one instance around 2004 where this person, who called himself Earthdragon (as he was a dragon in a human body) kept on attacking me and my friends. He was out to destroy the “false ones.” Problem was, he believed everyone to be “false.”
Eventually, I had enough and met him in the Astral while covering him in these grey binds. He became completely immobilized and powerless.
The attacks stopped immediately after that.
Took One Look
A few months later, I felt that I should remove those Binds. It had never sat right with me that I had used them. So, I went and cut them away. The dragon took one look at me and fled. We never heard anything more from him after that.
Even though I had set the intention for him to be free if he stopped attacking, it was clearly enough of a warning that I could stop him that way.
Also, dragons are notoriously easy to enslave with Binds. I have come across too many who have been susceptible to such things.
The same principal for allowing Beings to become free applies to Astral prisons, cages or created realities where they may be trapped.
In fact, this is a cornerstone of how Hell works. Those who are trapped there can leave once they have stopped the behaviors that put them there in the first place. Key is taking full responsibility for their own actions and repent. (For want of a better term).
Can Anyone Remove a Bind?
Can anyone remove a Bind? The answer is yes, if you know what you are doing. You do not have to be the owner or the creator to free someone from them.
However, make sure that you know for certain if the bind should be removed. If you free someone who is legally bound, or unleash something upon an unsuspecting public, then you may well be forced to either take its place, or face retribution.
I do recommend that if you are the one who has created and placed a Bind on someone, you always leave an out for them to get free. Additionally, if they are to be removed; that you are the one who does it.
If another ends up doing so, there are still Soul Bonds that will be in place, and those will draw you and your target together in future lives, just as effectively as a Bind will.
In Conclusion
Binds are nasty things and I honestly do not encourage or recommend anyone to use them.
If you must do so, please ensure that:
- There is always a way out of them.
- You dissolve them when the time is right.
- You do not use them to enslave or force another to do your bidding.
- They are used to protect and help others.
In conclusion, they are really a last resort and should not be used unless there is no other choice and reason has failed. They should be used sparingly and wisely and never abused.
[…] I sense any binds or energy hooks, I’ll check to see if they can be removed, and if so, will ask if they would like […]