212 – The River – A Tale Of A Vision

The River

A short, but sweet one today.

I thought I’d share a vision I recorded back on the 15th of June 2010.

There are many times when I find myself under attack in my Mind Travels. Often, Soul Swords are the weapons of choice.

As usual, someone was fighting me, using their Soul Sword.

Instead of fighting back, I was dodging them. My Lightbody form can be very agile if needed.

I told them to stop and said there was no point to us fighting.

I made a motion for him to follow me.

He did and we ended up in a lush forest.

There, we came across a river.

We looked into the river and an unseen presence appeared and explained that the water represented who we were.

All the drops were like people’s Souls, and they all merged into Oneness.

To fight one another’s Soul is like the river trying to fight itself.

There is no gain.

The river cannot be destroyed.

It can only change forms.

Parts of it can separate to become ice, mist, rain, and snow.

Those parts can always return to where they came from, merging once again with the river.

The water itself cannot be hurt.

You can try and attack it, but it will just move and form around the object.

You cannot destroy water by swinging a sword through it.

When you look into the river, you may see a reflection of yourself.

The Souls we see are a reflection of who we are.

This allows us to know ourselves by contrast.

The vision then faded and I was left with a feeling of profoundness.

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3 years ago

Love it

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