212 – The River – A Tale Of A Vision

The River - A vision

The River

A short, but sweet one today.

I thought I’d share a vision I recorded back on the 15th of June 2010.

There are many times when I find myself under attack in my Mind Travels. Often, Soul Swords are the weapons of choice.

As usual, someone was fighting me, using their Soul Sword.

Instead of fighting back, I was dodging them. My Lightbody form can be very agile if needed.

I told them to stop and said there was no point to us fighting.

I made a motion for him to follow me.

He did and we ended up in a lush forest.

There, we came across a river.

We looked into the river and an unseen presence appeared and explained that the water represented who we were.

All the drops were like people’s Souls, and they all merged into Oneness.

To fight one another’s Soul is like the river trying to fight itself.

There is no gain.

The river cannot be destroyed.

It can only change forms.

Parts of it can separate to become ice, mist, rain, and snow.

Those parts can always return to where they came from, merging once again with the river.

The water itself cannot be hurt.

You can try and attack it, but it will just move and form around the object.

You cannot destroy water by swinging a sword through it.

When you look into the river, you may see a reflection of yourself.

The Souls we see are a reflection of who we are.

This allows us to know ourselves by contrast.

The vision then faded and I was left with a feeling of profoundness.

70 – Investigating The Dark Council

Seeking Knowledge

I don’t know when I started calling them The Dark Council, I just knew it was something that existed.

Even back in 2004, I didn’t refer to them as such. It was only around 2010 that  the name came to me.

I remember thinking one night, around June, that I needed to visit an archive to investigate them.  I Mind Travelled to one. At the point of my life, I wasn’t used to going to The Phoenix Archives, so I believe I ended up in one of the Akashic Records.

I was met by three ladies. One young, one middle aged and one elderly. I now know them to be The Fates, or the ones who formed The Triquerta. (Omen confirmed as much.)

The elder one, The Crone, demanded to know who I was. I told her that I was just a simple traveller, seeking out information.

She insisted that I give a name, so I told them I was The Phoenix. Her demeanour instantly changed. She pointed me to a room.

I was expecting it to be some kind of test to see if I was worthy to access the information, but no, it appeared to be the actual archives.


I can only speculate they weren’t happy to see me and did not wish to draw any more attention to themselves, than needed. (Though, in 2019, when The Crone contacted me by walking into and using a body, she claimed they were distracted with their own concerns at the time.)

I entered the room, then, I fell asleep. The entire night, I felt information downloading, including who was going to win the Australian Rules AFL Grand Final for that year.

As that was still three months away, there was no way that information could have been guessed. I also can’t be bothered to even follow what is going on when it comes to sports. (Something akin to blasphemy where I live!)

The football team was called Collingwood, which means little to most of the world, but in Australia and especially Melbourne, they are a very controversial team. You either love or hate them and they had a habit of getting to Grand Finals and losing them.

(And it’s interesting that with the timing of this article, the AFL Grand Final 2018 was played today and Collingwood once again got there… and lost!)


I figured that if Collingwood did win the 2010 Grand Final, it would be validation of the information in the archives being real and correct.

In which case, I would allow the information to download into my 3D consciousness.

The thought of putting a lot of money on them winning entered my mind, but I dismissed it as unethical, because if I was right, then I had gotten an unfair advantage and no good could come from that.

As it was, they did win that year, but here was the trap. If I had put money on it, I would have lost because the first game they played ended up in a draw. They had to replay the next week, and yes, they won.

At that point, I allowed the information to download into me. With it, I suspect, came the information I was looking for.

Mind Travels

In 2016, when I was negotiating for the freedom of Ecclasia with The Dark Council, I knew I was hitting a brick wall.

At the time, I did not understand who Ecclasia was. How unique and powerful she was. Short of offering myself as a trade, there was just no way The Dark Council was going to agree to let her go.

We were at an impasse. I had to try and find out more information.

That night, I Mind Travelled back 120,000 years to where I believed the council, itself, was first formed.

A useful feature of Mind Travelling is that time is seen for the illusion it is, and you can go anywhere, anywhen, as long as you have the energy and attunement to do it.

Travelling back that far, I found that the council was just getting started. No one really knew who I was, so when I came across certain major players, it seemed that it was the first time they had heard of me.


One of them was The Mother of Succubi, Lilith. I won’t recount the events (again) that led up to us talking, but once she found out more about who I was, she made an offer for me to join the Dark Council.

From what she told me, it was about the elite beings (such as gods, goddesses, archetypes, demon lords, etc.,) working together to get what they each desired.

You could ask for anything, and all would be done in the council’s power to make it happen. The counter to that, though, was that you were also obliged to help when called upon.

To preserve anonymity, everyone would be cloaked in shadows. Only the top tier would know who was who. Hence the “dark” part of the name.


I declined. I did not think it wise to be tied to a system that might force you to act unethically.

She was not happy about it. Though, I have to say, she was not all that vengeful toward me either. Other members of the council decided I might be too much of a threat, so they sought to remove me by either binding me or terminating my existence.

Lilith cautioned them against doing this, citing that there was more going on here than met the eye. She seemed to believe I should be treated with respect and caution.

They ignored her advice and made a few attempts to imprison and remove me, anyway. As it’s not strictly relevant to this subject, I’ll leave out those details for now.

So now I knew what the council was. Still, it brought me no closer to finding a way to deal with them. But I could feel I had something in place. I just could not recall what.

69 – The Dark Council

Dangerous Games

As discussed in a previous entry, there are plenty of councils out there. I was running into them, in my Mind Travels, even before I knew of their existence.

One that kept on coming up was The Dark Council.

I had never heard of the councils, but in 2004, I met a lady from New Zealand (for those who have read I am The Phoenix, she was Aurora.) who worked for a Being who called himself “Dragon Heart”.

What I didn’t know at the time was that this was the god of Chaos, Apep. I think that Aurora did not know that either. I doubt she would have believed me, in any case.

She claimed she was dealing with the council on my behalf. If I had remembered who I was and who they were, I’d never have put myself into such a dangerous situation, but fortunately, I had good protectors. I now know that this was the Dark Council.

When it comes to the councils, this one was possibly the most dangerous one out there.  So many sought out their help and became trapped by their agreements.


This was because, The Dark Council had a clause in their contracts that all contracts and agreements were valid while the council existed in its current form. 

The contracts were watertight. (Kudos to those who had the skill to write them so well.) The only loophole was for the contracts to be broken, they would have to cease to exist, if only for a moment.

The only way that was likely to happen was for The Dark Council to disband. Something that could only occur with the consensus of all the members.

What made this unlikely to ever happen was that many of the core members had no reason to do this. It would not only mean a great loss of power, but all the contracts, resources and bindings that were connected to the council would be lost.

From what I can remember, that’s around one hundred and twenty thousand earth years or so of work. It had become an unstoppable juggernaut.

So… how to stop something so powerful and massive? This was the question I pondered around mid-2016.

The Deception

By that point, the Dark Council had come up too many times for me.  Many people told me stories of how they were summoned before it and given orders. (One even told me they were ordered to spy on me.) The main issue was that they were trapped and had no choice but to obey.

The council also tried to trick me into letting them rebirth me. That is what Aurora said she negotiated with them, on my behalf. But it was a great deception.

The story is recounted in full in my I am The Phoenix book, but in a nutshell, I was just starting to come to terms with being The Phoenix, and she was negotiating with them to fully restore my powers.


What I didn’t know was that this power already belonged to me and was already mine to command. They simply were using my ignorance.

During a Mind Travel, I was taken by a dragon to stand before them, and they asked me if I wanted to be rebirthed as The Phoenix. In my trust, and ignorance, I said yes, but for some reason, no deals were struck, and nothing ever came of it.

Technically, no deal could have been struck, as I was already the holder of The Phoenix Title. I mentioned this to Omen at some point, and he laughed. He told me that they were trying to assimilate me and make me their own. As you can imagine, I wasn’t happy and even somewhat annoyed

So regardless of what the god Mars claimed, they were the ones who made the first move to betray me.


In mid-2016, I found myself trying to negotiate with them for the freedom of a friend. Ecclasia had been betrayed and held captive by them.

Like Omen, she was bound to this planet. For ten thousand years, she was put into bodies without any loss of awareness.

Generally, when I am trying to strike a bargain of that nature, I can feel when I am successful. In this case, though, I was making absolutely no headway.

They considered Ecclasia way too valuable to let go of and weren’t interested in anything I had to offer.

However, that didn’t stop me.

When there is something I need to work out, I will hammer away at it like a dog chewing on a bone.

Phoenii are tenacious, if nothing else.

I investigated the council’s origins in my mind travels and pondered if there was any way of stopping them. If there was, I knew I had to do it soon as things felt like they were reaching a critical point and I had an urgent feeling time was finally starting to run out.