194 – The Guide’s Guide – Channeling


This series of blogs, The Guide’s Guide, is intended to help and educate people about Spirit Guides. I work to answer the most common questions and give tips on what to do, and not do. In these blogs, I will also discuss many personal experiences in the hope that you may be able to connect with them. This entry, we will look at channeling.

When it is said that someone is channeling a message, the source is normally associated with those who have passed over.

This entry is not about such things. While there are genuine psychics who can, and indeed do, pass on messages from departed beloved ones, there are also many who pretend to do so. Their answers are so generic that they can be made to fit anyone.

Not that such people would ever listen, but trust me when I say: THERE WILL BE CONSEQUENCES!

Practice Needed

This type of channeling has to do with your Guides.

It is different from your normal messages. In a sense, it’s like taking dictation.

For me, it took some practice to get the hang of this.

In the beginning, I found that my body kept on getting in the way. I was too much in control of what my fingers were doing.

I had to relinquish control of my hands and not think of any answers. It was like I was making it up as I was going along, except I could feel that I was engaging my Guides, or a spirit.

After a while, I finally was able to master the mindset that would allow me to ask a question, or make a comment, and then immediately switch to receiving the answer.

But Why?

You might wonder why one would do that? Especially if I can just have conversations with my Guides at any time?

The answer is simple. If I don’t write them down, I will tend to forget exactly what was said and the way they had put things.

I will remember the essence of it, but I certainly won’t recall the exact wording.

By being able to channel such conversations, so you can put them into the written word, it allows you to create a permanent and useful record. Not just for yourself, but for others who may wish to know such knowledge.


The tricky part of doing this is to not write what you think you know. In fact, it’s too easy to come from a place of presumed knowledge. If you ask a question that you feel you already know the answer to, your mind does tend to jump in.

There is also the trap of wanting to make something up or draw from obscure knowledge that sounds good but may not be accurate.

These are filters that can make things murky. They tend to come into play when no answer appears to be forthcoming, and so you force it.

This may be due to psychic fatigue or the timing isn’t right for such answers. Also, there might be too much chaos around you and your writing situation may not be ideal.

A long channeling session can last hours and be fatiguing. Personally, I find it more effective to do it in bite sized pieces.


One notable and famous example of this type of channeling is the Conversations with God series by Neale Donald Walsch. While much of his works feel very accurate to me, there are certainly sections that seem to have some glaring omissions.

I find such things are often due to the author’s belief systems, which lock them into what is, and is not possible.

I have discovered that, even with my own works, much of the information will depend, not only on my greater understanding of Universal Law, but my remembrance of who I am and what is really going on.

It’s all about attunement. The more you are attuned to that information and energy, the easier it becomes to write useful and factual knowledge.

That takes practice, a willingness to accept that your belief system may be wrong, and the ability to just trust what you are receiving. (You can sort out if it’s true or not, later.)


The Empath Guidebook and I am The Phoenix autobiography, were written using this very method.

I found that it’s a good idea to revisit such writings every few years, simply because you will have obtained more knowledge and can add more context and information.

The interesting thing I found was a good 95% still tends to be accurate and relevant, even with what I’ve learned.

The other benefit I’ve found is that it helps when you have writer’s block.

In my mind, it’s a bit of a cheat. It’s like I’m getting someone else to do the work for me. I find it a lot easier to write an entire book using the channeling method than doing it on my own.

Radio Silence

People often will ask me: What do your guides say? As though I can channel them at will. I find it irritating when I’m asked.

It doesn’t work that way. If I try and force a conversation or message, nothing comes. It’s just radio silence.

In fact, the harder you try, the more you block it.

The key is to ask the question and the answer will come through when it’s either time, or your mind is in that space for receiving it.

For me, the time varies for when I get answers. It might be anywhere from minutes to weeks. I find that, for the more complex questions, it can take a while as it’s possible that certain events need to happen first.

You Can’t Force It

The point is that you can’t force a response. It’s not like I can type the questions into a search engine and get the answers. I just know that I get what I need, when I need it.

This might sound contradictory to me saying I can channel them to write my books, however I find that I’m in a different mindset with that. I’m not feeling under pressure to give an answer, especially one that I’m not supposed to give or one that the questioner may not like the answer to.

Channeling your guides is a very useful trick, if you can master it. But it does have the potential for errors and even misleading information.

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