153 – Past Lives – Why don’t we remember?

Past Lives

Past Lives are a topic that many find fascinating.

We all want to know who we were in the past. Was it someone famous? Did we make an impact? Are we still remembered today?

While past life readings may be interesting for us, there are certainly dangers and pitfalls to consider when looking to get one.

This series looks at a few things about past lives and some of the questions that have come up.

Do Past Lives Even Exist?

In spite of some religions teaching us that we only get one life, I can state, unequivocally, that this is not true. Not only have most of us had previous lives, but there is no limit on how many you can have.

To my mind, it’s staggering that this could even be a debate, especially with so much evidence around.

The problem is that you can’t definitively prove that it is so to the average person. For the same token, you can’t disprove it either.

Can’t Prove It

Even though I have been blessed (or some would say cursed) with being associated with some of the most interesting beings (people, demonic or otherwise) to walk this planet, most will just have to take my word for it.

I could put those who ask in touch with some of these beings, but the question will remain, how do they know this isn’t some elaborate hoax or setup? I’ve found that even overwhelming proof is never enough for some people. Especially when it flies in the face of what others have told them they must believe.

As always, I suggest that you don’t trust what I say, but what you feel. You will sense if something isn’t kosher here.

Because of my experiences, I’ve had more than enough proof that past lives exist.

Flawed System

Even, logically, it would make no sense if past lives didn’t exist. What would be the purpose of just having one chance for everyone?

Those who die young or those who never had the advantages others have, clearly have a raw deal. Especially when some claim you will be condemned to Hell for not living the right way in this life.

To my mind, those are the actions of an insane God who has no Mercy or Love. For the sake of argument, if such a system did exist, I would want no part of it.

Fortunately, it doesn’t.

We do have past lives. You can take that to the bank.

I once made that comment to a friend at work, and another co-worker challenged me on it. He wasn’t a pleasant person, as it went, and caused us a lot of trouble in our workplace.

I felt like saying: “Yes, we do, but let’s hope, in your case, it’s not true.”

Why Don’t We Remember?

The argument many give is: If we have lived in the past, then why don’t we remember anything or have any memory of ourselves as spirit before incarnating?

There is a reason why we don’t remember our past lives

I’ve mentioned this in previous entries but let’s expand on it.

First, on the subject of Spirit, it’s very difficult to remember anything from the Astral because the vibrational levels are so high that the human 3D mind isn’t capable of recalling 98% of it.

If this sounds like a cop out, just remember how hard it is for people to remember their dreams, and how quickly they fade.

Some don’t even think they dream. They do, they just aren’t able to recall doing so.

They could argue dreams don’t exist simply because they believe they have not experienced any. However, most know that they do, and lack of memory does not prove they are not happening.


Secondly, we don’t remember our past lives by design.

They are typically traumatic. Things such as war, starvation, deep trauma, and exploitation were always present. The memory of such events may be hard to deal with for many.  

Also, things that were common in the past are not only considered unthinkable and abhorrent by today’s standards but are now illegal.

Different times in history and different cultures required different ways of living. Many times, we didn’t have the choices or options that many countries can give and afford today.

What we would have considered normal back then may not be accepted today.  We acted differently back then. We considered it, by the standard in those days, not only normal, but required by society.

Slavery, how women were treated, and racism are just some examples that spring to mind.

Unable to Cope

If we could remember them, we may be completely horrified at our past attitudes and actions. Most people can barely handle and deal with the traumas and memories of this lifetime.

Imagine if you also remembered every action, indiscretion and negative act that you ever did.

You would end up being a basket case, emotionally.

Not having memories of your past lives, when we incarnate into our bodies, is a blessing and an act of grace.


It also allows you to decide who you are in this lifetime and recreate yourself anew. You won’t have the stigma of who you were and baggage of who you used to be weighing you down.

You will be free to create a new life, a new identity, and have a chance to evolve spiritually. This would be way harder to achieve if you recalled all your past actions.

If you remembered all, you would have a definitive idea of who you think you are. For many, that would mean being set in your old ways. You may also believe that you are already evolved and perfect, thus denying yourself an opportunity to grow.

I have seen examples of this.


Now, it is an interesting observation of mine that those I know from my past lives and who are presently incarnated into a 3D body; seem to have the same personality and attitude they always had, even from thousands of years ago.

It raises the question on how long it takes for us to evolve.

Personally, I feel that the more work we do while in our meat-bag of a body, the more we will affect our higher-selves. The human experience allows us to speed up our growth as beings.

Memories and Impressions

Once we hit a certain stage of our growth, remembering who we were in our past lives may be the key to understanding our experiences. It can also explain why things have happened the way they have. It also will help us to understand why certain friends, family members, and nemeses are in our current lives.

That’s when impressions of past life memories will start coming up.

Such memories may manifest as impressions, or they may be actual recollection of events. Both are valid. You can use your feelings to see if they resonate with you or not.

In Conclusion

Past Lives do exist.

We generally don’t remember them because they are traumatic.

They also serve us not to recall them until we are ready to do so.

Next: Past Lives – Personal Experiences.

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