187 – Where do Past Live Memories Come From?

past life memories

Past Life Memories

For this entry, we are going to take a brief look at past life memories and if they are real.

If memory is stored in our brain, then past life recollections could not be there as the body did not exist at that time.

So where does it come from? Is it real?

This is what we will explore.

Three Stages

According to Wikipedia: Memory is the faculty of the brain by which information is encoded, stored, and retrieved when needed.

There are said to be three stages to Memory. Sensory, short-term, and long-term.

As far as I’m aware, past life memories are not accounted for. You could argue that they don’t exist, and it’s the product of an imagination.

However, the experience of certain people, such as Omen and Ecclasia, tells me that there has to be another source other than the brain.

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157 – Past Lives – Reincarnation Questions

reincarnation questions

Reincarnation Questions

This series looks at past-lives and what can happen when you pass over.

Before I discuss the subject of Soul Contracts, I want to first answer some questions that I’ve been asked.


The first is from Sunrise Bleu, who asks: I read from this group that after a soul passes, they immediately move onto the next life. But I kind of felt my grandmother for about 5 years after she passed away. Although this time she kept appearing in my dreams, once I heard her voice, etc. So I was wondering how this happened. Just curious.

Good question and here is my understanding of how this works.

You can move onto the next life right away, but there may be many reasons why you might not wish to do so.

You may wish to spend time resting and recovering your psychic energies. This will be especially true if you’ve lived a traumatic life and are in no rush to return.

Not Returning

I’ve had many people tell me they have no intentions of coming back to this World. I tell them that they most likely will, but only once they have rested up and recovered.

Continue reading “157 – Past Lives – Reincarnation Questions”

156 – Past Lives – What happens when we die?

what happens when we die

This entry, we continue our look at Past Lives and what happens when we die. We look at belief systems and how they affect things.


This is a surprisingly complex subject as there are several stages when one leaves the body. This entry will focus on the one immediately following your death.

As mentioned in a previous entry, the Soul is not the body. You are the Soul and the body’s your vessel that allows a vast range of experiences that are not possible just as a Light Being.

What happens to us, immediately following the death of the body (which, for simplicities sake, I’ll refer to as death, though it’s only for the body), depends on several factors.

What your belief system is about for the Afterlife.

What Soul Agreements you have in place at the time.

Whether or not you are a Walk-In.

We See What We Expect

When you die, your current belief system generally determines what will happen to you. This is because the Astral levels instantly conform to our thoughts. At least, the ones on this 3D octave that this reality exists on. This is explained in a previous entry.

Continue reading “156 – Past Lives – What happens when we die?”