Back to the Astral
That night, when I went to bed, I pondered what the answer would be to prove my innocence to everyone. I felt I was forgetting or missing something, so I did what I normally would do in such a situation.
As previously mentioned, when I’m stuck for answers, my general solution is to do some Mind Travelling. I never know what I’m going to find and most of the time, it’s rarely what I expect. Everything seems to write itself.
I suppose I could have gone after everyone, and everything who were coming after me, but that’s not how I work.
I’m quite reticent to do anything that could be considered harmful or destructive.
I don’t attack, destroy and banish (unless the banishment is truly warranted and even then, it’s only for as long as needed). I tend to mostly defend.
Even though, I’m considered dangerous, I do my fighting by thinking and gathering of resources and information.
The Gateway
That night, I found myself in this large, wide open and expansive space.
I had summoned every being imaginable, including Ecclasia and Mari, who complained to me the next day that they had been summoned to some place and had dreamt we had been judged.
They were correct. After I had summoned everyone who would come; I then called forth what I call The Gateway of Judgement.
I have seen this Gateway in my Mind’s Eye for many years. For me, it’s like a massive door frame that you pass through. It has various settings. The purpose is to reveal if you are telling the Truth about a crucial matter.
It works by comparing your Soul resonance with who you are being, and what your intentions and actions are. It then compares it to a Universal vibration, which it will use to judge. At least, that’s how I believe it works.
It can also reveal if one has the worthiness and rights to do certain things or own certain relics or artifacts. If they are too powerful, they are considered to potentially upset the balance, so you must be of a certain caliber to be allowed to use them.
It can be set to various levels. The lowest is very lenient but the highest is extremely stringent. If you choose to go through that setting, you had better be absolutely sure that your integrity is beyond reproach.
Judge, Jury and Executioner
Once you enter it, you will find yourself in this mist-like space, (at least, that’s what I’ve experienced) and if you are found worthy or innocent, you will emerge out at the other side. If you fail, you will be banished to an appropriate place and you will not reappear.
It is also impossible to trick the Gateway with avatars, imposters or stand-ins.
It is the ultimate judge, jury and executioner.
I first came across it many years ago. It was a place where people were lining up for miles in order to get a chance to pass through it and see if they were anyone noteworthy. Most people find they are just average. It’s a way of gaining prestige.
I have used it several times over the years. Once I was ordered to go through the Gateway when it was deemed that the Soul Sword I was carrying was illegal. I was able to pass through without any trouble in that instance.
Another time was when I was summoned by The Council of 12. They accused me of being a corrupt elder who betrayed the Council. (Again with the accusations of betrayal. Projecting much?) Seems to be a pattern forming here. Once again, I successfully passed through, though they were not happy that I did.
The amazing thing to me, about this Gateway, is that when I mention it to others on this 3D level, they are already familiar with it and what it does.
I appreciate this type of validation. Let’s me know I’m just not making up things in my mind!
My plan was to clearly pass through the gate, on the highest setting, in full view of everyone, to prove that my side of the story was true. I was nervous about doing this. (Much like you are nervous before a major event you are participating in.)
Next: Passing through the gateway.
[…] I proved my legitimacy by using a Gateway of Judgment; and then I was […]