156 – Past Lives – What happens when we die?

This entry, we continue our look at Past Lives and what happens when we die. We look at belief systems and how they affect things.


This is a surprisingly complex subject as there are several stages when one leaves the body. This entry will focus on the one immediately following your death.

As mentioned in a previous entry, the Soul is not the body. You are the Soul and the body’s your vessel that allows a vast range of experiences that are not possible just as a Light Being.

What happens to us, immediately following the death of the body (which, for simplicities sake, I’ll refer to as death, though it’s only for the body), depends on several factors.

What your belief system is about for the Afterlife.

What Soul Agreements you have in place at the time.

Whether or not you are a Walk-In.

We See What We Expect

When you die, your current belief system generally determines what will happen to you. This is because the Astral levels instantly conform to our thoughts. At least, the ones on this 3D octave that this reality exists on. This is explained in a previous entry.

Our Souls or Light-Bodies will shift to the next highest vibrational level. This tends to be very close to the physical, but far enough away where you can’t interact with it on a physical level. You can’t touch things or talk to people as you generally lack the tools to do so. (Though, having said that, it’s not impossible by any means.)

As the Astral conforms to our desires, we will see what we expect.

If you believe there is no life after death, you will experience that reality. You will, in all probability, become trapped in a void like state where nothing appears to exist.

Eventually you will gain awareness that even though you believe that there is no life after death, you are still here. That things are not as they appear to be. That’s when you can start to escape from that self-created prison.

Heaven and Hell

If you believe you are going to Heaven, Hell or Purgatory, you will also experience those things. While these places don’t truly exist in ultimate reality (The Realm of the Absolute, where all is one), they do exist in this one. (The Realm of the Relative, where all things have their extremes) as all things can be created and can exist on some level.

I don’t recommend any of those places, as they aren’t what they appear to be and are just distractions on your true life path journey.


On that note, it is said that when you die, to head towards the light.

Do NOT do this.

Light is no better than Dark.

Head towards Love, instead. Remember to feel rather then look. Love will take you home. Anything else is a distraction.

When  you follow that sense of love, you will find your Guides, loved ones, and helpers to guide you in crossing over and helping you to remember who you are.

You can become trapped in such places as Heaven, etc. Eventually, you will find your way out, but unless this is something you really want to experience, I’d say, avoid.


As mentioned, people can die, but not realize it. This may be due to a sudden death, such as a car accident, from war, an unexpected medical condition or something along those lines.

In such circumstances, you become a ghost (or as other entities call them, “A Deader“).

Ghosts tend to take on the form of how they see themselves.

For others, they will generally look white and luminous. If you walk through one, it’s like walking through a mist. It can also be disorienting for a moment.

It’s not said to be pleasant for the ghost either.

Pocket Reality

When you die, you tend to manifest your own pocket universe of reality and become bound and trapped to the place where you feel you should be. You may not even realize you no longer have a body. (Generally, because most associated their body with their Soul, they are unable to distinguish between the two.)

If you have placed a curse on a house or the land (as many Native Americans did), you will become bound to that land until the curse has either run its course , is lifted or broken.

You may also end back up in your favorite place. This might be the house where you used to live, and feel you own. It might be your favorite room. You will tend to mostly stay in one spot, venturing out only every so often.

If you died in a war, you may become trapped on the battlegrounds, endlessly repeating your actions to try and defend and do your part for your side.

I’m pretty sure that’s what’s happening in some U.S.A. states where there were civil war battles.

As a ghost, you will not always see those who are still living, but you may still sense them, and find they might disturb you. Any movement of furniture, renovations, landscaping and so on, might also cause distress.

If You’re a Walk-In

If you are a walk-in, you will already have a greater awareness of yourself as a Soul. You will not likely encounter any problems when you leave the body.

As a rule, Walk-Ins already are able to easily leave their body due to the lack of a spiritual umbilical cord (or silver cord) tying them to it.

Next entry, we’ll look at Soul Agreements and how they can mess you up.

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