19 – Definitions of Esoteric Terms and Walk-Ins.

The following is a brief summary of some of the terms you’ll find in this blog. It is by no means exhaustive, but hopefully will help answer some questions.

You will also find many definitions under the FAQ section of this blog.

Astral Levels

Anything that is not on this 3D (third dimensional) level or vibration. 

To help create a visual image, imagine seven levels stacked on top of each other.

Each one is an individual world that is complete with its own architect, denizens and social structure. These worlds are as complete and complex as the one we live in.

Each world has its own vibrational level. Some are high, some are low.

But it is more complex than this, because each level has 7 more levels within it, and then past the 7 main levels, it moves to a new octave.

Of course, most don’t believe the Astral Worlds exists, which is something I find hard to comprehend. It’s like saying germs don’t exist, just because you cannot see them.

The main difference between each level is how high the vibrations are. The lower you go, the more demonic it becomes.

Souls and Bodies

Most denizens on these levels have what we term a Lightbody or Soul: A form that is not a physical “meatbag” body like a human one.

The thing that is unique about Earth is that you really need a body to get things accomplished.

The human body (and all other bodies, for that matter) have many purposes.  They allow us to feel a full range of emotions and sensations. They may also allow us to forget who we really are. This gives us an opportunity to recreate ourselves anew. We also get to experience everything again, as if it’s our first time.

Mind Traveling / Mindscaping.

Mind Travelling is the ability to create an energy avatar of your soul, and use it to see, speak and interact, on the astral levels, as though you are there yourself.

What you see in your mind’s eye is what is really going on. You are still in your body but are able to interact as though you are really elsewhere.

This allows one to be in more than two places at one time. You can be at your computer, for example, and elsewhere with your avatar. Both the human form, and the astral form will be controlled at the same time. (Something I have done a lot, with beings such as Omen.)


Mind Travelling is often confused with daydreaming, but there are specific differences.

When you daydream, you are essentially creating your fantasies and writing your own script, so to speak.

Mind Traveling differs in that you are taking part in a larger reality, and things that happen are not what you expect, or even would have thought of.

It’s like a story that unfolds of its own volition, just like in our 3D lives.


What you do while Mind Travelling has real consequences. While you may not experience them right away, chances are that you will eventually.

What you do while Mind Travelling has real consequences. While you may not experience them right away, chances are that you will eventually.

If you attacked, annoyed or did something that angered one of the denizens that exist on the astral levels, then they may well find a body and seek you out in real life.

I found this out the hard way when those I had defeated in my Mind Travels were not happy, and they did eventually find me. They blamed me for being exiled to this planet and yes, they remembered who I was. So, be careful.

Mind Travelling may be considered similar to Remote Viewing, which is the practice of seeing something remotely using your mind. The difference is that when you Mind Travel, you are not limited by time, space, and dimension.


This is an important concept. I’ve seen it used in multi-user role-playing games, such as World of Warcraft, but it’s not quite the same thing.

In such games, a soulbound item is tied to your character avatar. It cannot be given or traded away to another player.

In the Astral Realms, it is very different. 

It works like this. Anything that is created by you, energetically or otherwise, becomes a part of your personal energies.

Those things become soulbound to you. 

This means that if someone attempts to steal anything that is not theirs, it can be recalled instantly back to its creator.

Human bodies may be soulbound, if the soul is incarnated into it. (See Walk-Ins below). They cannot be possessed without the Owner’s permission on some level.  If they are, the Owner can command the intruders to leave and reclaim control.


In the Astral levels, you can create items or artifacts, using your own energies. Astral Swords are a common example. Cloaks are another. Rings and pendants are also quite common.

When you create them from your own energies, they not only become an extension of who you are, but can also be enhanced by gems or crystals.

Unlike an MMORPG, such as World of Warcraft, soulbound items can be traded or given as payment for services rendered. Once it is passed on by the Owner, it cannot be recalled, as its energy has also passed on by the agreement of both parties.

Every being has their own unique energy or skillset. For those who know how to do so, they can create some amazing items. (I love creating swords, for example.)

Soul Bound items are one of the currencies of the Astral Realms.

Soul Tags

From time to time, beings may come across items that have been orphaned or abandoned by their creators or owners. Typically, this occurs when the owner has “died” and has returned to Source.

More rarely, it may also be due to the object being completely disassociated from the Owner.

If a being finds an energy or an artifact that no one seems to be claiming, they can claim it for themselves by creating and using a Soul Tag.

This means, they use their own energy to create a bond with the object and in essence, they will end up with a soulbound artifact that is now bound to them and cannot be stolen.

The Disadvantages

There are some disadvantages to doing this, though.

If the original Owner turns up, and it happens that item is still Soulbound to them; they can recall the item, along with the Soul Tag and thus, end up gaining part of the being’s Soul.

As a rule, the stronger the tag, the more Soul energy is put into it, and the more devastating the results will be for the one who has put a Soul Tag on an item, once it is recalled.

There is also a method to dissolve Soul Tags. This may be done to remove someone’s claim to an item. Someone might believe that an item is in the wrong hands, or that they are entitled to the artifact themselves.

It should be used with caution, though.

If used on an item that legitimately belongs to another, it can create a Karmic backlash and the Caster might well lose part of his Soul to the true Owner.

If the Caster happens to be successful, and they gain the object and Soul energy of the tag; then they, too, will be vulnerable to the same risks, especially if the true Owner turns up and recalls their belongings.

In other words, use with extreme caution.


These are like energetic locks that seal something shut. They are based on Sacred Geometry.

The type of seal used depends on what the Caster is trying to seal. Normally such seals are used on things like portals.

Soul Locked

A method where the only beings that can remove a seal are the ones who put the seal there in the first place.

Part of the Sealer’s energy is put into the seal. If another being attempts to remove it, the Sealer will automatically know and be able to react as needed.

Soul Locked seals should be used with great caution, and only with the consent of all parties involved.


Portals are mini rifts that allow travel between dimensions. Generally, they are used by disembodied entities to get from one place to another.

Sacred Geometry

This is a system of mathematically precise symbols that are designed to create a certain effect or outcome.

This system is used extensively in the Astral levels.

They can be used for good or ill.


There’s a problem with being incarnated into a human body. You tend to forget everything.  And I mean everything. All you are left with is a very vague sense of who you are, and even that doesn’t really convey much.

It’s also painful and frustrating as all hell.  It may feel like a yawning void within your being.

You may even have a sense of something much bigger than you, going on. You may even hear the question: “Who are you?” run through your mind. Then it’s gone.

This can be greatly frustrating. It is often hard to accept you are more than human and more than what you seem.

Fantasy or Realty?

I’ve personally lost count of the number of times I became frustrated and decided that everything was complete rubbish. 

I wanted to give up and tell everyone to get back to reality.

Part of me wanted to desperately accept what I was finding out about myself, while part of me felt that it was too fantastic to be possibly real. So, I would say enough. I’m not doing this anymore.

That only lasted until I calmed back down. Normally because my Guides would somehow reassure me about who I was.

There was one time I resisted for two years, and for those two years, I could not get away from the message that I was the Phoenix, no matter what I did.

This could have all been avoided if I had simply chosen to walk into a body instead of being born to it.

What is a Walk-In?

A Walk-In is a spirit or being that has entered a body after it has been born. The Host is normally removed, suppressed, swapped in or out; or in some cases, shares the body, often taking turns on who is being dominant. 

Sometimes a deal is struck. Sometimes there are just bodies that are there waiting to be used.  These are called “Soulless” bodies and belong to a Hive-Mind, where they are all part of a greater consciousness.

You can spot a soulless body by their eyes. They will look “empty”. When that look disappears, it means that a spirit or soul has taken over the body.

What Are The Advantages of Being A Walk-In?

  • You enter with a full memory of who you are and what your history is.
  • You are able to easily leave the body and do things such as Astral Travelling, or Dream Walking.
  • It’s easier to leave the body once you are done with your mission.

And the disadvantages?

  • The body is not yours. Unless you were born into it, (as in incarnated) it is not soulbound to your energies. This means that someone can come along and take over the body or possess it.
  • You will be greatly challenged to develop spiritually. As you already know who you are, and have all your memories, you may struggle to redefine yourself.
    It’s our forgetfulness that allows us to recreate ourselves. This is because we have not yet created a sense of self and put limits on what we are capable of and who we really are.
  • If you walked into a body that once had a soul, you may start to confuse the original Host’s memories with yours and they will become muddled. You may remember things that did not happen to you.
  • You may end up losing your sense of “self”.
  • Your ability to create on the Astral Levels may be severely hampered as your own self-awareness gets in the way of being able to manifest strongly.

Walk-Ins are not very well respected in the Astral Community, at large, and are often treated with disdain by other souls and spirits.

There is also something called “Transmigration”. This is when you are born into a body, but you need to find a new body to continue your mission because the old one has given out. As you are not entering with full awareness, it means that you can continue your human journey, though you will still suffer having your memories muddled with the original Host’s.

Being born into a body means that body is yours. No one can come and take possession of it without your permission on some level. Forgetting everything allows you to not only recreate yourself anew but increases your powers and abilities on all levels. Something that you will take with you once you leave that body.

Yes, it’s the much harder of the two options, but also the most rewarding.  It’s also the more dangerous of the two, because, while you are in a state of forgetfulness, you are vulnerable to those who remember who you are, and wish to take advantage of that.

With good guides or guardians, they will hopefully keep you safe.

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[…] you happen to be a Walk-In, perceiving psychic activity is far easier as you are not as connected to the body. There are pros […]


[…] out and about in your Light-Body, there is a chance you might be attacked or bound. Those who are Walk-Ins are more at risk than those who are naturally incarnated into a […]


[…] Otherkin, who are able to leave their body consciously at night, and visit dreamscapes. They may be walk-ins, demonics or entities such as succubi and […]


[…] Whether or not you are a Walk-In. […]

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