103 – End of Days – Universal Law Part 1

Universal Law (Part 1)

This series of articles will discuss Attunement and certain perspectives you should be open to consider should the End of Days actually occur.  For those who decide to continue reading this entry, I intend to offer advice on options you should seriously consider and the reasoning behind it. This particular entry will focus on Universal Laws such as Justice, Karma, and Ownership.


Justice is a manmade concept.

It only really exists on the 3D level.

In this human world, we believe that if a crime is committed, then there should be a penalty.

Now, in society, it is reasonable to have laws to keep order and try to stop crimes. To stop murders, theft, rape, scams, etc.

This is needed because, in my observation, many are incapable of understanding their connection and oneness to each other. Most have a YOLO (You Only Live Once) mindset. They enjoy the dramas and have a vested interest in gaining an advantage over others.

3D Realms

Acceptable behaviors appears to depend very much on what suits those in charge at the time.

While many laws are put into place to maintain a system that works to prevent chaos, I note that many are also there to raise revenue.

If you have enough money or the right connections, you will rarely face consequences or be held accountable for your actions.

I’ve seen good people be punished for petty crimes and those who blatantly break the law just walk away.

Even if people are proven guilty, any slip up in procedure or paperwork will allow them to walk free. This, then, stops being about justice and more about resources, red tape, and paperwork. Loopholes seem to always trump intent or guilt.

We have created a system that is both restrictive and allows for major corruption.

This is a thing that is primarily restricted to the 3D realms.

In the Astral, you would have a hard time enforcing any such rules as they are not recognized. While there are exceptions and councils that try to enforce their own brand of judgment and justice, they are often , self-mandated, and not recognized by Universal Law.

Universal Laws are natural laws. They need no upholding as they will uphold themselves.

Law of Karma

A well-known one is the Law of Karma, where everything is cause and effect. Our actions create energy elementals or Thought Forms, that go out, feed on similar energies, and eventually return to the source, creating the very outcomes that created it to begin with.

Karma is very misunderstood. Many think some deity is sitting there making judgments on our actions, or that it can be absolved by another. There isn’t and it can’t.

You can, however, shift from its effects by changing who you are, vibrationally, so that it no longer will resonate with you and effect you.


Balance is another Universal law, which is inherent in how things work. If things sway too far in one direction, something will come along to restore the balance. In the Realm of the Relative, you cannot have all Dark or all Light as that defeats the purpose of it being relative. It might take time to bring back balance, but it will happen.

There is a harmony to the balance of Order and Chaos. It’s already perfect, otherwise it wouldn’t exist.

Our 3D system of justice is as far removed from Universal Law and Harmony as it could possibly be.

Advanced Cultures

In higher vibrational levels where you have advanced cultures with their connection to The Source as a given; you will find that there is little to no interference for those who act in ways that we would deem unlawful in this world.

They will more likely observe and understand that the being acting out will experience the consequences of their own actions and eventually attune to a lower version of the reality it is in.

Those who are attuned to High-Level Astral worlds can always go down, but those who are not, will not be able to go up. They will have to work their way back.

It is possible to “piggyback” on something or someone to get to a higher-level world, but whether they will be able to stay, or even function there, is another matter.


Also, concepts, such as owning land, does not exist. Universal Law does not care about this.

Ownership is not determined by some piece of paper or by conquering some land. Those who live on the land are considered Guardians and take their responsibilities very seriously.

In fact, unless you have had a hand in creating the object, you cannot lay claim to it. Also, if you are the creator, it can’t be stolen as it will be Soul Bound to your energy.

The laws are pretty simple. There is Cause and Effect. There is Order and Chaos and there is Balance.

If someone works to pervert the Laws of the Universe, there will be consequences. But they are natural and are always in line with the crimes committed.

While the consequences will not be immediately obvious, they will occur in the fullness of time. In that interim period, there is always the chance and opportunity to rectify the errors and restore balance yourself.

Next: Universal Laws Part 2

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[…] far, we have discussed End of Days, Universal Laws and Attunement. The next three entries will cover general advice and tips for those who wish to […]

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