3 – The Jack Chat.


Why Deal With A Demon?

Many have questioned why I even dealt with Omen.  Generally, I will not deal with demons.  They are assholes and proud of it.  It’s just who they are and there isn’t any real gain by doing so.

Sure, you can use them to make a deal getting short term gains, but this is a really, really bad idea.  There is no such thing as a free lunch, and it could literally cost you your Soul.  In a nutshell, you don’t have a Soul. You are a Soul.

Omen was different, though.


It’s true that Omen was demonic; and it is also true that Souls were always of interest to him.  Making a deal with a demon is never wise or smart.

However, it was also true that Omen was a slave of what one might term, interdimensional beings.  Until I started talking to him, I had only experienced such beings in my Mind’s Eye when Mind Traveling, and never really believed it. 

Such beings are better known as aliens. In the past, I asked my Guides about this subject, and they responded:  “You really don’t want to go there.”

I will look at this subject at much more depth in future entries.


Omen was controlled by binds that covered his entire body.  The binds kept him both alive in his current state and bound to bodies.

Binds are designed to enslave and cause excruciating pain to the victim until he or she submits to the handler’s will.

Continue reading “3 – The Jack Chat.”