119 – Psychic Attacks: The Signs, Types, and Rules

Psychic Attacks:   The Signs, Types, and Rules

This is a series that looks at what Psychic Attacks are and what you can do to avert them. This week’s entry will focus on the signs that an attack is happening, the types that exist, and general rules about them.

Many Types

There are many types of attacks out there. If you understand them, they can be relatively easy to negate, and for that reason, the methods are kept secret.

While I don’t intend to reveal every secret (mostly because I don’t know them all), I certainly will be going into methods and how you can tell if you are under attack.


One of the most obvious signs of Psychic Attacks is when things go wrong in “clumps.” This includes incidents that shouldn’t occur or would never normally happen. They all come at once.

Such attacks will typically happen at the worst possible time.

This happened to me frequently in the early 2000s and always when I was seeking aid against the entity who had made it his mission to take me down. It’s a very effective strategy as it causes drain and interruption of flow.

Track the Source

Another example, that comes to mind, was in 2004.

A friend of mine, who has passed, told me that things had been going wrong for her for a while.

As it was the typical “clump” type problem, it was clear she was under attack.

I was able to track the source and I had a suspicion what was behind it. I asked her about a certain person who I knew was very dangerous. He was a dark Druid and well versed in Astral and Psychic Attacks.

She had told him she didn’t like him. (He was hitting on her despite her being underage.)

She showed me the log and said that things started to go wrong right after that incident.

He had clearly felt jilted and attacked.

I put a block on his energies, and things returned to normal right away.

Basic Demonic Rule

Over the years, I’ve noticed that there are various levels and types of attacks.

Let’s look at some now in a very general way.

In the next entries, I’ll go into more detail.

Some attacks require a lot more energy and effort than others. The type that is used will depend greatly on the threat level of the target, the desired outcome, and the ease of success.

There is a basic demonic rule that states:   The amount of effort put into an activity must not exceed the benefits gained.

While this may apply to most beings, it especially holds true for negative entities who are limited in their energies.

Therefore, if you make things hard enough for an attack to succeed, the attacker will tend to give up and search for greener pastures.

The Exceptions

The Exceptions to this rule are:

  • There has been a hit ordered on you, so failure and giving up is not an option.

For instance, any target or being of note might have demons who have been enslaved and assigned to watch them. They will always be there, unless detected and removed.

  • You are deemed a big enough threat that it becomes a “win at all costs” situation.

I appear to fall into this category. There have been many very detailed and intricate attacks on me. Personally, I think they are over-reacting. My Guides also tell me many were pre-emptive strikes.

  • You have something they want; thus, the long-term benefits will far outweigh the immediate loss and outlay of resources.

This happens when you are a unique or useful type of being with powerful energy. I have seen too many such cases where sources of great power have been betrayed and enslaved.

  • The attacker has an obsession with the victim.

This is self-explanatory. You will find this type of situation happens more with humans than with spirits. Still, I’ve had plenty of stalkers from the Astral Worlds to know that it can happen more than we may believe.

When there is obsessive energy, it will feed itself and keep the attack going. It’s a good idea to try and locate the source and do what can be done to reconcile, appease, or at the very least, discuss the reasons behind the attack.

For entities of an Astral nature, being telepathic can really help here.

This does not always work, especially if it’s a stalker, and all they want, is you.

3 Categories of Psychic Attack

There are also different levels of attacks. As they take up energy, especially from the Astral levels, they will tend to fall into one of three categories. Though, that does not mean all three cannot be used at the same time.

Low Level 

These are ones that don’t require much energy or setup. Something is put into place and left to run its course. Normally, it’s subtle; such as implanting an Astral Parasite.  However, with enough time the effects may be devastating.

Generally, it’s a “set it and forget it” type strategy.  A vast number of Psychic Attacks fall into the category of being low level.

Medium Level

Medium Level attacks take more planning, monitoring, and energy. They are generally very pronounced. One of the most definitive traits of  a Psychic Attack is the inability to recognize that they exist and/or that one is being used against you.

Medium Level attacks, though, tend to throw those particular qualities out of the window.

One example occurred back in 2004.

It was a dark and foggy night.  I was at the railway station carpark and had just started my car.

As I was about the drive forward out of my parking spot (and yes, I always park so my car is facing outward), I hesitated for a moment for some reason.

Immediately after, I heard the loud revving of a car which sped right past where I would have been pulling out.

Where it was going, I have no clue as there was a dead end only a few meters away.  Moreover, it would have been very messy if I had not hesitated for that moment.

To me, it felt like a blatant attack.

I said to my Guides:   Why didn’t you stop it?

My Guides responded:   We did. You’re still alive.

High Level

High Level attacks require very long-term and meticulous planning. They also require a lot of resources and energy for them to succeed. The beauty of a High Level attack is that there may seem like nothing is happening. Through misdirection and manipulation, the victim’s own energy can be used against them.

Direct Attacks

On the Astral levels, things are as physical there as they are in the third dimensional level.  It should be noted, though, the laws of 3D dimensional physics do not apply. Hence, the denizens are capable of truly god-like powers.

If you happen to be out and about in your Lightbody, there is a chance you might be attacked or bound. Those who are Walk-Ins are more at risk than those who are naturally incarnated into a body.

In Summary

So, in summary:

  • Attacks take energy. Normally, the psychic type of energy.
  • It is possible that more than one method might be used and that you could be attacked on all levels at the same time.
  • Knowing the source makes it easier to block attacks.
  • Whether the Psychic Attack comes from someone in the flesh or from the Astral level, there are certain types to be aware of.

Next: How to detect psychic attacks

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