191 – The Guide’s Guide – Short Messages

Short Messages

This series of blogs, The Guide’s Guide, is intended to help and educate people about spirit guides. I work to answer the most common questions and give tips on what to do, and not do. In these blogs, I will also discuss many personal experiences in the hope that you may be able to connect with them. This entry, we will look at repeated short messages, which are messages that play over and over in your mind.

One type of communication, that I have always gotten, comes in the form of repeated short messages.

These are often just a few words that are repeated, over and over, until I finally understand them.

There is no time limit on how long they may last.

It is a fact that some of my messages have been happening since the 1980s.

Background Noise

You might think it would become nothing more than background noise, and in a sense, that is true. However, they are designed to get our attention and make us focus on the meaning.

I have never quite identified the source of repeated short messages.

I call them “pure” messages.

They can’t be stopped. I’ve certainly tried, but nothing works.

They may happen anytime there is a “quiet” moment. It’s like a tape loop.

They mostly come through when I’m doing something like walking and my attention is not being divided by anything of note.

Automatic Messages?

My Guides tell me they are messages I set up for myself before I incarnated. Apparently, my orders were to never stop playing them until I fully understood them.

Whether it’s my Higher Self (as Geb) or other spirit Guides sending them, I am not sure, but they are a constant.

I hope these messages are automatic. I can’t imagine the tedium involved in repeating the same words over and over, minute after minute, day after day, week after week, month after month, year after year, and decade after decade.

You might think that this type of message would be enough to send me crazy. Oddly enough, it doesn’t. Go figure.

As these messages eventually do make sense (although it can take many years for the context to be realized), it reassures me that I am not mad or delusional.


For those who are interested, I’ll give a few examples of such messages that I’ve received over the years.

Who are you? (Received during the 1980s to the mid-1990s)

The first time I recall hearing that message, was in 1983. I was driving and it just popped into my thoughts.

At the same time, I suddenly had a very profound sense of something more going on. I struggled to comprehend my own existence and what it meant, but that was as far as I got.

Every so often, this message would repeat. It would be years before the answer started to come.

What makes this message significant is that I’m not the only one to have received it. In later years, I came across others who mentioned they had received the same words.

I suspect it’s probably one of the more common types of messages that people hear.


When you become love, love becomes you. (1980s and 1990s)

This was in my mind quite frequently for years, along with Love is a heart factor. 

For some reason, I never could wrap my mind around the meaning of those repeated short messages. On the surface, I’m sure it’s obvious to most, but to me, I felt like I was missing a deeper meaning.

The nature of love was something of great importance for me.  While many seem to dismiss it as trivial, equate it as weakness in addition to a hindrance in success; I’ve found that it is one of those true protections against Psychic Attacks.

When I suggest using love as a means for protection, it often seems to fall on deaf ears. But I digress.

Those two messages were frequent for a long time, but I believe they stopped when my Guides had a long talk with me about the exact nature of what Unconditional Love was.

In essence, I believe those messages were about “being” love rather than “doing” or “projecting.”  I’ve written about Unconditional Love in this entry, if you wish to read it.


Do you know who we are? (1990s and 2000’s)

This, along with a similar: “You still don’t know who we are,” repeated in my thoughts quite frequently.

It took me a while to even work out who “we” were supposed to be.

This was my Guides way of trying to draw attention to who they were. It seemed that they had gone to a lot of trouble to that end.

It wasn’t till around 2005 that I finally put two and two together and realized they were known as Dakini. After that, those short messages ceased.

The Dakini are generally associated with The Hindus and Buddhism, among other things.

At the time, I couldn’t work out how and why I would be associated with such beings, or why they would have much to do with me, but more recent events have shown me that I have definite Hindu roots (as well as Buddhists ones.)

Dakini make great Guides and amazing Protectors. (My ex-partner would refer to them as my Mafia Guides, as they showed little tolerance or humor when I was being attacked without cause or provocation.)


You have no idea how powerful you really are. 

I don’t recall when this one started, but it’s one that has always been on a loop and is repeated at least several times a day.

As for the message itself, it’s probably true. I just have no clue what the full extent of my powers are.


While I’ve had dozens of short messages, there is one that never goes away.  

That is: You are The Phoenix.

I get this every day, several times, without fail. It may be a reminder, but It may also be something I have yet to fully comprehend. It appears there are certain things that are associated with this title that I have yet to remember.

It’s beyond the scope of this entry to delve into it, though.

In Conclusion

Repeated short messages are just one way of receiving communication from your Guides. If you can, write them down when you receive them. Due to their nature, they may be hard to recall them at will.

Their purpose is to reveal a fact or truth to you that is relevant to your life so don’t ignore them.

Remember, quite often, context is needed for the message to make sense, but it will be provided at some point. So look for it and be aware that they are designed to help move you forward on your path and remind you of who you are and why you are here.

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[…] This series of blogs, The Guide’s Guide, is intended to help and educate people about spirit guides. I work to answer the most common questions and give tips on what to do, and not do. In these blogs, I will also discuss many personal experiences in the hope that you may be able to connect with them. In this entry, we’ll discuss longer type messages that are still short, but not on a tape loop type scenario, as discussed in the previous entry. […]

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