144 – Psychic Attacks – Spiritual Psyche

What Is the Psyche?

This is a series that looks at what Psychic Attacks are and what you can do regarding them. This entry we’ll focus on an attack of our Spiritual Psyche.

A Psychic Attack upon the Spiritual Psyche is an attempt to influence people into behaviors they normally would not indulge in.

Psyche is defined as the Soul, Mind, or Spirit.

Souls are quite complex as they have many layers to them. Those layers can, quite literally, be stripped away creating separate identities. In extreme cases, Free Will can be removed as there may only be one Soul Layer left. (Omen was an example of this.)

We are multi-dimensional beings. This means we exist on many levels at the same time. The most obvious ones being the 3D and the Astral.

While the body does a decent job of shielding and protecting Us (Us being our Soul), the other Soul Levels tend to be more vulnerable to attack.

Something negative, such as a demonic, can come along and telepathically, or even directly, suggest things to those layers.

The lower your vibrational level, the easier it is for them to reach and communicate with you.

Even people who believe themselves to be immune to such attacks may indeed be susceptible.

An Old Cliché

The old archetype of an angel and a devil sitting on a person’s shoulder isn’t so far from the truth. It’s a cliché for a reason.

A negative being may often be countered by a Guide, Angelic or Protector.

And while they aren’t technically on one’s shoulders, it’s highly probable that your Guides might be trying to give you balanced advice or warnings.


While you can’t make someone do something they don’t want to do, you can mess with target’s energies (and desires) to engage in something they would not normally do.

This is generally only possible if the desire already exists on some level.

You will feel the temptation or an uncharacteristic impulse to do things you normally wouldn’t do.

It will manifest itself as a compulsion that is hard to ignore.

Logic, intuition, and reason will become short-circuited and our moral compass may become blocked.

The target of a Spiritual Psyche Attack may find themselves contemplating illegal or immoral activities.

They may become reckless, take bad risks, engage in dangerous activities or actions which could hurt themselves and others.

Afterwards, people will say to themselves: “What was I thinking?” or “It seemed like a good idea at the time.”

They will not really understand what had come over them.

Sexual Energy

This type of psychic attack is often paired with sexual energy and desire.

Sexual energy is one of the strongest forces in the universe and when manipulated, it can cause the fall of almost anyone.

Spiritual Psyche Attacks are often responsible for things like sexual infidelity, rape, molestation, and so on.

It may create pedophiles or molesters, by convincing the target that there is nothing wrong with what they are doing or desiring. The desire for pleasure and excitement will override any resistance the target may have.

To be clear, this is not an excuse for people acting on such impulses or absolves them from responsibilities, but it’s certainly a reason why some succumb to such temptations.

A Spiritual Psyche Attack often needs a strong, personal moral code to override it.

False Security

Such Psychic Attacks will also cause one to put themselves into potentially dangerous situations. This is certainly more likely when one is in unfamiliar surroundings; the fear of consequences in their decisions and actions will not bother them as much.

For instance, while travelling in a different country, many will indulge in behaviors that they would not normally consider at home. This may be due to a false air of security and lack of long-term consequences.

Abuse of Power

The purpose of the Spiritual Psyche Attack is to compromise the integrity of the target. Many good people have fallen to temptation.

They may be convinced they are too powerful or above the law. Some, like celebrities, may consider themselves to be too rich, famous, well-loved, or influential. They do not believe there will be any real consequences, or even consider the possibility that it will happen.

Many see this as an abuse of one’s powers, and technically it is. In many cases, it’s due to ego being stroked and one’s desire, sexually or otherwise, being inflamed.  


This type of Psychic Attack has also been perfected by those in marketing. Many successful advertisements work because they can tap into the psyche and convince people that they need something.

This may manifest as an overwhelming compulsion that you need to buy something right now.

Gambling works in the same way (and also uses the sunk cost fallacy) to entice people to spend more on something they have already invested in.

Mobile gaming, and the like, also works on a similar principal.

Whatever the case, the result is the same. Logic goes out the window and we engage in behaviors that we would normally find insane.

Your Moral Code

Even the strongest and most noble people can be vulnerable to a Spiritual Psyche Attack.

So, what can you do to protect yourself?

Awareness of such attacks is a good start, though, there is a real risk of even that being short-circuited at the time.

As mentioned, you should consider a strong moral code. You can create one by deciding who you are, who you wish to be and how you wish to respond to situations and temptations.

If you choose this path, it is important that you stick to the one you create. Making the decision to follow your moral code, no matter what it is at the time, is important.

If you only do so when it suits you, then it is pointless, and your behavior becomes amoral. (Something many are proud of, but being amoral will always bite them on the butt in the end.)

Listen To Your Intuition

Listening to your intuition can also be helpful. But there is a problem. Many times, people do not like what it is telling them, so they choose to ignore it. Especially when it’s something they feel they really want.

But if you get that anxious, sinking feeling about doing something, then don’t do it. This is a warning and it is at your own peril that you ignore it.

In Conclusion

Temptation is everywhere. It has become a cliché, but that does not make it any less valid.

No, you will not burn forever in the fires of Hell if you give into it. No, you will not be rejected by Source (which is what I call God), if you succumb.

You may, however, set your own progress back a long way.

Falling is easy. Climbing back up… not so much.

Next: Something else.

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