125 – Psychic Attacks – Nightmares

This is a series that looks at what Psychic Attacks are and what you can do regarding them. This entry we’ll focus on Dreamscapes and how nightmares can be used to drain our energies.

Recurring Nightmares

My mother had these recurring nightmares for many years about a large house somewhere in the country.

In her dreams, she found that on Tuesdays and Thursdays there were certain rooms it was a bad idea to go into.

When she entered the rooms, she found the spirits of two young children: A girl and a boy.

She said the boy was evil, and the girl was simply misled and just going along.

Ghost Children

There was a time when ghost children used to freak me out. That scene from “The Shining,” with the identical twins standing in the hallway with a river of blood gushing behind them used to terrify me for decades. I would get a strong feeling of terror and sadness whenever I thought of them, but I had no explanation as to why.

Throughout the years, my mother would mention those dreams. When she brought up the subject again in 1998, I started to think more on it.

When I thought of the boy, I felt the same terror I got from The Shining. At the time, I was under heavy attack from Seth as he was doubling down on his campaign against me, which is recounted in my book I am The Phoenix.

Mind you, I had no clue it was Seth at the time. All I knew was that something was relentlessly attacking me, and according to my Guides, being stubborn about it.

When I focused on the boy, I knew he was dark.


As I contemplated on the subject, a scenario unfolded in my mind.

It was of a massacre that occurred one night at a large country mansion. The two children were told to hide up in the attic, but something made a noise, and they were found. They ended up being murdered by someone with an axe.

The date felt like it was during the mid-1800’s. I was also reminded of what a psychic said when I visited her back in 1995.

She would be working in her shop, cutting meat; and suddenly, she’d have a past life flashback and the wall would be covered in blood.

At the time, I wondered what sort of event happened to cause that, but I now suspect that she was one of the people present during that night.


Soon after that story unfolded in my mind, I mentioned it to a person in a chat room I used to frequent back in the days of Internet Relay Chat (IRC). She called herself Coco and she was a psychic.

I mentioned to her that I had a past life vision. I did not give any details of it, though. Without me asking, she started to do some automatic writing, which she said she was channelling.

She wrote:
A raven flew down to sit curiously on a black wrought iron fence. It stared at an old ivy-covered house set back a ways off Wigham Rd.

Startled it flew up to the roof and cawed screeching. Just then a crashing sound in a high attic loft was heard. A bloodied face was seen by the raven through the high window.”

It flew and alit on the sill and peered within. Four axes were seen embedded in the floorboards.”

How accurate this was I can’t say for sure, but it certainly did seem to fit into things.

Finally Stopped

It was after that, I found that if I concentrated on the ghost boy, I could trace his energies and feel his presence.

I thought that, if I could reconcile whatever his issues were, then maybe he would leave.

I attempted to do this, but before too long, the entity just disappeared. This was most likely due to him not liking that I could trace his energies.

I did not feel things were resolved but hoped that, whatever he was up to, he had finally given up.

And along with the energy dissipating, my mother’s dreams finally stopped.

Of course, being Seth, and because of my long history with him, things were not going to be that easy. It wasn’t long after when his attacks on me increased in intensity.

Another Battle

Eventually, things became so bad that one day, nearly two years later, I decided I had had enough. It was time to remove this being once and for all.

What then occurred was the start of yet another battle.

It coincided with the opening of the Celestine Vision chat room (now defunct). There I met several psychics who picked up on this entity and validated what I was experiencing. One person even said that it was my “dark self.” I thought that improbable at the time, but she was right on the money. Her advice was to name, summon, and defeat it.


A few months after the room opened, I was chatting to a lady who went by the name Samasia.

She said that her life was terrible and the nightmares she was having were draining her and making things unbearable.

When we asked about the details, she described how she was having nightmares about a large house with a room that held something evil. She was having this nightmare a few times a week. They always left her feeling drained and depressed.

I asked how long she had been having these nightmares. She replied around two years. This coincided with the time my mother stopped having hers.

I couldn’t ignore this, so I began to work with her to stop the nightmares.

Steal Energy

I felt that the nightmares were being used to steal energy from Samasia.

I am not sure exactly what Seth’s end game was or why he chose this lady. If I had ever seen a photo of her, it might have shed some light on the reasons. However, in 2000, scanners and digital cameras weren’t something most people had.

In any case, Seth did have Incubus qualities, and thus was able to drain energies. This explained why Samasia was waking up always feeling so tired, drained and depressed.


She also mentioned something which I found creepy.

She was walking into a building, when she heard someone call her name. Samasia looked around and the only thing she saw was a raven that was looking at her.

Considering it was a raven in Coco’s vision, I felt that was quite significant.

Ravens have always been an omen of trouble for me in this life. A good number of people, who used it as part of their name, have ended up attacking or betraying me. Or at least they did, till the mid to late noughties. In the past decade or so, I’ve not had any further incidents, but I digress.

The Key

I spent a little time trying to help Samasia, as her life was really messed up. My main goal was to stop the nightmares, and I figured that the only way to do this was to defeat the entity behind it.

I had no idea how I was going to do that.

I had some information on what was going on from my Guides, though it wasn’t enough to help.

As recounted in my book, I am The Phoenix,  they explained that the entire point of me incarnating here with no memory was to prove the point that, even without my knowledge, awareness, and powers; I would still prevail and prove that using love was the key to doing it.

If I succeeded, many of the gods would be forced to incarnate as humans, so they could understand what it was like to be human. Also, all attacks on me were supposed to stop, though this was never honored.

Until that day, my enemies were free to attack me in any way they desired. Their goal was to prove that like everyone else, under the worst circumstances, I would fail. I would fall to temptation and abuse what powers I had to either get ahead or seek revenge on those who had wronged me.

Despite all those attacks and the temptations I faced, I made the right choices and prevailed.


In 1996, I finally won my bet, and I started to remember bits and pieces of what was really going on.

The following year, my Guides told me that everyone had agreed to incarnate but there was still one holding out. This entity that had been attacking me all along.

As I wasn’t attuned enough yet to get names, I did not know who it was. That skill took me another 12 years to gain. I doubt I would have believed it, anyway, even if I had been told. I could barely accept that I was The Phoenix, let alone that gods were involved.

All I knew was that he (Seth) was refusing to accept my victory and was doubling down on his attacks.

It wasn’t until May 2000 that I finally got my opportunity to confront him directly.


It began when I was chatting online to the lady called  Caroline. I did not know it at the time, but it seemed she was an Avatar of Lilith

She told me that she was seeing an angry face of someone who was trying to come between me and her.

I checked, and it felt like my entity and I felt his hate, anger, and power.

I decided to engage him, with the intent to destroy or banish, but still, I held myself back. Yes, I was fed up with the attacks, and wanted him gone, but I just couldn’t bring myself to destroy him.

I asked for help from the chat room. Six other people tried to add their energies to help me, but I seriously doubt they made that much of a difference.


It felt like I was hitting a solid wall. It was like the immovable object meets the irresistible force. Neither party could make any headway. I didn’t use any of my tricks or tactics and neither did he. It was just force against force.

I truly suspect that Seth was holding back, too.

After around thirty minutes or so, we both seemed to mutually withdraw, and the battle ended inconclusively.


The next day, one of the six emailed me and said that when she touched the entity, she felt that he was a 10 year old boy who had been abused and would take on different personas and visit the chat room. Something that I was not aware of. Still, it did fit with everything else.

A few days later, I was taking a shower, when I felt the entity return. It was at this point, I felt that any further battle was pointless. I just wanted to make peace with him. I told him that I did love him, cared for him, and thanked him for making me strong.

I felt the hate and anger dissipate the moment I did this. It was tangible and amazing.

His attacks on me finally ended and Seth incarnated into a human body. (Choosing an earlier time to do so, which is how time works Astrally.)

Back on Track

As for Samasia, I lost touch with her. I had no clue if the nightmares had stopped or not until two years later, she suddenly reappeared in the chat room. I found that her nightmares had stopped, and her life was back on track. She credited me for that.

I was both happy and surprised to find that out.

In Conclusion

Dreamscapes are quite complex. As previously mentioned, while Dreamscapes are considered our sacred space, they do come under attack quite frequently.

This story demonstrates how Seth was able to use them as an energy source, but at the expense of someone else’s energy.

Always take such attacks seriously.

This story had a happy ending, but it could have ended otherwise. I’m glad it didn’t.

Next: Attacks of Amplification

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