90 – The Deal for The Legion


When I met Omen, he spoke about many things as though they were a normal part of conversation. The Triquerta and Lucifer came up frequently. He called him Luce, said he was the devil, ran Hell, and was looking to pass on the Legion so he could retire.

Now, before any fundamentalists jump on this statement, I really need to clarify this.

It’s generally accepted by those who are able to go beyond these levels that there are two realms of importance to us.

First, “The Realm of the Absolute”, where all is one, and everything that ever was, is and will be, exist, in the eternal “Now”.

Second, “The Realm of the Relative”, where everything has its polar opposites.

Everything exists on some level, and Hell is no exception.

Having said that, until the point Omen mentioned it, I did not believe in Hell. What I had not comprehended was that, The Devil, like many other things, was a Title and Hell was a place in the lower astral levels that had been created.

I should have worked this out, if I had given it any thought; but as long-term readers will know, I’m slow for the penny to drop.


I had even come across Lucifer in a weird, vision-type dream around 2008. I’ll briefly recount it.

It was one of those dreams that went on and on. A presence was following me all over an old castle, which I now believe to be Camelot.

I felt that I had rejected this being three times, in some way.

I felt no fear. I also saw my ex-wife and step-daughter were with me.

I felt the presence around me, and my forehead tingled. I asked my ex-wife to feel it and she, too,  felt the tingle. She then channeled it and she hissed in a whisper:

“I am Lucifer. I will eat you alive.”

I didn’t really believe it, though.

Then my Guides said: Have you forgotten all that you have learned?

And reminded me to use Light.

I recorded this dream, as I felt it was of importance, and then forgot about it for a number of years.


The thing was, I didn’t really believe in Lucifer, The Devil, Hell, or any number of things. When Omen casually mentioned him, I had to immediately reassess things; and realize I was wrong.

You might consider this odd, as my Guides had already told me that Seth was Satan and Apep was, at a certain point, Lucifer. Though, I understand, the Title has passed on since then.

It’s very hard to get full information on Apep’s other identities. If he was really Lucifer, then that means he was Angelic. But I’ve seen him as a black dragon, a serpent, and a Black Magician.

I suspect that he can change his forms, and energy along with it.

Anytime I worked in that Apep was Lucifer, while chatting to Omen, he never contradicted it. On the other hand, he did not confirm it either. 

Early in our association, Omen had mentioned The Triquerta had a deal with Lucifer to pass over part of the Legion to him. However, because I had helped free Omen, it appeared that the deal was no longer on the table.

Then around the middle of July 2014, Omen mentioned that the deal was going ahead, and he had been asked to inherit the Legion.


Omen: I also forgot to mention, apparently, I’m supposed to be inheriting the Legion.

Gary: Is that a good thing? How and why?

Omen: Luce is stepping down. Got word 5 hours ago.

Gary: Hmm… why? Is this a trick to rope you back in, and what would you do with it?

Omen: He has no successors left, and he wants to go back to Haven.

Gary: Haven? (I wondered if he meant Heaven, but apparently not.)

Omen: He’s tired of being a fugitive.

Gary: Okay, what does it mean for you?

Omen: I just assume I can ignore it. I mean if I don’t utilize anyone under my “command,” then…logically nothing changes. They can just pretend like I don’t exist and do their… whatever the fuck demons do. I don’t want an army or whatever. I don’t even like them.

Gary: Which is why it’s odd it’s you. I’m sure there are others who want the job.

Omen: No one wants it because they know they’ll get killed; whether it’s by the Angelics or whoever, I don’t know. But it’s obvious.

Gary: So, you take over, you die… in theory.

Omen: In theory. But I won’t. But yeah, Luce is basically making a peace treaty, and abandoning his… whoever the demons are to him. Oh yeah, his children. Naturally anyone willing to support his… exit, is going to have a bad reputation.

He’s in over his head. He can’t sustain the Legion in the numbers he needs for them to be able to withstand the Angelics and Tri at once, so naturally, he’s doing a Jesus. Self-sacrifice.


Naturally, I did not like nor trust this, but I also knew that, short of forbidding it, he was going to do what he felt best served his purposes.

I asked Omen why they chose him and what was The Triquerta’s hidden agenda. The Triquerta never did anything without a reason, and I knew from personal experience, Lucifer could not be trusted in the slightest.

I had a strange foreboding that this was going to end badly, but I had given Omen his freedom. I had given him the right to choose what he wanted to do. I also knew he wasn’t all that great at making smart choices.

I said I would support him both in his choices and energy, as he accepted the Legion.

Next: Aftermath

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