15 – Jesus or Yeshua?

Jesus or Jeshua


The next two entries will be quite controversial, so I apologize for that.  I hesitate to post such things as they fly in the face of our established history and people will happily condemn, attack and kill if they don’t like what they hear.  If you are sensitive to things that contradict Christianity, I recommend you skip this entry.

One of the interesting things about Omen was his presence during many historical events. For instance, Omen always maintained that he met Jesus; He was hung, not crucified, did not have 12 apostles around Him, and was married to Mary Magdalene with two children (a boy and girl).

(My own thoughts on the matter about  him being hung is that I doubt that  Omen was present for the crucifixion itself. But if you were to describe such an event, you would also say it’s being hung (on a cross.))

What makes this important is that it illustrates that “Jesus” did exist.  (Though I am aware of many details that were altered much later. A subject I won’t go into for the moment.)

It also shows how different this version is compared to what was later  published in The Bible.

I queried Omen a little on his meeting Jesus.

Gary:      Hey, do you think you could draw what Jesus looked like?  Just curious.

Omen:      I could if I practiced drawing portraits first.

Gary:      Cause I’m assuming the general depiction is rubbish.

Omen:     He was black and had that head wrap thing in blue and walked around with a stick thing.  Staff? No too short for a staff. Whatever it was.

Gary:     Yeah, was told He was a man of colour.

Omen:     He was mixed though, not dark dark. Think He was Persian somehow.

Gary:     Did He have a beard?

Omen:     He didn’t have much of a beard. Patchy. He obviously hacked it off with a blade. It grows different lengths according to how you hold the blade against the skin, so the jawline was longer than the cheeks and the edges of the mouth was in between.  He had blue eyes though which confused me. Maybe He was partially blind or something and hence the stick.

Gary:     How did you know it was Him?

Omen:     He spat in my face.  I’d remember if it was Him. Jesus’s original name was Yeshua anyway, so fuck everyone and their Bible. Jesus was the name assigned to Him after He got hung and cannibalized as Yeshua was considered to be too sacred and whatever.

Gary:     And he was hung?

Omen:     Uh, I didn’t see his dick…well, not properly.  It’s not what I was paying attention to when I was on the ground.  I was more so looking at my own blood oozing out of my nose into the dirt.

Gary:     And I assume he hit you cause of who you were?

Omen:     Oh, He let me go out of the goodness of my heart, made a big show of it. Glorified prick.

Gary:     Did He have any real power or was it just hype?

Omen:     Told me to run a herd of diseased pigs into one of the waterholes of Luce’s [Lucifer’s] people and I could go.  So, I did it.  He said it was only fair as I’d been apprehended originally for eating animals that didn’t belong to me.  He said, “A pig for a pig,” and I said, “Fuck you… but ok.” Well, damn you….but close enough. After all I’m not supposed to know jack shit about “divine” business.

Gary:     What was the message?

Omen:     If I was going to tell you I would have by now.

Gary:    Okay.

Omen:     I pretty much said something along the lines of, “You can still leave and not be a ritual sacrifice,” and He just denied the whole thing. He was dead a week later. Proper dead, not some bullshit revival thing in the book. Well, He knew it already. Humans needed a martyr….and He was it.  It just grew from there.  I don’t actually know if He “returned” or whatever, but I damn well know He died.

Gary:     If He did, it was just a Light body. Not exactly a resurrection.  So doesn’t really count.

Omen:     Oh and He also threatened me, but that’s not much of a surprise. Told me to go tell my “friends” that they should leave because Sodom and all the rest of the promised land has fallen and will continue to fall for as long as the Lord presides over the land…etc. (And I have no clue what He was talking about there.)

Gary:     I’m sure they took notice.

Omen:    Who?

Gary:    Your friends.

Omen:    I don’t know which He meant. I wasn’t working for Luce at the time.

Gary:    Well, He must have had some powers.

Omen:    He could do some witchcraft, or what was witchcraft at the time. Mostly just making sigils in the sand and dropping items on top and things like that. Nothing complicated.

Gary:    And did He have Apostles around Him?  (I asked this question as another of my sources claimed that they never existed.)

Omen:    Never heard of those.

Gary:    The Twelve Apostles? Judas, etc?

Omen:    Doesn’t ring a bell.

Gary:    They were apparently His followers.  Judas betrayed Him with a kiss or something for 12 pieces of silver.

Omen:     ……Right. No idea, still.

I’ve certainly have my own thoughts on the absence of the 12 Apostles, though I’ll keep them to myself for now.  Some things aren’t worth discussing, especially when the context hasn’t matured.

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