142 – Psychic Attacks – Attacks of Injustice

Attacks of Injustice

This is a series that looks at what Psychic Attacks are and what you can do regarding them. This entry we look at Attacks of Injustice.

An Attack of Injustice is when a person or target becomes outraged about a perceived injustice. They can then be used to attack someone to discredit them or destroy their work.

This type of attack is very effective and negative entities tend to whisper thoughts into the mind of those who are susceptible to help fan the flames.

Urban myths and legends are a main source of such attacks, though the News Media will use this to their advantage, when needed.

Urban Myths

Most have seen the “pass this along” type email about some injustice that is being done to some innocent victim or group of people.

Or they will target someone who may be high profile with the intent to ruin or discredit them as a person and destroy their reputation.

Many people become outraged and rarely bother to fact check the truth of the matter.

In fact, even when the truth is revealed, many will choose to ignore it rather than believe or admit they were wrong.

Ego is a real problem here, as few will wish to look like they are gullible fools who blindly pass on toxic information to all and sundry.

False Accusations

There are many Urban Myths that may spread like wildfire, but a good amount are generally harmless. It’s the more insidious nastier ones which are designed to bring fear and hatred toward certain communities, that does the damage.

People have been known to commit suicide when falsely accused of things that have never happened. Pedophilia, sexual harassment, domestic abuse, accusations of corruption, and the like, are very common. While such cases really do exist, many are manufactured.

The hate and backlash the victim receives can be enough to push them over the edge.


Attacks of Injustice can be used to also target communities and races.

One that comes to mind happened in the aftermath of 9/11, when a rumor went around stating that Jews knew about the impending attack and stayed home that day. I saw this one being spread without any regard to the effect this would have on others.

In fact, there has been a marked rise of anti-Semitic propaganda in recent years. The hatred is frightening.

There are no doubt countless examples out there and many groups and races have suffered similar persecution.  


Attacks of Injustice will play on a person’s outrage. It will not matter if the information is true or not, it’s very often presented in a way to inflame people.

To that end, even accurate information can be completely twisted to make it appear like something it is not.

The Need For Justice

Justice is a man-made concept. I’m sure I’ve mentioned this before at some point. Universal Law does not care about Justice as things are not set up to judge one’s actions.

While there are many nuances to how Universal Law works (many of them recorded in the I Ching), the consequences of one’s actions is determined by Intention, Cause and Effect.

But in this world, which is seeped in forgetfulness and illusion, there is a strong desire to see people pay for their perceived crimes, regardless if it concerns one or not.

As a side note, killing someone as punishment is akin to evicting a driver from their car and destroying it. In other words, you have just freed that which you seek to punish, and they are free to walk-in or incarnate into another body.

But I digress.

Do You Really Care?

When someone becomes outraged by the perceived lack of justice, they will not only expend a lot of energy on the matter, but also add to the pool of toxic energy that is already out there.

The irony is that most don’t actually care about those things they have just championed. Odds are, they will quickly forget they have even done this and move on. Unless you have an excellent or Eidetic memory, you will probably not even remember most of the things that got you so riled up and upset to begin with.

The News Media is excellent at doing this. And Social Media is now rife with fake news.  


Lightworkers, and those who strive to make the world a better place, are particularly susceptible to these kinds of attacks.

Also, Social Justice Warriors (SJW) will often take up a cause that no one asked them to adding fuel to the fire.

They see what they consider to be an injustice to someone or something, and they will go off, often halfcocked, and start a crusade.

All too often, their sense of righteousness is triggered, and they rarely stop to check all the facts from both sides of the fence.

They may not even wish to fact check and may, in fact, ignore any evidence that is contrary to what they are doing and saying.

Cancel Culture

Cancel Culture has become another issue. People are putting today’s values on what was accepted (rightly or wrongly) in a different time.

To my mind, this is akin to censorship, and an attempt to rewrite / whitewash history, while destroying anything you may not personally agree with.

Many times, it’s just a bloated ego and blatant self-entitlement, to get their fifteen minutes of fame, in the name of “justice”.

The fact they don’t care one whit about the lives they destroy and those they hurt, speaks volumes about the kind of people they are.

Battle Cry

Empaths are also especially vulnerable to Attacks of Injustice.

Hence, such people waste precious energy and resources, and become distracted from what they really should be focused on.

Their battle cry could be: Let’s save the world. Leave no survivors.

In Conclusion

So, ask yourself this question, next time you see something that upsets you.

Does it really matter to you? Are you going to investigate into the facts of the matter and follow through?

Will it make a difference to your life? Is it going to affect you in any significant way?

Why do you really care? Is it just because you are enjoying the drama? Is this something that really concerns you and you should become involved with?

And even if it is, remember: Toxic, hateful and negative behaviors do not help anything. They only add fuel to the fire and keep it burning.

If you must get involved, check your facts first. Then be constructive in your response and work hard to be nonjudgmental and unbiased.

Attacks of Injustice are a potent type of attack that will waste your time and pull you off your path. Be mindful of them and work to be impartial.

Next:  Balking Attack

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