142 – Psychic Attacks – Attacks of Injustice


Attacks of Injustice

This is a series that looks at what Psychic Attacks are and what you can do regarding them. This entry we look at Attacks of Injustice.

An Attack of Injustice is when a person or target becomes outraged about a perceived injustice. They can then be used to attack someone to discredit them or destroy their work.

This type of attack is very effective and negative entities tend to whisper thoughts into the mind of those who are susceptible to help fan the flames.

Urban myths and legends are a main source of such attacks, though the News Media will use this to their advantage, when needed.

Urban Myths

Most have seen the “pass this along” type email about some injustice that is being done to some innocent victim or group of people.

Or they will target someone who may be high profile with the intent to ruin or discredit them as a person and destroy their reputation.

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