The Gaia, Otherkin, And Coming of the Fae
Otherkin are non-human spirits in a human body. You might ask: Then what is a human? To which my response would be: The original denizens of this planet earth.
However, this would not be strictly accurate. The human bodies are part of the Gaia matrix. However, human souls are not.
The definition becomes a little fuzzy when you add something like Fae into the equation because while you can associate them with The Gaia, they are also classed as Otherkin.
The reason being is that there is more than one source. One is The Gaia’s energy matrix itself and the other is an external source. (These would be classed as Otherkin aka Starseeds.)
For those who are not aware, The Gaia Hypothesis, as it is generally known, is that there is a living embodiment of the Earth. It’s what we would call Mother Nature. Everything is connected to this spirit and is regulated by Her.
I first came across this back around 1990, while playing a game called Sim Earth by Maxis and instantly dismissed it as being improbable.
In fact, I dismissed just about everything as being improbable, in spite of already having quite a few experiences.
I personally believe this is something that is hard wired into the human body to keep us disconnected from our own Source.
I have noticed, though, that my own Soul family, or at least the NUT side of it, appears to have Fae energy. Personally, I find some Otherkin Fae almost irresistible.
The question I pondered was: If some of us Otherkin are from Orion (though I don’t recall if we originated there or just made it our home) and Fae seem to be native to this planet, then where did that energy come from?
Fae energy is not only seductive in nature, but it’s also akin to succubus energy and has the horrible side effect of draining one’s lifeforce over time.
The glamour is also very hard to resist, at least till they hit their mid 40s, and then it starts to fade with a vengeance.
Edit: I’ve since learned that there is a difference between how a Fae and Succubus drain energy.
Fae tend to take sexual energy, which is good, especially if there is an excess of it.
Succubi tend to feed on both lifeforce and sexual energy. Why this is, I have not fully comprehended, but I suspect it has something to do with The Triquerta experimenting on Lilith.
It’s an important distinction I needed to clarify.
Anyway, the conflict was, how could they both be native to this planet and yet from another star system?
It took me a while to comprehend the answer, but once I did, it was obvious to me. (At least at the time of writing.)
There are two lineages of Fae. The Otherkin and the ones who are native to this planet. The native ones are part of the energy matrix of The Gaia.
Those Fae are Nature Spirits. They look after and tend to all things nature on the astral / Lightbody levels.
But what of the other type of Fae. The ones that came here. What is their story?
Back to The Archives
Trawling through the Phoenix Archives, and also from what others have said, especially beings like Omen, I have begun to piece together the history of this planet before the Annunaki and their associates came.
This planet has gone through quite a few civilizations that have risen and disappeared without a trace. I’m going to focus on the ones who were here before Atlantis was founded.
The Fae, who we class as Otherkin, have their own source. They did not originate from The Gaia. I believe that they were borne from beings such as the goddess NUT and Lilith. They are the mother of Fae.
Lilith is certainly known to be the mother of Succubi, who are consider to have Fae energy in their makeup.
Fae, like everything else, are Lightbeings. When they visited here, on the 5D, they found the Earth was a perfect place to experience themselves in a much denser vibration. (Which we know as the 3D.)
Lightbodies tend to have a limited range of experiences. The 5D energies are much more pleasant, as a rule. Some have described the energy as being like an endless orgasm.
You don’t experience the vast range of emotions, feelings, and sensations that you get while in a human body. Yes, you can certainly hurt someone there, but it’s not the same thing as what it’s like being in a human-flesh body.
The Old, Old Gods
The Fae (and other spirits) knew of this world and came to it. They chose to merge with the The Gaia and the denizens that were around at the time. This would have included animals and early humans.
The experience was very intense and they found that, in the denser vibrational levels, it was much harder to remember who they were, and so many eventually fell into forgetfulness.
To assist them, other souls came and agreed to be the intermediate between the 3D and 5D levels. They all had their own jobs and titles.
They became known as the Hindu gods and there were many.
Those in human bodies would pray or ask a relevant god for whatever they needed, and the experience would be arranged.
All in all, there was a balance and things were, for the most part, peaceful.
Even though they had forgotten who they originally were, they never lost that connection to the Source and always retained their sense of Oneness. They never felt that they were separate from each other. Everything flowed.
Then the Angelics came.
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