44 – The Coming of The Fae

The Gaia, Otherkin, And Coming of the Fae

Otherkin are non-human spirits in a human body. You might ask: Then what is a human?  To which my response would be:   The original denizens of this planet earth.

However, this would not be strictly accurate. The human bodies are part of the Gaia matrix. However, human souls are not.

The definition becomes a little fuzzy when you add something like Fae into the equation because while you can associate them with The Gaia, they are also classed as Otherkin.

The reason being is that there is more than one source. One is The Gaia’s energy matrix itself and the other is an external source. (These would be classed as Otherkin aka Starseeds.)

For those who are not aware, The Gaia Hypothesis, as it is generally known, is that there is a living embodiment of the Earth.  It’s what we would call Mother Nature. Everything is connected to this spirit and is regulated by Her.

I first came across this back around 1990, while playing a game called Sim Earth by Maxis and instantly dismissed it as being improbable.

In fact, I dismissed just about everything as being improbable, in spite of already having quite a few experiences.

I  personally believe this is something that is hard wired into the human body to keep us disconnected from our own Source.


I have noticed, though, that my own Soul family, or at least the NUT side of it, appears to have Fae energy. Personally, I find some Otherkin Fae almost irresistible.

The question I pondered was:    If some of us Otherkin are from Orion (though I don’t recall if we originated there or just made it our home) and Fae seem to be native to this planet, then where did that energy come from?

Continue reading “44 – The Coming of The Fae”

37 – Definition of Otherkin

what are otherkin

What Are Interdimensional Beings?

Before continuing, we should first define what Otherkin are and discuss interdimensional beings.

It’s a curious thing when people speak of Aliens, they often refer to them as reptiles or lizards (also known as Dracos).  As far as my experience goes, I’ve rarely come across such beings. The reptiles that I do come across are more along the lines of dragons.

As a side note, I’ve yet to see any evidence of shapeshifters in human form. I suspect that, if it is possible, the body would have to be spiritualized first, and close enough to the 5D to change, but still able to be seen on the 3D. In which case, why even bother?

Laws Of Physics

Aliens do exist and have been around for many millennia. They don’t get here by covering vast distances in spacecrafts.

The distances would be totally impractical and it would take hundreds, if not thousands of years to get anywhere and do anything.

Also, just because they are aliens, it does not mean they are immune to the laws of 3D physics. It is not going to turn a blind eye.

However, the laws of physics are different on the 5D, and what would be impossible here, is commonplace there. Travelling vast distances in a very short time is not only possible but done frequently.

Types Of Aliens

Aliens do exist. They are interdimensional beings made of Lightbodies (and I suppose Darkbodies). They can shift to a human body, if needed, when they enter the 3D, but their bodies on the astral level are mostly used for getting work done.

The form they take on represents their energies.

There are more types of interdimensional beings out there than you would suspect, and they all exist.

There are way too many to name. Some of them are known as dragons, merfolk, angelics, demonics, succubi, lyran, incubi, dracos, fae, the hooded beings called, “Nobodies,” and Phoenii.


When these interdimensional beings choose to manifest into a human body, they are known as Otherkin.

Otherkin are non-human souls in a human body.  If they are from another star system, then they are referred to as a Starseed.

This world is full of such beings.  They walk among us mostly unnoticed because the human mind refuses to accept the possibility that such things exist, even when it’s staring them right in the face.

Many dismiss those who claim to be Otherkin, as deluded attention seekers with a possible mental illness.

Personally, I can’t blame anyone for believing that.  I have enough trouble accepting that I am one myself!

Continue reading “37 – Definition of Otherkin”