9 – da Vinci – The Mona Lisa Gender Bender


Leonardo da Vinc:i  A figure greatly revered in the Art World.

Omen also claimed to be him.

As controversial as it is, I have no doubt that it’s true; and it will certainly shed some light into one of History’s most famous artists.

Due to the fact Omen discussed this so openly with people in the chat room, I’ve decided to include it here.

Moving forward, I would like to discuss the more interesting aspects of Omen.  This will take a while; however, I believe that many of you will find it intriguing.

Omen has lived some famous Lives throughout History.   If you have been around for  thousands of years, you’re going to have a few lives that will have some significance.

In Omen’s case, he certainly has quite a few feathers to his cap.


The one past life I was most fascinated with, was the one Omen hated talking about.   Ironically, he considered this particular Life and incarnation a failure.

In spite of hating to talk about it, he would still bring it up on occasion.  Interestingly enough, he told many about it.   I guess he couldn’t resist. One thing I loved about Omen was his Art.   It took him little more than 5 minutes to draw pictures that were amazing.  Though some were laced with hidden sigils and symbolism.

When Omen casually mentioned he was Leonardo da Vinci, my jaw dropped.  A dozen questions came to my mind, and I asked as many as I could.


One day, I saw a discussion in a spiritual community discussing if Leonardo was a Starseed.  A Starseed is from another galaxy and has incarnated in human form.

I thought that it would be nice to do an interview with Omen on the subject.   I explained what  was going on, and he agreed.

I then posted it to the discussion.

However, I was totally ignored. No one even made any comments or asked any questions; not even calling me out on the possibility it was pure bullshit.   I would have thought that, if there was even a small chance it were true, it would be worth following up on.

Let’s face it.  It’s not such a stretch from Starseed to demon, when it comes down to it.

I truly don’t get how those who claim to be seeking answers, will then ignore them when they come.   I notice this happens a lot.

I will go into details on this the next entry.

Mona Lisa

However, before I go into that, I thought the Transcript below might be of interest.   I was chatting with Omen, who was talking about one of his Art projects that he was working on at the time.

Omen:      […still attempting to clean it up…]   This is the last time I use like 50 layers in one pic…

Gary:      Didn’t you do that for the Mona Lisa, or something?

Omen:      Well… I didn’t use a computer… but, basically yes.   It’s a horrid habit.   I forget where I did one thing, or the next, then I just get frustrated, and leave things unfinished.  I’m sure someone noticed…

Gary:     That’s what made it so good, they said.

Omen:      I call bs on that…  I never intended to use so much in it, but I had to turn that bulldog of a man into a woman. So…   It worked out eventually.  The background confuses the focus of the eye; I had hoped it would make it less obvious.   I think it worked…

Gary:      Wasn’t Mona Lisa a real person, though??


Omen:      Yes… Oh, right!!   I suppose I might not have told you.  I was to draw the woman, but I chose her husband instead because he was a fucking dickhead, then I changed it.  I thought the insult was open enough to be recognized… Apparently, not…  […Omen laughs…]  I barely remember painting that thing to be honest.  I was tired and stressed and dissatisfied with the state of things…

Gary:      Did it look like his wife?

Omen:      Pffffffffft… No… No female has jowls like that… Ever!  Personally, I would have hoped Virgin of the Rocks would have been more recognized.  I enjoyed that one, more than most… Goes to show my fuck-ups are monumental, but I hide them well. You’d think I’d be happy about all of this success, but I feel that time was mostly just failure after failure.  It seems the only things I was remembered for, were the things I did on others’ behalf.  As per usual, no acknowledgement, as was typical at the time.

Gary:      [It would] be funny if you walked into the Louvre asking for your work back.

Omen:      I’d likely be sent to the asylum.  I don’t want that piece of shit back, though.  I would, however, like my notebooks back, and my sketches… and my designs…  They are more sentimental than any painting.  I used them to sort out my thoughts, a majority were burned in a fire, but I saved some…

Next: The Last Supper Interview.

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