193 – The Guide’s Guide – Conversations


This series of blogs, The Guide’s Guide, is intended to help and educate people about Spirit Guides. I work to answer the most common questions and give tips on what to do, and not do. In these blogs, I will also discuss many personal experiences in the hope that you may be able to connect with them. This entry, we look at conversations.

In previous entries, we have looked at messages that seem like they are on a tape loop and longer messages that our Guides may give us.

Those tend to be mostly one sided, if not cryptic or frustrating.


Where I find it gets interesting are when there are actual conversations. A conversation being the act of discussing and / or arguing with your Guides in your thoughts.

Maybe you might hear them as thoughts, or as a voiceless voice. It may also be possible to hear them as actual voices. (Admittedly, I’ve not experienced that myself.)

Though you can answer with thoughts, you can also respond by speaking out loud. Though, naturally, it will look as though you are talking to yourself and thus, give off a creepy / mentally unstable type vibe.

For me, it’s nearly almost that voiceless voice in my mind. They come without any initiation on my part. There is always a sense of substance behind those thoughts. There is also, often, a sense of discovery, as though you are being given answers to the mysteries of the universe.

This has always felt normal and natural to me. It’s an easy way for me to get information about subject matters I might otherwise have no clue about.

Two Ways

There are also a couple of ways these conversations may take place. One is a back and forth, discussion like, chat. In some ways, it will be like talking to, or even arguing with a philosophy professor, or expert on a certain topic.

The other is almost like accessing and hearing a Wikipedia entry where the information is given factually and in a sequence that builds upon itself. In this type of chat, it will be very much a lecture, but if required, you can ask questions.

For me, this is not an everyday occurrence, but when it happens, it’s always of great interest to me. I discover, or maybe remember, many metaphysical truths that resonate deeply for me.

A good part of my knowledge and what I have written in these blogs is based on those types of conversations.

Geb’s Parents

One such example happened just before the writing of this entry.

For the god, Geb, mythology states that he was the son of Shu and Tefnut. For me, though, even before I knew who I was, I could not sense any Soul Parents. Even after I knew, I could never feel any such connection to those deities.

In fact, the lineage doesn’t even make sense, as they appear to be Lyran (cat people) in origin. (Something I just discovered as I was writing this entry.) It would make no sense for them to give birth to Phoenix (Geb) and Fae (Nut) energy.

As little was known about me, at least energy wise, it would make sense that no one ever questioned this.

Plain Old Geb

In 2019, I had a dream that revealed I had Hindu origins. Or more accurately, I was deeply involved there, though under another name. (I don’t intend to go into who at this point in time.)

From what I recall, I had to disassociate myself from that name. So I became “Geb.” A god that had no real meaning or associations to anything. Yet, my sudden appearance needed some explanation, so it was told that I was the son of Shu and Tefnut.

This appears to have been accepted, or at least, seemingly never disputed. It gave those who wanted to know who I was and where I came from a back story. It allowed me to blend in as plain old Geb. A god that was beneath the notice of most.

Technically, I have no parents. At least, not in this particular realm.

This explanation, finally, not only explained why I could never sense or connect to Shu and Tefnut as my parents, but also explained why.

Unconditional Love

Another example I remember, that was dear to me, was a discussion on what Unconditional Love is. My Guides had a long conversation about how easy it was to be judgmental and that the nature of Universal Love was different to human or possessive love.

This conversation was a real eye opener for me. Every question I had was answered. Many examples were given and by the end of it, I had a much fuller understanding of what it meant to be coming from a place of love and how it related to who I was.

A Chat On Flower Remedies

I will finish with one more personal example.

This one was when I was trying to understand the nature of Bach Flower Remedies and how they worked.

I had read much about how they allowed light to come through to the Soul, and thus allow healing. To me, though, this seemed incomplete. Like there were steps missing.

I decided that I could try asking my Guides. Normally, information was volunteered to me without asking and I never considered that it could work with asking for answers.

To my memory, this was the first time I tried this. I was not expecting anything, yet, to my amazement, a full explanation was given to me. It not only made total sense, but it had that feeling of truth and joy that comes with accurate information.

For those who are interested in what I was told, you will find it written here.

In Conclusion

If you are able to connect to your Guides and have a conversation with them, then do so. Great insight and wisdom may be obtained.

As always, run the answers through your own feelings, and check to see it’s not just an ego boosting attack that is designed to cause you, and others around you, problems. I see such things occurring way too many times.

Like with anything else, the more you do this, the more refined your technique will become, and the easier it will be to do for future conversations.

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