194 – The Guide’s Guide – Channeling



This series of blogs, The Guide’s Guide, is intended to help and educate people about Spirit Guides. I work to answer the most common questions and give tips on what to do, and not do. In these blogs, I will also discuss many personal experiences in the hope that you may be able to connect with them. This entry, we will look at channeling.

When it is said that someone is channeling a message, the source is normally associated with those who have passed over.

This entry is not about such things. While there are genuine psychics who can, and indeed do, pass on messages from departed beloved ones, there are also many who pretend to do so. Their answers are so generic that they can be made to fit anyone.

Not that such people would ever listen, but trust me when I say: THERE WILL BE CONSEQUENCES!

Practice Needed

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193 – The Guide’s Guide – Conversations

spirit guides


This series of blogs, The Guide’s Guide, is intended to help and educate people about Spirit Guides. I work to answer the most common questions and give tips on what to do, and not do. In these blogs, I will also discuss many personal experiences in the hope that you may be able to connect with them. This entry, we look at conversations.

In previous entries, we have looked at messages that seem like they are on a tape loop and longer messages that our Guides may give us.

Those tend to be mostly one sided, if not cryptic or frustrating.


Where I find it gets interesting are when there are actual conversations. A conversation being the act of discussing and / or arguing with your Guides in your thoughts.

Continue reading “193 – The Guide’s Guide – Conversations”

192 – The Guide’s Guide – Longer Messages

longer messages

Longer Messages

This series of blogs, The Guide’s Guide, is intended to help and educate people about spirit guides. I work to answer the most common questions and give tips on what to do, and not do. In these blogs, I will also discuss many personal experiences in the hope that you may be able to connect with them. In this entry, we’ll discuss longer type messages that are still short, but not on a tape loop type scenario, as discussed in the previous entry.

Longer messages are a little different to the short ones that appear to be on a tape loop.

Sometimes, along with the short ones, you may get another type of short or even longer message.

The difference here is that they aren’t on repeat.

They may come across as someone giving a warning or a word of advice. It may also be encouragement or moral support. Sometimes it could be a comment on the current situation.

Continue reading “192 – The Guide’s Guide – Longer Messages”