When I began my mind travels, I was a preteen. Things didn’t really start to take shape, though, till I was a teenager. Then, I found my prime objective was to track down the source of ‘the corruption’ that was causing all the trouble for the Galactic Federation.
At the time, it was a fun fantasy that wrote itself, as mind travels are wont to do. It kept me occupied while I was bored or needed a distraction. (As handheld gaming didn’t exist back then!)
For decades, I assumed this was the kind of corruption that you found in governments or organizations where people who were in positions of power were using resources for their benefit. Of course, it made sense as I had no context for it to be otherwise.
The Edge
Then one day, after downloading a lot of data from The Phoenix Archives, I found that it wasn’t that at all.
The source was a portal, that was opened into a dimension outside of this reality. This occurred somewhere that was known as “The Edge”. A forbidden area where one reality begins and another ends. You could liken it to a membrane.
They brought something across that was never meant to be here.
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