81 – Dark Council Fallout – The Gateway

The Gateway Of Judgement

Back to the Astral

That night, when I went to bed, I pondered what the answer would be to prove my innocence to everyone.   I felt I was forgetting or missing something, so I did what I normally would do in such a situation.

As previously mentioned, when I’m stuck for answers, my general solution is to do some Mind Travelling.   I never know what I’m going to find and most of the time, it’s rarely what I expect.  Everything seems to write itself.

I suppose I could have gone after everyone, and everything who were coming after me, but that’s not how I work.

I’m quite reticent to do anything that could be considered harmful or destructive.

I don’t attack, destroy and banish (unless the banishment is truly warranted and even then, it’s only for as long as needed).  I tend to mostly defend.

Even though, I’m considered dangerous, I do my fighting by thinking and gathering of resources and information.

The Gateway

That night, I found myself in this large, wide open and expansive space.

I had summoned every being imaginable, including Ecclasia and Mari, who complained to me the next day that they had been summoned to some place and had dreamt we had been judged.

They were correct.  After I had summoned everyone who would come; I then called forth what I call The Gateway of Judgement.

Continue reading “81 – Dark Council Fallout – The Gateway”

80 – Dark Council Fallout – The Broadcast


In a previous entry, we discussed those who ran the former Dark Council, had put a bounty on my head.  Their justification was that I had betrayed and stolen from them.

Because of the bounty that was put on my head, scores of bounty hunters were coming after me.

It used to be Omen’s job to create the contracts for bounties, but because he was no longer involved in that business, other agencies had taken up the slack.

From my Mind Travels, I discovered there is a central body that deals with receiving and placing bounties on Beings. I think the name is something along the lines of “The Central Bounty Authority.” For this entry, I’ll refer to it as such.

Though I understand it’s run by Nobodies and like Beings, It’s considered to be an impartial, independent place.

As a result, there were scores of bounty hunters coming after me, all hoping to make a name for themselves.

The Process Of Bounites

The way it works is that a party (who may wish to remain anonymous), will place a bounty at a receiving station. They will state who the target is, how much the bounty is worth, and a certain percentage is charged for the type of bounty and the reward for it.

That goes to the Central Authority, who then puts it out for all to see.

Those who are interested in the job, will first register with the Authority, giving all relevant details. They will be tracked during that time.

If they end up being terminated, they will appear on a status board, which shows their face or form, and that they are dead. (Yes, Lightbodies can be killed. They tend to return to Source when that happens.)

For the bounty hunter to participate, they must first pay a fee. If they don’t, or they do it independently, they risk not getting paid.

If the bounty isn’t big enough, then the risks will often outweigh the rewards, and few may want to take it up.

If there are several bounties on the same target, and one is profitable, then completing that bounty may make you eligible for the other connected bounties, assuming those have been paid for, in advance.

The Central Bounty Authority keeps a very close eye on who is who and what has been done.

I used to sneak in there, as a worker, at times, just to see what was going on with the bounties on my head. There was a huge screen with seemingly thousands of Beings who had failed.


The Dark Council placed a huge bounty on my head. Not only was the reward worth while (though I don’t know the details), but the prestige of taking out a god would be quite the feather in one’s cap.

As a result, there were scores of bounty hunters coming after me, all hoping to make a name for themselves.

Some people, who I had only just met, had approached me in the 3D and offered their protection to me.  (For which I truly thank them.)

In addition, it appears there were other parties who were looking out for my interests and being hyper-vigilant for any attackers.


Every night I would Mind Travel to the command centre (that was filled with many workers) and check in to see what the latest was.

I heard that many of the hunters were dying, and from what they were starting to understand; it was a Fool’s errand.

It certainly was causing quite a stir.

I suspect the bounty on me was really being used as a distraction from what the real issues were.

Like The Matrix

The main agenda of The Dark Council (including their allies) was to use Centraal as a safe place, destroy the current state of existence, and remake the timeline as per their desire.  Something I’ve learned that seems to be a cycle and pattern of behavior.

On that point, I only remember one reset; but there are those who claim it’s happened a number of times.

It’s almost like The Matrix movies, in a sense.  Every so often, the computers would reset everything to clean it out and start fresh.

I’m still a little vague on the details, but I do know there have been a lot of timeline shifts lately.   Some beings have told me they are in the process of “collapsing the timelines.”

From what I see when I scan them, they are correct. (A very disturbing thing to observe.)

The Plan

While The Triquerta and their associate’s end game was to reset reality, I believed that this was something few Beings would want or desire.

Having been told that everyone in the astral was now gunning for me, I knew I had to do something. 

Even the psychic attacks had gotten bad for me over the past few months, and was affecting others in my life.

My first thought was to do a general broadcast in the Astral Levels to tell my side of the story.

Mari and Ecclasia said that, even if I did, the denizens would likely not believe me.

Still, I decided to go ahead.

Psychic Broadcast

I’m not sure of the mechanics of how such a broadcast works.  I knew that I had done it once before when I had taken ownership of Omen

I had sent a message to all that he was to be left alone.  From what I could tell, it worked.

My method of broadcasting is done by psychically tapping into everything that is and connecting to all the relevant beings.  I don’t know if anyone can pick it up on the 3D level, but on the astral, it seems very effective.

What is important here is intention.

I focused on revealing the truth behind what happened.  Then, after it was suggested that no one would believe me, I backed it up with information drawn from both the Akashic Records and The Phoenix Archives.


The three of us were able to tap into the reactions, moods, and feelings about this information.  We all felt the same thing.

The denizens were divided. There was still a lot of doubt. They were also feeling ambivalent about where the Truth lay and what it meant.

I knew I would probably need to do something else, but what that would be, I did not know yet.

I left it for the rest of the day and planned to revisit it that night.

Next: The Gateway of Judgement.

79 – Ecclasia: Past Lives – The Angel Years

Past Lives: The Angel Years

The below are extracts of blog entries written by Jennifer who is known also as Ecclasia. They focus on some of the memories of her past lives.

Personally, I believe that any historian worth their salt should be lapping this stuff up eagerly as the opportunities for such memories are incredibly rare.

Blood of the gods

I am going to try and make these as much in order as I can. I have had a few lives with Gary Leigh as well as the one that calls himself Omen.

What I had thought was my first existence came from some very dark magic. I was summoned into a room of the gods.

My first true memory was of this beautiful room made all of gold. I came by way of a primordial soup made of the blood of the gods. I could feel emotion for the first time and it was completely overwhelming. I felt fear and loneliness for the first time. I spent all of my first existence in a coffin under the city of Atlantis.


This is where I first heard the name Geb. All I knew was that he was not well liked by those that wished to continue their dark ways. There were many evils in that place.

Evils that I did not understand as I had never experienced it before. With the help of Gary, I’ve realized that some of the memories I have were actually before what I had thought was my first existence.

The first was really not an existence but a being. It was all light. The light completely pure and void of emotion or feelings. This place I was not anything and yet everything.

There was no time so therefore this existence was nothing at all. If I could compare it to anything, it would be this very second it passes without notice, yet in that second it has been thousands of years passing. You wouldn’t know if you were bored or lonely as it was.

Ten Thousand Years

Though I’ve had many lives on earth, I’ve also had lives off earth.

The void of light that consumed me before my first experience on the earth realms were very clouded by the fact that some 10,000 years had passed.

Each time I have lived in a new body, the past has a way of slowly disappearing along with the small memories that held little importance. Though memories fade, I have held onto a name that seemed very important to me, however it held many other consequences.

The name I was given was, and always was, Ecclasia, which I understand that the spelling of this is wrong by today’s standards, yet I do have the spelling correct for my name.

This name was also confirmed by a few Archangels by the name of Uriel, Raphael, Michael, as well as Rogael.

Angels have been present in all my lives, so I had to set the intention to learn all I could about them.

While many feel the hierarchy is thus recorded in the Bible, it does not hold all there is. I remember the status of Angelics are way different than most believe.

Joy And Light

As an Angel, none of us had Free Will, which seems cruel by human standards but was necessary for their roles and jobs. If an Angel was to have Free Will they would be able to choose to do their job or not. This would leave many holes in the scheme of things.

Once an Angel chose Free Will, they would fall from grace and their light, because that would mean they could no longer do their job effectively. Once we leave the light we lose our energy that fed us and we would fall into depression until we find a way to feed ourselves with light.

My experience as part of this light was dull to say the least. I didn’t have to worry about anything because there was no worry, no sadness, joy was bathing in light which was joy, yet joy without understanding of what joy was.

Emotions And Duty

This was why I had so much trouble with understanding emotions, even though I could feel them and have them myself. They seemed dull yet overwhelming at the same time.

Living in the light was and will always be where I want to be. I have my duty, yet I can choose to do it now, even though I do it anyway. Many times, I have recited that old adage “duty before self”.

It has been my mantra though, I know, even before I came to be human, I wanted to stick to that. It may seem harsh to an outsider, yet it makes perfect sense to me.

We live in bondage, yet not knowing that keeps order on the reasons the light bore angels in the first place. It is for us to keep the dark at bay, not destroy it, as well as aid others selflessly.

This does not mean we will help if the help is against the grand design, thus why Free Will should not have been given so loosely to those who could upset the balance of this universe.

A Life With Tao

I had woken with a new name, that was lost to me, and life carried on. I was still quite new to this all and the understanding I had was not very good.

Tibet, around 2800 BC, was where I had landed. The lands were still wild, and people had barely any idea of what lay outside their own lives. They were very fearful of anything that challenged their understanding of living.

It was a great honor to a family to have their son accepted into the monastery to learn the ways of spiritual enlightenment and all that had to offer. Girls in this time were property and had no education other than what was required to find a good husband.


I am not sure how I came to be on the steps of the monastery but when I was found, I had not been turned away to some workhouse. The Master took me in and set me to work on chores as I was a girl and we were not allowed to learn the ways of The Master.

However, this never stopped me from hiding in the shadows soaking up what I could. One evening, Master summoned me into his prayer room and gave me robes that were for students.

He referred to me as his small shadow in the dark and told me that I was not going to hide but join in. Though he had cautioned me that I was to never speak or come out when anyone visited. I wondered why such instructions but followed his word to a T.

I had learned the art of meditation, astral projection and remote viewing. The Master’s teachings of the world left me in awe yet, completely calm.


One summer day, I was walking in the garden and Master came to join me. We had walked in silence for some time, when he stopped. I asked him “Master what is it”.

He had looked down at the flowers watching the butterflies. Master had held out his hand and one of the butterflies landed on him.

He held out the butterfly to me and let it hop onto my waiting hand. Master asked me after a moment what I would do with such a beautiful creature.

I looked up at him and said: “Master, it should go live free”. With that answer he nodded and walked away without another word.

The Dress

Many years passed, and I had learned a great many things from my Master. For my tenth year I was given a gift from Master. It was a gray silk dress that fit me perfectly. After I had put it on, he asked me to walk to the nearby village to get something from someone.

I had never left the security of the monastery since entering it and I had no idea why I was being asked to do this task, nor did I understand the reasoning of the dress.

I had left right away and followed the small path down into the village, it took almost all morning to get there and find who I was to meet. Then after acquiring the package I headed straight back. Hurrying my pace, as I did not want to be away after dark had fallen.

The Massacre

I had arrived back to the monastery just as night fell and the sun had given its last rays. The lights had been lit and it was very quiet. Master, I knew, was in the great hall meditating as he always did along with many of the others.

This night however was not like any other. I entered into the hall to a sight that left me in complete shock. There on the floor was Master and his students. They were all covered in blood and the life they had was gone.

Panic stricken I ran from there out into the garden. I sat down near where the butterflies had been, wishing I would see them for comfort. In my mind they were dancing in front of my vision, delicate and pure.

That is when I felt a sharp pain in my chest and I knew I would have those beautiful butterflies with me always even though my life here is done.

Past Life: The Temple of Isis.

The temple was not very big as most would have thought. Only girls were allowed inside the temple unless it was a very special person.

It was a great honor to have one of your children serving in any temple in those days. The family that had a young girl chosen would be treated with more respect and given better earnings for their jobs.

The children would be selected around the age of 4, to be taken into the temple, to learn about the gods as well as meditation. Those who were especially good at their learning would become a priestess around the age of 12. Once one became a priestess, they would be in charge of teaching the younger ones as well as bring offerings in from the gates.

The gates had two sets of doors with a small outdoor area before the doors to go outside the temple grounds. One was never allowed to leave the temple once inside because it was thought that outside the walls were impure.

New Body

I had just woke, in this new body, and was about three years old. I was in a work house for children that had no families. While walking past the gates of the temple someone bumped into me and I found myself face first in the ground at the feet of a priestess. She took pity on me and took me in as an offering to the goddess.

The moment the high priestess laid eyes on me she sent me into training to become a priestess. It was very unheard of, for one so young, being part of the order, let alone chosen to be one of those who would be chosen to be high one day.

Every night before sundown we all would gather to eat bread and drink sweetened water. After the meal, as the sun sank into the world, all were required to meditate till there was no light left. Late at night the walls seemed to hum with a vibration that was otherworldly.

Once I was seen to have mastered meditation and the arts of divination, I was allowed to start learning herbs with the high priestess and greeting the Pharos (pharos were actually the women head of households not the “kings”) that came to worship the goddess. The Pharos came to ask for fertility and the wellbeing of their households. Some came for universal news of famine that could destroy the way of life for the lands.


Gods would come down and grace the temple with their wisdom. Only those who were worthy were allowed to set eyes on these gods. They would sometimes choose a priestess to ascend with them (which often times meant sexual connections as they viewed virgin priestess vessels for the goddess Isis).

A great famine happened and many died, then the plagues came. Death was everywhere and even the temple was not spared. Offerings stopped coming in and we were starving to death.

The younger children went first as they were not as strong as some of the older ones. I can remember the smell of death that filled the halls of the temple. Though I do not remember my death there I do surmise starving was the reason.

I never got to meet Isis myself, yet the high priestess often times would say she visited, telling us what to pray for next. It seems to me that this strange place was partly connected to the gods, yet it was more of a way for the Pharos to connect to their goddess in a way that made them feel much better about their own rolls in the life they lived.

Next: Dealing with the fallout of the Dark Council disbandment.