99 – The Seals of Revelations

seals of revelation

Body And Spirit

What does a reset actually mean? What does it mean to return control of this world back to The Gaia and The Fae? And how do the Seals of Revelations fit into all this?

As mentioned in a previous entry, the Fae once inhabited this planet and worked with the spirit of this world, better known as The Gaia or Mother Nature.

The Souls inhabited 3D dimensional bodies and got to experience what it was like to live in the third dimension. The old gods, which I believe were the Hindu gods, helped bridge the gap between body and spirit by being the go-betweens.

When the Annunaki arrived, they sought to wipe out The Fae, take control of The Gaia and control the energies including all portals.

And from there began a gradual decent of the Earth’s vibrational levels.


At one point, the Fae seemed all but wiped out, but now they are making a return. I’ve seen many who are in human bodies. Once you know their energy, you can’t miss them.

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98 – The Galactic Federation – The Council Meeting

Drawing by Suzanne Micallef

The Meeting:  Timeline Resets

I wasn’t sure if I was imagining The Galactic Federation‘s presence here on Earth or not. It felt very surreal to me. I decided to Mind Travel to Orion, where they are based.

I arrived during a meeting of one of the main councils having a discussion of this World.  While this would seem incredibly convenient; time is not really a factor when Mind Traveling.  You can pick any entry point you like.

Intention is always key to such things.

I eavesdropped as to what was going on.  In summary, this discussion was mainly regarding how things had become out of control due to The Triquerta The Annunaki , et cetera.

The general consensus was that it was time to return control of Earth back to The Gaia and The Fae.

The Galactic Federation’s chosen method was to reset the timeline. That would mean all progress would be reset, and everything would play out yet again.

However, this would come with an inordinate cost of lives, including all the Progress that had been made on this Earth.

After their surprise at seeing me, I was immediately removed and detained to be interrogated.

This council had no idea who I was.  I wasn’t registered on any official records, and yet, I had access to areas that required high security clearances and levels.

Normally, I might have been evasive about who I was, but I felt the time was over for such games. I summoned a Gateway of Judgement, passed through it several times, and was released once the data showed I was legitimate.

Continue reading “98 – The Galactic Federation – The Council Meeting”

97 – The Galactic Federation

The Great Orion Nebula (2018)


When I first started Mind Travelling back in the 1970s, I came across a political body that I automatically called The Galactic Federation. They were in another galaxy and on a higher dimensional level. Even back then, the name felt very cliché to me.

Over the years, I’ve come across the name, both in fiction and referenced by spiritual groups online. Sometimes it seems to be referred to as The Galactic Federation of Light.   I say, “seems,” as I am not sure if they are referring to the same organizational body as me.

Because it was such a commonly used name, I often wondered if I was subconsciously stealing, and using it.

One constant about me is that I hate not being original and I dislike copying ideas, even unintentionally. I even refused to read material that was like mine, lest I accidently steal it.  I really dislike cookie cutter tropes and clichés.

It turns out, The Galactic Federation is real. Nearly every being, both Astral and 3D, who is involved in astral business, not only knows, but refers to them by that name.

What Is The Galactic Federation?

From my own personal Mind Travels, it appears to be a governmental body. The organization’s job is to maintain balance, but also ensure that the denizens under their protection are able to live a safe existence, free from interference and slavery.

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