197 – The Guide’s Guide – Can you block Messages?

Blocking Messages

This series of blogs, The Guide’s Guide, is intended to help and educate people about Spirit Guides. I work to answer the most common questions and give tips in what to do, and not do. In these blogs, I will also discuss many personal experiences in the hope that you may be able to connect with them. This entry, we look at if you can block messages.

Personal Story

The following story happened to me back in the early 2000s. I share it to show how hard it can be to block messages.

I’ve discussed, In previous entries, the types of messages you may get.

Are such messages just imagination and can they be ignored?

Once I did try and do that. The following story is to illustrate that blocking messages is not just mind over matter or will power.

Back in 2000, I had a traumatic experience where I recalled dying and my ex-wife and I both shifted to a week or so before it occurred so we could prevent it from happening. (I go into more details during my series on the Mandela Effect, which you can read here.)

Spirit Making Contact

Before that happened, an incident occurred where I had a Spirit contact me. This was in 1996, and she was asking me to help her. (The full story is recounted in my autobiography.)

Though I always had messages in my mind for as long as I could remember, this one felt different. There was an earnestness to it. As though it was an actual being that was talking to me by using telepathy.

This was new for me, and I had just entered the beginning of my Awakening. After years of the “You are The Phoenix” message, things were just starting to make sense and some of those pieces were beginning to fall into place.

Until that point, I mostly had short messages or my Guides talking to me. On the odd occasion, I would feel like I was talking to another entity, but the energy was different.

This was a compelling pull that was coupled with thoughts, that got my attention.


I don’t quite recall the details of the request, except that I was someone who would be able to help this being.

Being naïve and always eager to help, I agreed. (As a side note, NEVER agree to help anything unless you fully understand exactly what is being asked of you.)

This same Spirit then contacted me after I shifted timelines and prevented the incident that would have caused my death.

I had, by that point, identified her as a Phoenix. She argued, telepathically, that I had broken my promise to her and I was meant to die. She was supposed to gain some of my Phoenix energy when I did, or so she claimed.

I explained that now I had a family, I had chosen to stay, plus I had never actually agreed to die for her benefit.

Unhealthy Intentions

I spoke to a psychic friend, called Adrianna, that I knew online. She confirmed it was a Phoenix. By that point, in 2000, I had started to come across many Phoenix related people, or those who followed that energy.  She was one of the followers. (Though neither of us knew how I fitted into all of this.)

She said I needed to be careful. She sensed it did not wish me well. I agreed and decided that whatever was going on, it was not healthy for me.

I made the decision to have nothing more to do with Phoenix related stuff. It felt too dangerous. I ignored any Phoenix related messages I would receive and made my best attempts to block them.

Creosus The Dragon

My then wife believed I was also a Dragon. (She claimed she saw one connected to me and greatly desired to have it manifest.) So, I decided to summon it. I believed it was an aspect of me.

One appeared and I felt its name was Creosus. (As opposed to King Croesus). 

This did not go down well, all things told, and my wife complained how she did not like the energy. How it made her want to curl up in a corner and hide. (There really was no pleasing her!)

Still, I stubbornly refused to entertain any Phoenix related events, thoughts or messages.


You might think that once I had made that decision, those messages would change, or go away. In fact, the opposite happened.

Not only did they become more persistent, but almost every day, there would be something Phoenix related that would appear to me in some way, shape or form.

This was not a pleasant period in my life. It was full of chaos, trauma and frustration. I also felt like I had little to no control over my emotions and who I was being.

Through it all, the “You are The Phoenix” message never ceased. It just became stronger and more persistent.

This continued for well over two years until one day I found myself in a conversation in my thoughts where I was compelled to listen and respond.

The Phoenix Energy

It was a strong and authoritative presence. I was sure that it was The Phoenix energy itself.

It told me that I could no longer afford to deny who I was. That it was time for me to accept that I was The Phoenix and that it had to be done for the good of the World. This may have gone on for five minutes or it could have been an hour. It was hard to tell.

Something shifted. I felt the truth of what was being said. It resonated and I knew that whatever my fears were, they were not valid. I could feel the Phoenix energy within me. I knew this was who I was.

On that December day, back in 2002, after nearly two and half years, I accepted that something more was going on. That those messages were not a product of fantasy or imagination.

For many weeks after that incident, synchronicities, that came from others, mostly strangers, occurred. They all confirmed that The Phoenix was real and connected to me.

And while it certainly wasn’t the last time such intensity occurred, it was certainly the most memorable and profound incident.

Not Ego

For those who think that such messages are something we make up, part of an ego trip, or just someone being delusional, this was proof that they were not. If I had been making it all up, they would have shifted to something new. (Such as You are Creosus!). They didn’t.

I cannot speak for the experiences of others, but for me, you cannot block messages from your Guides that you are meant to receive.

If you are receiving messages or conversations that you can’t seem to block, then listen to what they are telling you.

Take note of how they feel.

While not all who deliver psychic messages have your interest at heart, your Higher-Self always will. You will feel that energy when it is time. The Truth will be self-evident. Trust it, even though it may seem bizarre, and lead you down some crazy paths.

And that’s all for now for this topic. I hope you found it useful. Now, hopefully, you will know more about Guides and how it all works.

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