31 – Avatars: One Soul in Many Bodies

The Same Souls

Over the years, I have become quite good at identifying certain energies.

I can recognize if someone is a human or otherkin. Some I am quick to identify while others may take much longer.  This is because I have not remembered who they are, or had enough exposure and context.

I also have become proficient about identifying souls I’ve known in past lives.  

A recurring theme, for me, is that the same type of souls keep finding me and coming into my life.

As discussed earlier, Lilith is one example, though there are many others.

It seems the same souls, not only appear to shift from body to body, but may sometimes be in several bodies at the same time.

This is something we normally don’t notice because we are not wired to do so. 

After a while, though, we might start to observe that we keep on having relationships with the same kind of people; or those who wish us harm seem to have the same personality types.

If you look close enough, you may observe that they may even share similar features, such as looks, voice and attitude.

Why is this?

Soul Aspects

Let’s consider this scenario.

We all have what is called a Higher-Self. This is basically your greater Soul at another vibrational level. It tends to reside on the higher astral levels.

In order to experience itself in all its glory, it sends a part of itself, which we might call a Soul Aspect or Avatar, into the lower astral levels.

There is no limit to how many Soul Aspects it can send of itself. It can send one, hundreds or even thousands. There are no rules for this.

The Soul Aspect that resides on the lower Astral levels can also choose to send as many aspects of itself to incarnate into a human body. In effect, it can live many different lives at the same time.

With that in mind, it’s possible that people who act and look similar, are the same soul in many bodies.

They may choose to be incarnated or sometimes they will decide to be a Walk-In.

If we have a Soul Bond with any of these Souls, they will be drawn to us.

Soul Bonds

A Soul Bond occurs when an energy link is forged between two parties.

There are various reasons why this happens.

  • You may be part of a Soul Group.
  • You may have made agreements with someone on the3D, Astral or Soul Level.
  • Someone may have cursed you. (Thus, accidently forging a link between the curser and intended target.) These links remain until they are dissolved or have naturally run their course.
  • Someone may be obsessed or in love with you, which can also form a Soul Bond.

The Only “Me”.

Not all Souls will choose to send down many aspects of themselves at once.

Sometimes, there will simply be one.

For instance, I am pretty sure that I’m the only one of “me” here. If there is another like myself, I’ve yet to come across them.

I do have Soul sons and daughters, but they are also not “me”.

There are also what you may call “satellite” Souls. These are put into place to prompt certain events to occur. But they do not fall into the same category as Avatars. 

Stalker Souls

I’ve also experienced Stalker Souls.

One, who is known as Hathor, jumps from body-to-body. She has an unhealthy obsession with me and insist that I be with her.

She has used several different people, none of which are connected.

It’s as though the same person is writing the script for all of them.

I’ve also had Souls who have left one body and jumped into another.  One example that springs to mind is a nemesis who has tried to destroy me in this life, not once, but several times. 

Same looks, same voice, same pathological need to lie, and even the same levels of awareness, including esoteric knowledge. 

Two of her Avatars, I met 20 years apart, but it didn’t take long for me to put two and two together.

It is very annoying, to say the least.  For those who have read my book, I am The Phoenix, one of the Avatars I am referring to is Renee.

Limit On Bodies.

How many bodies can a Soul have?  Technically, as many as they want.  The key is whether the body is available.

If they have the Soul-Rights to the body, that is, they were born into the body or were involved in its creation; then the Main Soul can shift its focus from body-to-body, as much as it desires.

If it chooses a body that it does not own, then it must either try to possess it, negotiate for it, or share it.  Such state of affairs are not desirable as they can cause unintended problems, e.g., memories being messed with and being overwhelmed by the Original owner’s energies.

Making the Jump

Jumping from body-to-body isn’t as uncommon as it may sound.   It happens, and because of our human conditioning, we don’t notice it.

If a person looks like a person in appearance, then we assume they are that person. Few ever see beyond the skin, and if they do, they may say: “You’ve changed,” while not realizing that they are literally correct.

Few seem to be able to tell when a different Soul uses the body.

There have been many times I’ve looked at someone and thought:  That is not the same person I knew.

Jumping Into the Bodies of Mass Murderers…

During my time dealing with Omen, he told me an interesting story.

It was regarding a lady in my chat room. She had told everyone that the office where she worked, in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, had a mass shooting. 

She was supposed to go into work that day, but she ended up being sick.

(Interestingly enough, it was the same place myself and my ex-partner were considering taking up a nine-month contract, but eventually the deal fell through.)

Omen mentioned that he had been contracted to actually kill this lady, but decided against it for his own purposes. He did, however, possess the body that ended up shooting everyone to carry out the job, but he ensured that his target was not present.

I won’t go into his reasons for doing this (which I eventually worked out and found they not all that pleasant). 

However, it made me aware that many mass shootings, which seem to characteristically come out of nowhere, might well be demonic entities taking over the body of the shooter.

Things normally end in suicide for the killer, the motivation is never understood, and people are left wondering why?

But as the law prosecutes the body rather than the Soul, this makes doing hits on people a very easy thing to do.  The demonic being takes over, does the job, and gets out leaving no evidence behind.

I would put good money on that this has happened more often than we may imagine.


I’ve even been threatened with the same type of thing from someone who claimed to be a Walk-In.  He kept on telling me to leave this World because I was causing them too many problems.  Then he threatened to kill me.

“No, I have you for what we are here to do… You will die soon, Boy…  See you soon…

I jump from body to body.  I’ll kill u [sic] soon… It’s only a matter of time…   It may even be your partner, you fuck, those are the rules… I rule this realm.”

I knew enough about him to know he was genuine, but I wasn’t concerned with the threat.   It was more of interest to me that he would jump from body-to-body to do it.

The point is, mass shootings and terrorist attacks may be more than what they seem on the surface.

For more information on this topic, you can listen to our podcast below.

For Those Who Feel They Have Missed Their Soul Mate…

Here is the point of it all.  We can have as many aspects of ourselves as we want here.  It allows us to gain more experience than we might from one lifetime.  It also means that your Soul Mate, even if he dies or leaves you; might have other Avatars around who will come into your life, when the time is right.  So, you can take heart in that.

That also includes lost loved ones. They may return to you in a different body.

Remember, nothing is random.  Soul Links will ensure that we always meet such people.  It’s also why it’s never wise to curse someone because the curse will keep you around in the other person’s life until it has been either nullified or fulfilled.

Remember, you are not alone; and when we are ready, the right person will come into our lives. 

If you’re reading this, it means that it’s something you needed to know.

Next: Who was H.H. Holmes?

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[…] There are as many reasons to use a body as there are Soulless bodies on this World. Some will be beneficial to us, and some will be quite malevolent. (Such as the ones being used for mass shootings.) […]

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