20 – Astral Assassins And The Hits On Me.

What’s In A Name?

As mentioned in previous entries, among other things, I am a Phoenix spirit. My Guides continually tell me (without pause) that I am, “The Phoenix.” They always call me, “Phoenix,” when talking to me.

People have also done this. One in particular insists on calling me “Phoenix Source,” and yet another refers to me as, “The one you now call Gary.” (Implying that I was known by other names.)

This particular being is someone I find most intriguing. She remembers many thousands of years of History and definitely remembers (and very much dislikes) me.

It’s important to note that these are not names I gave to myself.  If they were, I would have chosen something more original, as I hate clichés. They are what others call me, both in the Astral levels and on this 3D level. Some even call me, “Pops,” because they remember me being their father on a Soul level.

But what does it all mean? Who am I and, more importantly, what am I?

Why is it important? Why does anyone care? I certainly didn’t, but some do. They care enough to put contracts out on my life.


Back in the 80s and 90s, I would see, in my Mind Travels, these black clad Assassins appearing out of nowhere, trying to kill me. They would weave in and out, like Ninjas. Generally, I would just vanish before they could do anything.

Then, one day, for no apparent reason;  I decided to let them kill me.

To explain a little further, my Mind Travel “adventures,” that I would go on most nights, would write themselves.  While I was able to make independent decisions, the events would play out of their own accord.  It was like taking part in this enormous cohesive story that stretched on for decades.

I would act in ways that felt right to me, always being mindful to produce for the best outcome.  Once a “story-line” was complete, the compulsion to visit it in my mind disappeared.  I would then move on to something new, or revisit something older.

So that split second decision, to let them assassinate me felt right.  I just stood there. They homed in and took the killing blow.


The moment they did that, I felt myself shifting with full awareness, to a parallel timeline.  Instead of continuing from where I left off, I chose to return to a much earlier point in time.

As I knew what the outcomes were going to be for key points of the “story-line”, I was able to pre-empt certain events, and ensure that I got the advantage.

I guess you could liken it to playing an adventure game that you’ve already finished. You know where to go, what to do, and what to avoid.

My Guides, since the mid-1990s, have told me on many occasions that this is not my first time doing this.  Something that has since been substantiated in my real life.

Now, some might call this cheating, but I wasn’t the one who ordered the hits.


Naturally, I put this event down to imagination.  Even though I thought about it from time to time, I never thought all that much of it.

It wasn’t until years later in 2007 that I came across someone else who was seeing the same types of Assassins. They were dressed the same way and had a crest of the sun on their chest.

They were just standing there, waiting for my friend to attack them on the Astral levels. A friend of hers, was also seeing the Assassins, and tried to help her out.

Another friend, called Jenny, said she wanted to help.  I told her, no.  It’s dangerous as there were Assassins involved.

She freaked out and told me that she had seen them when she looked astrally at my friend. At the time, this was certainly confirmation enough that it was real.

I cautioned the friend that was under attack not to do anything as they would use her own power against her (don’t ask me how I knew this) and eventually they just left.


Then, in 2013, a year before I really got to know Omen, he decided to give me a reading in my chat room.  In that reading, he mentioned that I had seven hits put on me, but two were withdrawn at the last moment.

When I questioned him about it the following year, he thought for a moment and said it was the Roman gods who had ordered them. He also said he knew about the hits because it was he whom brokered them.

Soul Agreements of that nature were one of Omen’s jobs, and implied that, in spite of him claiming not to know much about me, he knew more than he let on. Much more.

As a side note, I did have a run in with Mars, the Roman god of War, in April 2017. He channeled through a friend and suffice to say, he was not at all happy with me, and accused me of betraying them. (I address this incident in entry 52.)

It does raise the question:  What did I do to annoy so many beings, causing them to go to so much trouble to take me out?

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