Something isn’t right…
The Dark Council was gone.
For something so major, it made me wonder why there wasn’t more said or known about it. After all, as Ecclasia said in the comments, the disbanding of the Dark Council was a game changer.
Something felt off. On the 11th of January 2017, I decided to investigate what was going on and find out what the reaction was. That night, I Mind Travelled.
What I found was interesting. I expected to find the denizens of the Astral World either celebrating or at the very least, relieved.
Instead, I was in this reddish area that was like a series of rooms in a dome like structure. There were guards there and they asked who I was and what I wanted.
None of your business
I said I sought information about The Dark Council. They told me that it was no longer in its current form due to it being disbanded.
I journeyed on, and ended up in what looked like a tribunal room. I asked about The Dark Council and was told, once again, it had been disbanded, but no details were released as to how or why.
They told me it was not my concern and something I shouldn’t be poking my nose into. (At least, in so many words).
Apparently, while it was common knowledge, the details of the disbanding were not only being kept quiet but were actively being suppressed.
Everywhere I went, I found the same thing. It made no sense.
However, one of the useful things about Mind Travelling is that you can download information on the fly about current events. (Or at least, I can.) It’s a little like hooking into the internet. So that is what I did, and things became clearer.
Soul debts
While the Dark Council might have been disbanded, it did not really change the power structure that was in place. The Annunaki, The Triquerta, and their associates still ruled. Not the powerhouse they once were, but still strong enough to not have fallen yet.
I found that there was a general nervousness about why the council had been disbanded.
The reason was that if it was done voluntarily, by the council itself, it would have created a karmic debt bond. Those who were indebted to the council would still be beholden to them on a soul level and one day this favour might be called in.
Seems that when you do something for someone, it creates karmic soul ties. Whether good or bad, spirit or soul must respond to it in some way.
The fear was that the disbanding had been done voluntarily by the council and thus that still gave them possible and potential power over those who were once bound by soul contracts.
This was not the case. Because I had forced them to disband, that meant there was no altruism involved. No one would be beholden to them. A fact that the powers that be did not want to get out.
As no one could really conceive of anyone ending the council, the next logical step was that it was done deliberately and most likely with some nefarious scheme in mind.
So, fear, misinformation and double speak were being used to keep many in their place and from taking any action.
I then sought out the god, Thoth, who I tended to go to from time to time. He did not look happy as he must have guessed what I was planning. I told him that I wanted to do a general broadcast about how the council really disbanded. He suggested that would be like putting a target on my back and all resources would be focused on working to get rid of me.
I would have already thought this was the case, but apparently, I’m not as well-known as I thought I was.
He suggested that this was not the right time and on reflection, I had to agree, though, as I later found out, there was more going on.
I’ve never quite worked out which side Thoth was on and to be frank, he tends to make me nervous as he’s extremely good at justifying anything he does.
As for The Dark Council itself, it was reformed a short while after it was disbanded, but in a different way. According to my source, it is now comprised of seven demon lords who have made it their mission to remove me and those who helped me.
I guess I should be concerned about this development, but really, it’s not like they haven’t come after me before. That’s what the Omen thing was all about, after all.
[…] or someone was quite determined to remove me. Considering how many noses I have knocked out of joint over the years, it’s really no great surprise this would be the […]