203 – Are We Broken?

The Struggle

Are we broken?

One of the reoccurring themes I’ve been seeing more and more is how people are struggling to be here.

Frequent comments include: What is my purpose? Why am I here? I don’t belong. I want to go home.

My response is always: If we weren’t meant to be here, we wouldn’t be.

While there are some notable exceptions, such as those bound to bodies against their will, I believe that this is the case for most Souls on this world right now.

From what I understand, Free Will allows us to be where we want and when we want. Of course, it is conceivable that we have caused ourselves to be stuck here, due to a Soul Agreement, a curse, or some type of addiction to something in the 3D.

But generally, we are here because we have chosen to be. But that would not stop us from being broken.

Asking the Same Questions

The questions I am asked by others, have been questions I have mulled over for decades.

Who am I? Why am I here? What is my purpose? Am I doing what I’m supposed to be doing? What is my mission? Why don’t I feel like I belong? Isn’t it time to leave?

These days, I know the answer to many of those questions. I can’t say it helps all that much, though.

It doesn’t stop the frustration of watching things self-destruct. and it doesn’t stop the endless attacks of those trying to take me down, bind me, or steal my powers.

It does give me context, though. Even when things are dark and seem endless, I know that they are still moving forward.


Depression, lack of purpose, and the torment of just being here seems to be rife.

The curious thing I’ve noticed is that people aren’t happy. If they are happy, they rarely stay that way for long.

Even the spiritual community is prone to deep bouts of depressive episodes.

It’s like we are programmed to be miserable.

This raises the question: Are we broken?

Altering the DNA

At some point, I believe that the human DNA was altered. (This is the story of Adam and Eve, which I discuss in this entry.)

I believe that the Chakra system, that we all now seem to have, was also put in, during this time.

And yes, I know my thoughts on this seem farfetched. However, if you’ve stuck with me all this time, you’ll understand why I believe that anything is possible, and nothing is off the table.

Also, there are actual memories of Cain existing, that are held by a few people I’ve come across, including one who remembers being Cain himself. (One day I may get into that entry as it’s quite interesting.) That adds plausibility to my memories of those events.

Identifying Avatars

Every so often, I’ll come across avatars of major deities who are in human form. We often recognize each other, who we were, and our past interactions.

I never used to be particularly good at identifying people, due to my face blindness, but it’s a skill that I’ve developed over time, and it’s incredibly accurate.

Though, to be fair, I do sometimes get it wrong. But that tends to be more the exception than the rule. (Though you try to remember and identify someone you never met in this lifetime!)

The Soul of the World

This particular one was an Avatar of The Gaia, the soul of this world. She was fully awakened. Not only did she know who she was, but recalled, with amazing accuracy, our time together, and many of the events that took place.  (Before the days of Atlantis.)

Her recall of the Adam and Eve story was the same as mine. I asked her why she allowed humans to be modified. Why she allowed them to lose their connection to The Source, Astral and Soul.

She said she wanted life here to mean something. That before the change, the awareness of who we were, and how it all worked, did not produce the same stakes that we have now.


In a perfect world, I can see how that would be a great tool and benefit. However, I believe She was betrayed by The Triquerta and their associates.

While they promised to make life more meaningful, it was an empty promise. Their intent, as far as I can see, was to take advantage of the forgetfulness, and exploit and control those who incarnated into human bodies.

Controlling with fear and force is certainly a hallmark of these groups. It’s not how we should be. It’s not our natural state of being.

I believe that we are the opposite of what we are meant to be. That we are indeed broken. This is a world which is controlled by fear and selfish love, and as stated, the toxic fallout of this energy is hurting The Gaia.

In Conclusion

So, what’s the solution? If we are broken, can we be fixed? That is the operative question right now.

I believe that the disconnection from Soul and The Source, while in the human body, has led to the depression and the struggle to be here. Making it a challenge to be happy and keep moving forward, day after day.

I don’t believe that humans are fully responsible for how they behave. That does not mean they are not responsible for their actions, but their actions can be explained by the intentional messing of their connection and the unintended consequences of that mess.

While there are solutions for individuals, how does one reach the majority, especially when they are convinced their way is the only way, and everyone else is wrong?

Food for thought.  

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