203 – Are We Broken?

are we broken

The Struggle

Are we broken?

One of the reoccurring themes I’ve been seeing more and more is how people are struggling to be here.

Frequent comments include: What is my purpose? Why am I here? I don’t belong. I want to go home.

My response is always: If we weren’t meant to be here, we wouldn’t be.

While there are some notable exceptions, such as those bound to bodies against their will, I believe that this is the case for most Souls on this world right now.

From what I understand, Free Will allows us to be where we want and when we want. Of course, it is conceivable that we have caused ourselves to be stuck here, due to a Soul Agreement, a curse, or some type of addiction to something in the 3D.

But generally, we are here because we have chosen to be. But that would not stop us from being broken.

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