200 – The Curse of The Phoenix

The Curse of The Phoenix

In my last entry, we discussed the general nature of some curses, and how they may be activated.  In this entry, we discuss how curses are used to protect personal artifacts and will look at what is called The Curse of The Phoenix. This is a Universal Curse according to my Guides.

Curses are plentiful in this world. Even in so called civilized countries, there are an abundance of people who know how to cast them.

Of course, many people today are way too enlightened and clever to believe in curses, so that’s all to the good of things.

Curses That Bind

Still, there are way too many on this Earth who create curses like crazy and use all manners of spells to try and gain power and dominance over others.

If you are thinking of cursing someone or something, then don’t.

Seriously. Not only will it Bind you to the people or this World, but once it is eventually lifted, it will cause you more grief than you can possibly imagine.

Native Americans, for instance, cursed the land that was taken from them. However, it was not theirs to curse, and many Souls have been bound to areas until the curse they cast is lifted.

Protective Curses

If you are wise, you will trust me on casting no curses, but as mentioned, though, in my last entry, there are some odd exceptions to this rule.

The main one is for anything that you have created with your own energies.

As previously discussed, anything created from your own essence will be Soul-bound to you by default.

If the maker chooses to protect their own creations, then he can get away with a protective curse. This type is a spell of protection more than anything malicious, though it can have dire outcomes.


Should someone attempt to knowingly steal, obtain, or gain access to whatever this thing is without permission, they will activate any attached curse. 

All Soul-bound possessions, whether it’s intellectual, energetic, or physical, are an extension of that being’s Soul or energies. To desecrate them is akin to a direct attack on the being themselves.

You could liken it to violating a part of your body without your permission. That is your sacred space, and no one should be allowed to do that without your consent.

Thus, the owner of a Soul-bound object may elect to protect it with such a curse. While this is not strictly necessary in order to protect it from theft, it may be done to prevent someone from using an artifact so powerful that it could cause great harm should it fall into the wrong hands.

Never Cheat

Not all Soul-bound possessions will have a curse on them. Some things have no inherent value, and the owner may not wish to entangle their energies with mundane items. Especially those that have no value past the moment.

As mentioned, most curses of this nature are reserved for artifacts, private knowledge, and possessions that are held dear to the owner.

Even Oaths and Promises can be bound by such curses.

It’s never wise to try and cheat someone out of what has rightfully been promised to them, no matter how much you believe you can get away with it. Chances are that you won’t. Souls have been lost because people have thought they were so clever by ignoring their obligations.

The Piper will always come a-calling and that day is never pretty.

The Curse of The Phoenix

Personally, I don’t do curses. But I do have massive protection spells and wards on anything that is important to me.

There is also a Universe Curse that is automatically applied whether I intend for it to be or not.

It will activate when malicious intent is detected.

My Guides call it The Curse of The Phoenix.

I can’t prevent it as it’s part of a universal balance, and restitutions must be made to some degree and some level before it can be nullified by myself.

The reason this type of curse even exists is because actions must have consequences.

I will never personally curse willingly, attack, or damn anyone.

Nor do I tend to retaliate. (Some see this as a weakness, but I see it as pointless and a distraction that I have little time or use for.)

Hence, The Curse of The Phoenix is automatically triggered to ensure that a balance is kept.

Countering the Curse

You may wonder if there is any way to counter such a curse. There is, and it really doesn’t take much.

Even a small act of giving or kindness will be enough for that, However, the act must be genuine, and not designed to nullify the effects.

Sadly, that rarely happens.

End result is that their Soul or energy becomes part of that which they have violated, and thus, comes under my personal control.

In other words: Steal from me, and you’ve forfeited control of your Soul. It doesn’t matter if someone else has tempted you to do so or not, the intention is there, and that will activate things.

You would think that people who should know better would avoid doing this, but you’d be amazed just how dumb some can be.

Reaping What You Sow

It should really go without saying that theft is wrong. No one has the right to take what is not theirs. It is extremely dangerous to take what is Soul-bound to another. I cover this subject a bit in this entry.

On a holistic level, stealing sends a message to The Universe that this is what you must do to survive. Hence, the more you do it, the more you will receive that experience and the harder it will be to shift from it.

Should you attempt to change your ways, you will find yourself tested many times to determine how serious and dedicated you truly are.

In Conclusion

Curses are indeed real.

They are generally activated by wrong intent. That is, knowingly desecrating, stealing, or poking your nose into business that has nothing to do with you.

There are many different types of curses and some are created organically, such as The Curse of The Phoenix.

Please play nice.

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3 years ago

“Please play nice.”

Yes! If we just follow grade school rules and be respectful and kind, it makes things much simpler. I do wish more people knew that. And the fact that there isn’t really much privacy, your secrets aren’t secret to the other realms. Honest, respect and good boundaries go a long way.

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