157 – Past Lives – Reincarnation Questions

Reincarnation Questions

This series looks at past-lives and what can happen when you pass over.

Before I discuss the subject of Soul Contracts, I want to first answer some questions that I’ve been asked.


The first is from Sunrise Bleu, who asks: I read from this group that after a soul passes, they immediately move onto the next life. But I kind of felt my grandmother for about 5 years after she passed away. Although this time she kept appearing in my dreams, once I heard her voice, etc. So I was wondering how this happened. Just curious.

Good question and here is my understanding of how this works.

You can move onto the next life right away, but there may be many reasons why you might not wish to do so.

You may wish to spend time resting and recovering your psychic energies. This will be especially true if you’ve lived a traumatic life and are in no rush to return.

Not Returning

I’ve had many people tell me they have no intentions of coming back to this World. I tell them that they most likely will, but only once they have rested up and recovered.

Your human life might have been a mission where it was important for you to be in a human body. You may work better from the Astral realms. In such cases, you will just go back to doing what you did before you incarnated.

Alternatively, there is a small chance that you may find that someone or something has bound you, which may prevent you from doing what you desire. Binds are nasty things, but they rarely happen randomly.

Those who end up bound are often victims of suicide (due to their state of mind at the time of passing, leaving them extremely vulnerable). Fortunately, there are helpers in the Astral that keep an eye on such things and work to ensure such cases pass safely.

There are also those who have made Soul Contracts, which can really mess you up. (Which we will explore in the next entry.)


When we are ready to return to this World, we will be able to choose when and where we go. (Assuming all is happening as per our Free Will and all other conditions are satisfied.)

This can be anytime we choose. It can even be the same time as your current life. You will just be in a different body.

You can even choose to incarnate in an earlier point in time (thus, taking back all your experiences gained in this current life. As attractive as this may sound, it’s not always a good thing. Advanced thinking people were often persecuted and ridiculed.)

If your Grandmother is around, it’s because she has chosen to stay for you (and possibly other reasons). Because time has no relevance in the Astral levels, her being reincarnated again; can happen at the same time as her being there in spirit form.


In fact, the two are not mutually exclusive. We are multi-dimensional beings, meaning we exist at the same time on several levels.

Many see themselves as being separate from their higher selves. They also see their current life as being separate from their other ones.

If you can see yourself as all of it at the same time, your experiences and energies will shift quite dramatically.

You can even take on god-like qualities.

All in One Place

Hector asks: Can you reunite all your past lives in one place and have them all interact? How will this affect your present life?

Yes, you can, technically. In Spirit form, you can have all of your avatars incarnate into human bodies. In fact, I know some who have done this. The thing is that doing so does not guarantee you will meet. (Though Soul Bonds will help there, by eventually drawing you all together).

There is also no certainty that you will get along with each other.

The ones I know who have done this can’t seem to work together. Some have very little interest in even interacting with each other.

I am always the link between them all.

But Why?

So, yes, you can. The question is why would you want to?

Sure, it might be an interesting experience, but it may also be a frustrating one.

I have known two different versions of the same being existing right now. He hated the latter version of himself. It was messy.

Personally, I prefer just to have one of me around. It’s less mess and certainly a lot less complicated. At least, in my experience.

Your mileage may vary here. My soul family is kind of messed up.  


I’m sure many have heard about how, in the Hindu religion, if one is bad, they may be reincarnated as a cockroach or something that is considered just as distasteful, as a punishment.

Generally, this is incorrect. Humans tend to reincarnate as humans. They can, if they wish to, incarnate as cockroaches, but unless you have been bound to such a body, there is no karmic law that will force one to do this.

As a general rule, you will always experience the consequences of your choices, good, bad or neutral. If no curses, spells or Soul Agreements are in place, then you will generally get to choose how you deal with them.

We tend to choose the options that will allow us to bring closure to the situation and allow us to move on. Of course, this can take many lifetimes, but Free Will dictates that we may do this in any manner we desire.

All choices have consequences. Always choose wisely.

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