Where Can You Find Past Life Readings?
This entry we continue our look at Past Lives and answer a question by a lady called Rachel, who asked: How does someone go about having a Past Life Reading?
Generally, you can search for them online by Googling Past Life Reading Services.
They are not hard to find. However, finding a Reader who is both reputable and accurate can be tricky.
Also, even if you do find someone genuine and talented, you may not find the results to your liking.
Back when I was seeking my own Past Life readings, I found them in ads from health and spiritual magazines.
While I believe some have the ability to go into a trance or can be hypnotized into a state that may allow Past Life recall, I feel that this technique does not work on a good many out there.
Personal Readings
I’ve had a few Past Life readings in this life. They were all in the mid to late 90s and none of them felt right.
There are three readings that come to mind. Two were done by a Past Life Reader named Lisa whom I found in a local health magazine. The other was by a Psychic Healer that I was seeing at the time called Glenda.
I did two with Lisa because synchronicity made our paths cross a second time. I took that as a sign that I should have another reading.
However, both sessions ended up being very non-descript and generic. If they were past lives, there was nothing interesting or remarkable about them.
Emotional Fallout
The one by Glenda was under a different circumstance. In 1995, I was seeking answers for who I was, as well as trying to heal myself on an emotional level.
Even though I saw Glenda for a year, (and spent a small fortune on her), I can’t say I really gained all that much.
I have no doubt she was genuine, but that doesn’t mean she was accurate.
One session, I set the intention to learn who I was. The resulting session ended up being a Past Life reading.
The emotional fallout for me was dramatic, which is why I mention it.
This is the session transcripts.
Hall of Learning
Thursday, May 4, 1995
This session was mainly about visualization. To basically learn who I am.
We started off with the Sword of Michael (which looked suspiciously like the one I used in my mind travels) and used it’s jewel encrusted hilt to make a connection with my Third Eye. A blue beam was entering me and filling me up whereas the Sword itself was glowing a silver sheen that cloaked me.
I then entered a large building. Glenda, (who is able to tune into the visions) said that it looked Arabic. I described what I saw and once again, she queried the fact that it looked Arabic.
I said that I wasn’t sure, as I didn’t quite know what Arabic looked like.
It was a Hall of Learning. Decked out in red. As I entered, I heard the question: What are you doing here? With the emphasis on the “you.” Almost as if I was recognized, but not expected.
I told Glenda this and was told to say: I’ve come to learn about myself. I waited for a few moments for something to happen, then I received an impression where I saw, or rather felt myself grow extremely large, but I was still contained within the Hall, and I felt full of power. Positive power.
Glenda waited for a while as she watched a visualization. Then stated that she saw who I was in an past incarnation.
A Poet
“Guess who you were,” she said, excitedly.
“I don’t know.”
“You won’t believe this. Guess!”
“A priest,” I replied, thinking that it was the only thing I could possibly say. (Someone once told me they remembered me as one.) I waited with an expectancy on who I was. It surely had to be someone I knew.
“No, you were Kahlil Gibran.”
Strangely enough, that revelation meant nothing to me. “Who?” I said, having never heard the name before.
“The Poet, Kahlil Gibran.”
What she saw was a man who was writing poetry in a beautiful script and a voice said to her that I was Kahlil Gibran.
She asked the voice if I was influenced by him, but it insisted that I actually was him.
After the session had ended, I asked Glenda if it was merely symbolic.
“I don’t normally test up these things,” she said, but she asked anyway.
“Was Gary Kahlil Gibran in a past life?”
Her pendulum (which was her way of getting answers) tested up positive. She asked again, and once more it insisted that I was.
Now, you might think that I would be pleased with that result. That I would be excited and it would have brought some sense of closure and peace to me.
You would be wrong.
I do not know exactly why, but this information sent me into a tailspin that took me months to recover from.
Whenever I thought about Gibran, I felt anger, anxious, and traumatized. I also had a strong desire to deny it was true or that it was even possible.
I’ve not had the same reaction with other Past Life memories. Those particular ones all made perfect sense.
This one, though, even today, I still feel that sense of anxiety.
I cannot say for sure, or even entertain that I was Gibran. For my money, I’d say that I wasn’t.
Regardless, though, I feel something happened regarding him.
Did I Gain Anything?
I tell this story as a warning to those who seek out Past Life readings. It may not be what you think. If you awaken or trigger something that had long been laid to rest, it could really mess you up on a psychological level.
It may have even set my progress back a bit.
I don’t feel I gained anything from knowing this information. I certainly have not been able to use it. It brought no peace nor understanding. More questions were raised than answered.
It was not helpful, nor did it bring me closer to who I really was or to the information that I needed to know.
An Analysis
If anything, I feel it was intended as a distraction from the answers I was seeking. By that point, my guides had been telling me that I was The Phoenix for seven years. That should have been the answer I was seeking.
When I entered the hall, the response of “what are you doing here” sounded very much like I was well known, but not expected. The power I felt when I began to grow, I can now identify as Phoenix Energy.
What Glenda saw, I did not see. Nor did I feel it. The two visions were incompatible.
That was a red flag, right there, but I did not have enough experience to understand this.
Don’t make the same mistakes.
In Conclusion
You can find Past Life readers online but be careful. You may not get the answers you really need and you may release something traumatic in the process.
Next: Injuries and Timelines
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