123 – Psychic Attacks – Suicide

Psychic Attacks – Suicide

This is a series that looks at what Psychic Attacks are and what you can do regarding them. This entry we’ll focus on Suicide as a Psychic Attack.


I don’t need to say that suicide is a devastating thing for all concerned.

The rates are always way too high.  Even one is too many.

Some believe that suicide is never justified and it’s a crime against God. Others consider those who take their own life as selfish people.

Many don’t understand why it happens. It creates massive guilt, regret, and “what ifs.”

However, unless you’ve been there, it’s very hard to understand why a person would contemplate taking their own life.

While I can’t say this is the case for every person; I can say with confidence that many suicides, successful or otherwise, are the result of Psychic Attacks.

Quick and Sudden

Having personally gone through this more times than I care to remember, I can tell you that suicide attacks are no joke.

Even if you are not feeling suicidal, nor have any intentions of wanting to commit it, the compulsions and thoughts can be so strong that it takes great will and fortitude to resist it.

For me, such attacks will take the form of a desire to jump in front of a train, or off a bridge, or something that will be very quick and sudden. The slashing of one’s wrists is another that comes up, though it’s not remotely tempting.

Curiously enough, taking an overdose has not come up for me. I would imagine it has for others.

Why Are You Still Here?

The thing here is that I’m not actually suicidal. In fact, I know that taking my own life would not work for me. I’ve got a job to do here, and I am pretty much stuck on this world until it’s completed. (Though, no clue how long that may be.)

From 2015 to 2016 (approximately a two-year period), I would get constant urges to find a way to kill myself.

When I would wake up the next morning, I would hear in my mind the thoughts asking:  Why are you still here?


Even though I knew what was happening and it was a Psychic Attack, it did not help. It also did not help when I told those around me what was going on, and it was dismissed or ignored.

Something or someone was quite determined to remove me.  Considering how many noses I have knocked out of joint over the years, it’s no great surprise this would be the case.

Short Circuited

What most don’t appear to understand about Suicide Attacks is that something gets short circuited in your mind.

It doesn’t matter if you aren’t the kind of person who would do such a thing or how many people love and care about you.  The natural thoughts of self-preservation somehow become blocked.

You aren’t thinking rationally, and you honestly believe that if you did kill yourself, people would simply shrug it off and carry on with what they are doing.

Part of you might know this is not really true, but such logic is overwhelmed with the sense that everyone would be happier with you gone.

Overwhelming Thoughts

Those under Suicide Attacks will generally receive overwhelming thoughts and compulsions that they should kill themselves. Those ideas may manifest in several ways.

  • Bitter thoughts and self-recrimination about oneself.
  • Feelings of guilt over things one has no control over. Guilt for what he or she may have done to others.
  • Being a burden on those around them.
  • No longer wanting to be in this world.
  • The feelings of isolation / loneliness or lack of emotional support.
  • Feelings of being taken for granted, being used, abused or exploited by others.

The list can go on and on.

My most bizarre one was when I was living in Toronto, Canada, back in 2016.

Something was trying to convince me to walk through the snow, at night, to Niagara Falls with the minimum of protection, leaving my mobile and keys behind so no one could find me.

I did not act on this, but I must give them points for creativity.


Generally, if you have an emotional chink in your armor, it can be exploited by the Psychic Attack and magnified to such an extreme degree that you may feel you will not be able to take it anymore.

Demonics excel at this type of Psychic Attack, and as a bonus, they get to feed off the negative energy it produces.

Such attacks are seductive, and the poisonous whispers in one’s mind will make sense in a sickly-sweet way.

They sound true to the target, even if they are not.

It’s also, highly likely, that those around you, who should be your support system, are also under attack, preventing them for giving you the aid that you need.

Even if you are aware of exactly what is happening (like I was), it does not mean you will not eventually succumb to such an attack.

It wears you down. It drains you and it only really takes one bad day or misunderstanding to push you over the edge.

Suicide Prevention Mix

Fortunately, I’m a stubborn bastard, and I was able to finally find a way, using Bach Flower Remedies, to block those attacks.

I have written about this in an entry called Bach Flower Remedies Suicide Prevention Mix and I would encourage you to share it with as many people as you can.  It might just well save a life or two.

Please Take This Seriously

Suicide Attacks are the worst kind of attacks. Removing you from your body, and your current life could have far reaching consequences for you, once you depart.

If others consider your presence to be of importance, then removing you from the equation would be considered a victory, and those around you will suffer a loss, too.

It makes you vulnerable to attacks in the Astral once you leave your body.

This is due to your vibrations being so low, and compromised, your natural immunity against attacks is diminished.

If something malicious is waiting for you to attack or bind you, you will have your work cut out to defend yourself.

If someone tries to tell you they are feeling this way (as opposed to someone who is always threatening to kill themselves, but never does it), please take it seriously.

Watch for signs and do all that you can to support them.

It’s when they become quiet and resigned to their fate that the threat becomes very real.

Please Share

I don’t normally ask this, but please share this entry with others. It needs to get out there. People need to understand what is going on. We are losing too many to this type of attack and it doesn’t need to happen.

Suicide Prevention Lines

While many don’t understand the link between psychic attacks and suicide, there is always 24/7 help out there.

Below are a few numbers for the main countries who read this blog.

You can find the complete list here.

USA – 1 (800) 273-8255

Canada – 1 (833) 456-4566 / 5147 234 000 (Montreal); 1866 277 3553  (outside Montreal)

United Kingdom – 0845 7909 090

Australia – 13 11 14

Next: Psychic Attacks – Dreams and Dreamscapes

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[…] In many cases, suicide tendencies and thoughts are actually a Psychic Attack. (This can be read about here.) […]


[…] that may be one of the ways a Guide will contact you, it will also be something malicious entities may also do.  As mentioned in my series on Psychic Attacks, they may try to mess with […]

Franciely Loffler
3 years ago

Hi Gary,
I just read your post because I’ve been having these types of attacks for years too. It seems that the more the energies of the planet increase, the more overwhelming it becomes. There are days I just want to have “a day off” and feel at peace, well being and calm. But that doesn’t happen.
About the attacks you said of the fast style, I noticed that it happened to me a few times, when I was going to cross a super busy avenue, passing cars one after the other and I had the thought of suddenly throwing myself in front of the cars. Another time it was up the street from my house, the same kind of thought. The most common are when I’m going through deep energy cleanses and feeling really sick and then the thoughts start like I could end all that discomfort by going to buy boxes of sleeping pills and taking everything.
And that’s exactly what you said, this is too exhausting, it drains our soul.
Look I’ve been dealing with literally EVERYTHING at the same time. With attacks of all kinds, attacks when I go out and suddenly several dogs come towards me, attacks coming when They just take over my mother’s energy body and she totally transforms that I can’t even recognize her. As if “another soul” had taken possession of her. I have been feeling the tiredness and energetic symptoms of the transformations due to Ascension. Anyway… literally all at the same time. I keep wishing for a little relief because it’s been too much of a defiance.
How can we dissolve these attacks? I can’t get visualizations. I try to visualize the violet fire or golden white light entering my crown chakra to transmute that but when I close my eyes I can’t visualize anything.

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