84 – End Game?

On a Soapbox?

This is not an easy entry to write for a couple of reasons.

The first, that it will sound alarmist, delusional, and make me sound like one of those disturbing people who stand on the street corner shouting: “The End is nigh!”

The second, that I only have some of the facts on what is happening right now. I have had to fill in a few gaps based on comments others have made and what they remember.

I suppose, I could just wait and see what happens or just ignore everything. If nothing does come of it, then I can go back to whatever I was doing.

I could also tell everything I know, and risk nothing happening, therefore shooting my credibility, such as it is, in the foot.

However, if there is a chance that I am right, and that what I am told is coming is real; then I owe it to myself, and this World, to put it out there.

I am choosing the latter, respectively. I am going to explain the few things I do know, and leave it up to you, the Reader, to decide what you feel about it.

Ground Rules

Let’s start off with some ground rules, as follows:

  • If I need to speculate, I will state this.
  • If I know something for a fact, I will also state it.
  • I don’t want people to blindly believe what I write. It’s important to trust in your feelings and intuition. If it feels like bull to you, then I am glad. If it doesn’t, though, then think about what I’ve told you; and by all means, let others know, too.
  • If something changes, or new information comes along; I will let you know. Even if it directly contradicts what I may have written previously. I am not interested in being right, even if I know I am wrong. If that happens, maybe you can all have a good chuckle at my expense. I know I will.
  • Finally, I am not a Prophet nor a fortune teller. I do not claim to see or predict the future. Indeed, there are so many timelines we can take, that I don’t believe prediction of the future is even possible.

As for the topic, it’s about what is referred to in the New Testament of the Bible as The End of Days.

Quite honestly, in all the things I had planned to write about, this was not on the top of my list.


In the coming entries, I will discuss what small amount of knowledge I have.

The topics will be:

  • What the true meaning of 666 denotes. (Yes, there is one, and I have known that answer for a while.)
  • Who was The Beast of Revelations? (And what happened there?)
  • What was his mark?
  • What is The End of Days cycle?
  • When will it most likely happen?
  • What is Legion?
  • What you can do to protect your own interests.

Reasonable Doubt

Now, one thing I want to state at the outset is that I am not religious. I do not follow any religion, believe in The Second Coming nor follow the doctrines of there being only One Path or way to God.

What I am, though, is an Observer. I watch the signs. I listen to what is going on in the Astral Worlds and check through my Mind Travels to see what the current status of things are.

And while I will say that The End of Days may be upon us, I also would like to echo what close colleagues and friends said:

“I’ll believe it when I see it.”

I think that’s a very fair statement.

End Game

Recently, two words have been coming up a lot for me. The words: End Game.

Yes, I know that this is the title of The Avengers 4 movie, but I’ve been hearing it in other places; including my thoughts and when I attempt to describe what is going on in my own life.

When this happens, I know better than to ignore such synchronicities.

Please bear with me and I will do my best to explore what is going on.

Next: 666

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[…] articles will discuss Attunement and certain perspectives you should be open to consider should the End of Days actually occur.  For those who decide to continue reading this entry, I intend to offer advice […]


[…] that it emerged from this conversation. Moreover, the parties involved were very adamant that the End Times were […]


[…] articles will discuss Attunement and certain perspectives you should be open to consider should the End of Days actually occur.  For those who decide to continue reading this entry, I intend to offer advice […]


[…] far, we have discussed End of Days, Universal Laws and Attunement. The next three entries will cover general advice and tips for those […]


[…] articles will discuss Attunement and certain perspectives you should be open to consider should the End of Days actually occur.  For those who decide to continue reading this entry, I intend to offer advice […]


[…] more and more, the reports I am getting with the signs I am seeing; point to the End of Days […]


[…] discussed this at length back in the beginning of 2019 when I had some concrete evidence that we were headed […]


[…] do take it seriously. Consider what it’s revealing. All signs point to that the End of Days cycle is now in process. I hope I’m wrong, but the evidence shows otherwise. […]

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