77 – The Spark: Centraal


I discussed the fact that I had been accused of stealing the Master Key to the binds of Omen.

The other thing that The Dark Council claimed I had stolen from them was what they called , “The Spark.”

This item is a little more complex because, technically, there is more than one Spark. This particular Spark was powerful enough to wipe out all reality. Only those in a safe zone would be around to recreate it as per their desires.

This safe zone is called Centraal and it is also referred to as The Temple.


The Being in question is named Ecclasia. The same person I have mentioned a number of times in previous entries. She claims that is the correct spelling, as opposed to Ecclesia.

Surprisingly, very little about her seems to be recorded. The information here is mostly gleaned from The Phoenix Archives and I asked Ecclasia herself to clarify this information. She was quite forthcoming.  (And thank you to her.)

Ecclasia represents a Temple called Centraal.  This is a place that is connected to all Realms, Dimensions and Gateways. Those who can access it can go anywhere. It also controls The Light, which helps keep the dark from taking over throughout the “Realms”.

The doors in Centraal can take you anywhere. But it has to have a connection to The Light. You can even access Hell because it is not all darkness there.

There is a version of Centraal in Hell for that purpose.

Temple of Dark

The one in Hell basically is The Temple of Dark. Not too catchy of a name, but it’s the center of darkness. They work as a whole, much like Yin and Yang.

But there are some levels out there where their Light died and can no longer be accessed.

Those places are technically called No Man’s Land. Because they really just don’t exist anymore.

You can get to them but it’s like stepping into a void.

One such place is within the Temple Ao’ya. Which it is said that the bowels of the temple is a gaping hole where you no longer exist if entered.

Its Own Universe

Centraal can also take you anywhen. It’s one way you can access different timelines and periods in history.

Centraal is like a universe within a universe. Some parts are extremely dangerous to go to; even for someone like me.

Those who enter can only get to things that necessitate the traveller’s crucial need for access.

Say you need a place of acceptance, it will be given.  If you want to meet some strange monkey type beings, it’s there for you to go. It also holds The Great Library.

For everyone but Ecclasia, they find what they need. For her, however, it’s quite different. But it’s because she sees the Whole. Others see what they need. So basically, they only get one room.

It’s like the hotel that’s always full but always has room for another guest.

For Ecclasia, though, it’s different. She has a Throne Room (which is off to the left of spiral stairs that look like DNA). It also has silver leaves on top of the door. At the top of the stairs is her “Study.”


The lower levels are where you can get lost. Walls technically could or couldn’t be walls.

Also, in order to use anything, you need to be attuned; otherwise, it doesn’t work.

In a way, it’s like The World Tree, which without the Tree, this world wouldn’t exist as we know it. So, it’s super important.

It’s a major nexus point in this reality.

Those who control it basically control the universe. In essence, Ecclasia is a personification of Centraal. She is also referred to as “The Spark.”

You might be scratching your head right now and thinking: How can a temple be a living being?

The best way I can explain is that everything has a spiritual counterpart to it.

The most well-known example might be The Gaia, which is the spirit of this World. Stars also have a spirit (and many a star’s spirit have chosen to incarnate as a being).  

Life is more than the 3D reality most perceive.

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