66 – The Grid: Part 2 – Beliefs And Conspiracies.

Cosmic Consciousness

From what I’ve seen, during my Mind Travels, there are three main Grids in place.  It’s the first one that connects the Collective Consciousness of this world.

This is what you might term the pool of cosmic energy that spirit connects to. All experiences, knowledge and energies are gathered there. You might call it the internet of the Astral Realms.

If you have the know-how, you can tap into this pool and download information to your consciousness.

It’s worth pointing out that while all the experiences are collected there, there are also some that can remain private and inaccessible without special permission.


The first Grid also has several layers within it. How many, I am not exactly sure, but there are a few. Each has its own function and resonance. (For instance, there is a level that connects to The Gaia energy.)

Back in 2018, we checked The Grid and noticed that it was filled with skeins. (Lines that may influence Fate and Time.) They looked like strands from a cobweb.

From what we could tell, they were woven to ensure certain outcomes, as well as blocking those who sought to oppose them.

In other words, the natural outcomes of events are being messed with. This has Tri’s energy stamped all over it.

Raising Consciousness

Back in 1997, my guides had a long and intense conversation with me, that stands out, even till this day.

The subject was on how you would heal this world and raise the vibrational level of this planet.

They explained about the Collective Consciousness and how energizing it was the key. It was not new information at the time, but it was one of those ‘ah ha’ moments.

Working on healing The Grid, will in turn help with the consciousness, and in theory, help raise this world’s vibrational levels.

Dismissing Conspiracies

Like many others, I’ve certainly done my fair share of working on The Grid. However, what I wasn’t aware of when I did that, was the existence of The Triquerta, Annunaki, and so on.

Whenever someone would talk about such things, I would just simply roll my eyes. (Which, thankfully, could not be seen over a computer!)

I understand why those who are aware are dismissed as delusional, attention seeking or crazy.  When I first heard all about it back in the early 2000s, I laughed. Not at the person, but at the very idea.

I could not comprehend how it was possible. I had read too many other books where such things were not even hinted at. (Or if they were, not in any meaningful way.) I figured that something this big and important would be worth a mention. I never saw it, though.

Don’t Go There!

Of course, many of the conspiracies go on about people in power being shape shifting lizards. That never sat right with me. I would not be prepared to confirm or deny such things as I’ve not come across any evidence yet. (Though, that could always change.)

But as for multidimensional beings, such as the councils, The Annunaki, The Triquerta, etc., time and time again I’ve had more than enough proof that they exist. I just didn’t understand where I fitted into it all.

I remember, back in around 2006, I asked my guides about aliens and U.F.O.’s. Their response was: You really don’t want to go there.

I thought that was an odd, but intriguing answer. Generally, they would give me a very clear and detailed talk. I did get the impression, though, that there was way more going on than I ever imagined.

Subtle Tactics

To be frank, my mind still rebels every time I use names such as The Annunaki. They sound cliché, conspiratorial or completely delusional. And yes, you are setting yourself up as a target for ridicule.

For me to write about what I do, I must be as sure as I can be about things.

New information is always coming in, so I find, at times, I have to revise what I thought I knew. This is why you must always trust in your feelings.  But as usual, I digress.

The point is, even if you are not aware of their involvement and interference in The Grids, it doesn’t mean it is not happening.

It’s well hidden and designed to make it seem like you must be deluded for believing in it. And they are very good at making it seem so. But they make the occasional mistakes, and that costs them.

Next entry will look at how the grid is being used in a negative way.

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