38 – Geb – gods Walk Among Us (And I’m One of Them)

Drawing of Geb by Joe Alfaro 
Check out his work at www.alfarographics.com

The god Of The Earth

Geb is the name I am known by, to many.

Mythology claims that Geb was the god of The Earth.

That claim does have its foundations in fact, though it is truly lost in the retelling.

The Phoenix Energy was one of the factors that gave life to this planet, and helped things evolve over so many billions of years. A few primordial beings came together, and helped seed life, shape the planet, and awaken The Gaia.

I elected to make this Earth one of my homes because I did (and still do) love The Gaia.

A Description Of Me

I didn’t always know I was Geb. It took me decades to work that   out. The first time I heard that name, I dismissed it as Geb being way too high level for him to be me.

The process I went through was a long one, but for the sake of history and completeness, I shall detail it now.

It has been stated, by many, that I am The Phoenix Source.

That’s vague, so I am going to try and explain a little about who and what I am.

One of the things I ask those who can see me in the astral is, what I look like to them.

In 2021, I asked a being, who claimed to have visited me, this question

I was given a convoluted description.

White Hot Flames

“An elemental of some variety if I had to categorize you. A flexible shell that encapsulates a sentient elemental energy source.

Like… if a star or a galaxy decided to make a body to contain itself and interact as a singular being.

The… embodiment of whatever source you are.

Maybe I should say you’re like a source code.

Mobile partially fused shards of light making up the outer skin, white hot flames spreading from a singularity within and a vortex of swirling distortion at the center.

Each shard of light is like a …um… compressed multilayer of souls that can fuse and unfuse.

Like….a matrix I suppose, or a prism.”

Take from that, what you will.


When I incarnated into this life, I had to forget everything I knew. Everything, but the essence of who I was, which I retained in a soul memory. I did this to complete agreements I had made.

While this was by design, it also meant that I forgot who I was, my history and, most annoyingly, all those who were attempting to kill, remove or enslave me.

The upside to this was that it not only allowed me to increase my powers and abilities, but gave me opportunities for me to recreate myself anew.

Over the years, my Guides have been gradually reminding me of who I was, how I came to be here, and where I fit into everything. That information comes in fragments.

They are tantalizing titbits of the puzzle. It can take years to piece together an event.  It doesn’t help that I only get information according to my level of attunement and acceptance.


As mentioned in my book, I Am The Phoenix, the message: “You are The Phoenix,” has been in my mind and thoughts every moment of every day since 1988. What that meant, took me a long time to unravel.

Working out how I came to be here has been a tedious and arduous process.  Many times, I thought I worked it out, only to find there was more… much more.

I’ve had to revise who I thought I was numerous times. For instance, some had seen me in the Astral and mistaken me for the god Osiris, the son of Geb and Nut.

People who could Astral Travel would tell me when they saw me, that I was Osiris.  (Which is a very strange conversation to have and I was never quite sure where to take it.)

I knew I wasn’t Osiris, though. I suspect that they saw him, and not me. Of course, him being my soul-son, would make it easy for them to confuse him with me.


Because it took me so long to work out who I was, there would be long periods of time where I would struggle with the question. I would often go back and forth on certain details.

Every day I laboured with it, and many times said to myself: “I don’t want to do this anymore. This can’t possibly be real.”
But to no avail. My Guides relentlessly persisted and there wasn’t a single day where the Phoenix did not come up in some way, shape or form.

I had to continue on, and so I did.

Over the years, I came across quite a few names.  I even went through a period where I wondered if I was Thoth, as the signs seemed to point to that, but it turned out that he was one of my Avatars.

This was confirmed by Omen when he said we were from the same family. (Omen hated Thoth and said he was always an asshole. He chose to ignore that I was connected because if he worried about who everyone was, he would live his life in a bunker).


Fortunately, I met Omen at a time when I had worked out I was Geb. If it had been when I thought I might be Thoth, I would have hated to see Omen’s reaction.

I went on to explain to him my connection to Thoth.

I told Omen:   He’s my Avatar, so to speak. He was created during my Mind Travels and one day he became self-aware.  I suddenly realized I was not me, and he became aware of me. He became independent.

Omen:    So a dream-world split off. Thought-form turned egregore.

I had never actually heard of the word egregore. But, this was typical of Omen. He knew a lot more than me.

Omen:      Egregore = An egregore is essentially an artificially constructed spirit or entity in the astral plane, created by powerful individuals or the activities of collective groups.  Or so the dictionary says, it’s a bit more complex. Egregores can’t survive until they bind themselves to a pre-existing soul otherwise they fade away when their source is cut off or becomes aged, and they end up harvesting other beings energy bodies to use for ‘spare parts’ as they degrade.

Obviously, Thoth never got that desperate with all of his artifacts to attach to, and live through, or he found someone willing to merge with him. 

(Later we suspected, and believed, that it may have been Metatron.)

This was news to me but made sense. Other people who claimed to be walk-ins knew he had Phoenix energy.

One being even remarked to me, when I mentioned it, that wasn’t common knowledge and someone like me (a human) shouldn’t know about it.

Who are you?

As it was, the quest for remembering who I was had gone on for many years. Even back in 1995, I channeled a diary entry from my Guides that read (in part):

Guides:     Who are you, Gary?  Do you really have a clue?  You can’t believe in yourself until you know who you are…  How does one believe in himself when he doesn’t even know what he should be believing in. Let’s face it, we’ve been asking you this question for many years now. Who are you? Have you ever been able to answer it? Not with any conviction.

Yes, we know you’re Gary Leigh, but what does that mean in the real terms. It is just a name, and not even your real one as it’s just one that has been given to you in this lifetime. So, the question we face is how do you believe in something when you don’t even know what it is you’re believing in? The answer is simply to find out who you are.

Once that’s done, then you can believe in yourself. This is our Quest. This is what we are doing. We are finding out who you really are. What is your purpose? What are you really doing here?

When I read back on this entry years later, I was amazed just how accurate it was.

Over the years that followed, I found more and more pieces to the puzzle. Eventually, I was able to finally put all the pieces together, which fit into one cohesive mass. Still, I was not sure.


It was a dear, now departed friend, named Colleen, that finally confirmed it for me.  I had been pushing her away, telling her that she should focus on others, not me, as I was not who she thought I was.  She insisted (ironically) that she would be there for me, whether I liked it or not.

Gary:     You don’t even know who I am.

Colleen:     Yes I do…….  

Gary:     Then, who am I?

Colleen:     You are Gary. The god Geb.  Source of Phoenix energy.  Protector of The Phoenix and father of the first Phoenii generation. A traveler through space and time. Healer and friend.


I had come across the name before when another friend gave me a run down on some Egyptian gods mentioning Geb and NUT (pronounced NOOT).

The thought I might be connected to them had popped into my mind, but, as mentioned, I immediately dismissed it as being unlikely, as they were way too advanced.

Otherkin, who self- identified as Seth, Horus and Nephthys had all found me over the years and called me their father

I did some digging into mythology and found that it was told that Geb had produced Phoenix eggs. More validation.

All this resonated completely, unlike the other names I had considered. It also made everything else that had happened in my life make sense and put them into context.

Colleen told me she recognized me the moment she had met me years before, in my chat room, but she had avoided me. 

She went on to tell me that I had things to remember in preparation for my final stage and, even though I did not know what that was, in time I would understand. That was in 2012, and boy, she was right.


Since then, I’ve had every confirmation possible that I am Geb. As mentioned, my Soul Children have found me (and they identify with who they are), my sister/wife NUT also tracked me down. 

Old enemies, who remember and blame me for many things, have appeared in my life. Even those who have been bound to bodies for countless years, such as Omen and Ecclasia, have recognized me.  (Though Omen initially never let on that he knew who I was, but I have it on good authority that he did.)

I have gone over and over everything ad-nauseam. Could I be mistaken? Is there anything that might disprove it?  Am I filling in gaps that don’t conveniently fit? Could this all be explained away in some other manner?


The answer is, “no”.  I sometimes wish I was mistaken because being Geb is akin to painting a big red target on my chest. I have ticked off a lot of very powerful beings out there as him.

It’s a frustration. I can’t do much with it.  I can’t exactly use it to influence anyone for either good or ill. and I can’t use it to make a living.  (And I don’t wish to become one of those Masters who live off perceived past glories or by forming a cult.)

Everything I have done in this life has been through persistent hard work including my own spiritual development and, in my view, anything worth having is worth putting effort and risk into.

In any case, I don’t bother to hide who I am.  If someone asks me directly who I was, I tell them I was Geb.

But Does Anyone Take Notice?

Of course, few really believe that. Or if they do, they don’t seem to think much of it.

There are probably a few reasons for this.

  • It’s not something most can relate to.
  • It’s like something right out of a bad piece of fiction.
  • I don’t look or act like a god.
  • I can’t do any sweeping gestures to prove it.  (Though, there are many who will verify that I have done many things that border on the impossible. My friends admonish me that I ‘deus ex machina’ a little too much.)  Having said that, many have said they have felt my energies when I work on them.
  • Even when I do produce results (such as one year, someone asked me to make it snow during the summer and we ended up with a white Christmas… 1994 if I remember correctly) they still dismiss it as mere coincidence. On a side note, my ex-partner made me promise not to mess with the weather anymore. That was a conversation I never thought I’d have with someone.
  • It challenges their belief in their own reality. After all, we have been taught such things are not possible and that gods, Phoenii, dragons, et al, are simply a myth.
  • There are a lot of fakers out there. People who claim to be something that they know full well they are not.  There is no reason for people to accept I am not one of them, nor would I wish them to do so.  I would rather them just have the ‘knowing’ that it’s all true.

Why bother?

You might ask, why bother declaring myself at all?  The answer is, I am doing it because it feels like the right thing to do.  Enough people have been helped by me putting out my experiences to have justified it.  It’s also so others, who think they may be crazy, will realize that maybe they are not after all.

Others Like Me

Over the years, I’ve tried contacting other people who claim to be involved in the esoteric levels. Few ever respond. I can’t really blame them.

Let’s face it, if someone told me they were a god, I’d just dismiss them as delusional. Or at least I would have before 2004.

Even so, I continue to look for others who might be on the same path I am on.

The curious thing here is, I don’t find them, they find me.  I’ve lost count of how many have, against all odds, tracked me down.

And while reaching out to other so called Masters and researchers is a frustrating process, I am confident that those who need to find me, will.

geb and son horus

Sooo… What’s It Like?

If you have accepted this as true, you may now wonder: “What’s it like being a known god?“

Let me tell you that it’s not as grand and fun as you might think. It’s tiring. The dramas never end. The further I go, the more I remember, and the more complex and insane it all becomes.

It’s often lonely, depressing and down-heartening at times, not to mention frustrating.

Information about my past is sparse.  I can’t look up much about who I am because the information is mostly incorrect. Being married to my sister “NUT” is my main claim to fame.  I once asked Omen about this.  His response was that I was not one to gossip or get involved with things.  So little was known about me.

But I know in my heart it’s true.  I can’t be anyone else.  I’ve tried.  It doesn’t work. So, take this for what it is.

I am Geb

I am Geb, so called god of the Earth, one of the leaders of Atlantis, the Phoenix Source, the one who rebirthed Seth, father of Osiris, Horus and Nephthys.  (Though not ISIS… she was from NUT and RA, no matter what history says.)

I have also been many beings throughout history, in my effort to attempt to give people their freedom and birthright back to them.  And while I have many aspects, the “skin” I feel most comfortable in is this one.

And with that out of the way, it gives you a context for why I’m involved and where my knowledge comes from.

Part of the reason I write this blog is because I want there to be a record around after I am gone. I doubt many will make use of me while I am still here.

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7 years ago

Wow Gary! I knew you were a skilled empath sharing your gifts and knowledge of Bach Flowers, who knew you were a god, Geb. They must feel overwhelming at times. Blessings to you in this journey.

celest from the empath group


[…] I did not know I was Geb, I did know I was The Phoenix by that point. I could no longer deny that […]


[…] this case, I am just going to channel my Higher Self. (Technically, it’s just still me, Geb, on a much higher […]


[…] are some life saving, and life changing information in many entries. Not to mention corrections on mythology. (It always astounded me why those who claim to be seekers of the Truth have not even […]


[…] days, I know the answer to many of those questions. I can’t say it helps all that much, […]


[…] Those who have followed my blog for a while, and those who know me personally, know I claim to be Geb. (As detailed in this entry.) […]


[…] Secondly, I have been known as a god.  Yes, I know which ones (they have multiple names).   I’m sure with the information I’ve already given in my autobiography, I Am The Phoenix, it can be worked out.  I will get into more detail in later entries. […]

3 years ago

I don’t know if you’re still on here but, I’d like to ask what’s the easiest way to enter the astral?

3 years ago

I stumbled across this site today. I have had a physical experience as well a dream involving the Phoenix. I didn’t know anything about the myths until after my first experience that included the Phoenix. Then I started learning and the search for answers to my never ending questions continues every waking moment. I’m very curious to understand why you believe you’re the Phoenix and would like to know if you can tell me who I am. I’ve written about my experiences at lightarmy.ca – I believe we are in a time when the God have returned for the Ragnarok event mixed with the biblical apocalypse. I watched it happen along with so many other things about humanity from creation of hybrid humans to the flood with Posiedon. I’m not religious, have experienced going to Heaven 7 years before that without dying and knew nothing about any of these things other than Heaven until I witnessed it with another person over a 7 day experience of what seemed like two worlds or frequencies combined. Also of note, all the angels I saw had red hair and the aliens were with the red dragon.


[…] Related: Geb – gods Walk Among Us (And I’m One of Them) […]

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