204 – Channeled messages from Geb?

Geb god

Channeling From Geb

This entry, we look at a supposed channeling from Geb and how accurate I feel it is.

Those who have followed my blog for a while, and those who know me personally, know I claim to be Geb. (As detailed in this entry.)

I claim this after decades of proof, experiences and validation. And the lack of anything that would disprove my claims, which I have looked for intensely.

Every so often, I get a nudge to check to see if someone has called upon my energies, as Geb.

There are surprisingly few people who do this, and that’s a benefit for me, as it also means no one is claiming to be me.

However, now and then, I come across something which is not quite right.

This week, I found a message that was supposedly channeled by me. I thought it might be fun to look at how accurate this channeling is and if it’s something I would say.

Continue reading “204 – Channeled messages from Geb?”

38 – Geb – gods Walk Among Us (And I’m One of Them)

Geb by Joe Alfaro
Drawing of Geb by Joe Alfaro 
Check out his work at www.alfarographics.com

The god Of The Earth

Geb is the name I am known by, to many.

Mythology claims that Geb was the god of The Earth.

That claim does have its foundations in fact, though it is truly lost in the retelling.

The Phoenix Energy was one of the factors that gave life to this planet, and helped things evolve over so many billions of years. A few primordial beings came together, and helped seed life, shape the planet, and awaken The Gaia.

I elected to make this Earth one of my homes because I did (and still do) love The Gaia.

A Description Of Me

I didn’t always know I was Geb. It took me decades to work that   out. The first time I heard that name, I dismissed it as Geb being way too high level for him to be me.

The process I went through was a long one, but for the sake of history and completeness, I shall detail it now.

It has been stated, by many, that I am The Phoenix Source.

That’s vague, so I am going to try and explain a little about who and what I am.

Continue reading “38 – Geb – gods Walk Among Us (And I’m One of Them)”